
Saturday, October 31, 2009

How come..?

I see myself differently than others?I am 5'6" and 126 pounds.
Everyone says I'm really skinny..but I don't see that..I see it like if I need to lose more weight..How can I stop that and see what others see?Only serious answers please.Thanks =0)
Step one: Throw away any celebrity/fashion magizines that you may be reading. I promise you that they will only make you feel fat.Step two: Focus on feeling healthy. Eat healthy foods (and I don't mean stop eatting carbs or giving up desserts. I mean don't eat fast food everyday.) Eatting a good variety of foods and drinking plenty of water will make you feel healthy overall. As will a moderate amount of activity. Being toned is way better than being thin!Step three: Go shopping and find clothes that make you feel hot! Get a mani/pedi. Pamper yourself. Do things that make you feel good about yourself. You derserve it!
Stop obsessing about yourself. Go volunteer and help someone who is poor, sick or handicapped.
you got to forget about being skinny and say health is what i went.

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