
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can it be true that you gain weight if you skip meals?

Aneroxic people dont eat and they are like way skinny.
Yes, you will gain weight because you will make up for what you skipped at your next meal. I eat every two hours which keeps my metabolism going and helps me lose weight.
Because your body goes into starvation mode and starts storing up more fat.Anorexics are WAY beyond that stage, but I'll bet the same thing happened to them before they reached the Anorexia stage.Sandy
I have heard it slows down your metabolism
If you skip a meal your body automatically stores the next one.
Or something like that.
Anorexic people get to the stage where they cants eat at all, Sometimes they gain weight at the start yes, That adds to their mental condition.
your body is very effective at slowing metabolic processes to adapt to periods of low caloric intake - a few million years of evolution can do that! As far as being skinny, some current research has shown that "skinny" people may not actually have low body fat. The body may adapt by storing more fat within the organs which is not a desirable condition - you can't judge a book by it's cover ;-).
The reason that you gain weight when you skip meals is that firstly your stomach starts eating itself and secondly your body goes into survival mode, storing any fat, that comes from the other food.Aneroxic people dont eat, and that is why they dont get fat, but they do get very sick, because your imune system stuffs up.
I'm no expert but somebody told me once to think of your body like a fireplace. In order to keep the fire burning, you need to keep putting wood in, if you don't, the fire will go out. It is the same thing with your body, you just have to keep putting food in to keep your metabolism working or it will slow down and not work as efficiently. Have to make the right food choices too, not always easy. I don't know how anorexics get so skinny though, unless they just stop eating pretty much altogether. Very sad.
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