
Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can you tell if your anerexic?

Just a question. Also what is the average weight for 12 y.o.? girl.
I hope you do not have anorexia. If you restrict your food intake, are obsessed with your weight and body appearance, if you are miserable and sad, if you are becoming withdrawn from your friends %26 family then you have the signs of anorexia. Starvation hurts, but it works. That's b.s. If you knew an anorexic, they're not happy individuals. They're consumed by disgust with themselves, what they thought would make them happy (achieving their first, second third or even fourth goal weight) just wasn't enough. Anorexia creates a void in your life. It becomes your best friend, and worst enemy. So, to move onto answering your question about what's a typical weight for a 12 y.o. girl, it depends on your size. In lieu of weight, you should look at your BMI. Too, remember, you're not even close to being finished growing . . . if you can resist the urge to believe that being thing will make you happy, you'll realize that there is so much more out there than being thin . . . guys find women who are confident and happy with themselves SOOOOO much more appealing than some size one model . . . trust me on that.
You are anorexic if you don't eat. And Your weight is usually calculated according to your height
you don't like eating around other people and do it in secret. your excuse is "i'm not hungry" or "I already ate" unless it is trueyou have rapid weight loss and then it levels offyou always see yourself in the mirror and are really mad about appearance...and the 12 yr old girl thing depends on height
i was tall at that age, probably 5'5 and i was around 110 pounds. but i'm not like fat or anything

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