
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can this be?. I am aware that I am overweight right?

and I'm trying to lose weight. However, I must look a great deal fatter to other people than I appear to myself when I look in the mirror. I get upset when people say to me you really need to do something about your weight as the person I see in the mirror is not overly weight. 5ft 2.1/2ins tall 12st 5 lbs weight. Am I kidding myself that I do not look fat when in fact I am?For someone who used to be like a stick insect when she was younger I'm finding it hard to come to terms with this weight problem.I'm off for a 2 mile walk on the treadmill...cannot run well not yet.
you guys are stupid. 12 st 5 lbs is 12 stone 5 pounds (english weight people) which is the equivalent of 173 U.S. lbsYou have a Body Mass Index of 31.6. a score of 40 or over is when there are serious medical worries to be concerned about. To get straight to it, yes you are fat, but heres the good news. because you have so much extra weight ( you should weigh 99 and 121 lbs or 8/7 stone) it will be easier to lose than say a skinnier person. Just keep walking on teh treadmill and try to go further each time. Dont eat after 8pm. And as time goes on, try to run for a few minutes in the middle of your walking exercises. and tell any one else who has a problem with the way you look to **** off.
if u are happy with yourself then 4get everybody else
how heavy is 12st 5 lbs?Oh i get it 12 stone 5. Sorry. Yeah that's not skinny. But that's not morbidly call richard simmons obese either. People shouldn't be telling you "you really need to do something about your weight" That's really mean and your wieght is not at some sort of life or death level. Do what you want to do and tell those people to go jump in a lake.
it could be that you carry your weight very well. also it is easy to take it to heart what people say...but you have to try and focus on how you feel yourself and not what other people say about you.
WHAT is 12s5lbs?
i hope it s a strong treadmill
If you like what you see in the mirror it doesn't matter AT ALL what anyone else thinks! period!
Ok I didn't understand how much you said you weighed becuse it says 12st 5lbs weight? Anyway I am about 5' 5" and I weigh 165-170 lbs or 78 kgs and my doctor says I am the perfect weight for my age anyway I think you ment you are 125 lbs that is a perfect weight whoever told you your fat should shut their mouths besides it doesn't matter what they say it matters how you feel about you
Geez, people are rude. If you're happy with how you look, then you don't need to lose weight. BTW, that's just slightly more than my goal weight! grrr...
Don't listen to what other people say about you. If you are comfortable with the way you look, then you are fine. If you are too concerned about it, consult a doctor, don't take matters into your own hands.
ask your doctor and if he/she says your healthy. telll everyone else to go to take a flying leap off a cliff.
honey you wiegh more than i do and i'm 5ft 7ins, and i'm overweight also. but i'm not deluded about it and on some level neither are you as your doing something about it. but you are not just overweight you would actually be classed as obese. not trying to upset you, just being straight with you. the fact you cannot run on a treadmill must tell you something about your fitness levels. good luck with the weight loss.
If you're happy with the way you look then don't let it bother you but if you feel you need to lose weight then make sure you do it the healthy way. Just because you exercise doen't mean you are going to be healthy. You need to eat right too and if you gain weight at first don't worry, muscle weighs more than fat.
Goodness. You're not that heavy, dear. You're overweight for your height, but not in a major danger zone or anything. I'd say avoid the people telling you that. And if you work out more, you're putting on more muscle which is going to weigh more than fat, so weight isn't really a good indicator anyway. If you're happy with you, then so be it. Just eat healthy and exercise. I'm sorry you are surrounded by jerks. Good luck and feel better.
i suppose if you use the height to weight gubbins then you may be overweight, but i wouldn't think to the extent you'd be obese, so tell those who criticise " i can diet, but you'll always be a d*ck"
if you are hearing it alot,maybe you should try telling them that you are aware of the fact and that you are trying to do something about it.
I would KILL to be 125 again! Maybe they are remembering what you looked like before and expecting to see you like that now. To me, 125 and 5'2" is just about perfect. Not too much fat, but not pencil thin either. Just tell them you're happy with who you are (as you should be) and do what you want.
start doing some weight, this will build more muscle, burn fat ,tone your body and help with 1 - 2 sizes down
Don't forget to watch what you watch , get tons of liquids, avoid junk food and be active!!
I'm 5'3" and 105 pounds. and I am trying to keep it that way as much as I can with a healthy lifestyle
Well, I would advise more healthy eating, and walks, if you're over weight. Going on a diet doesn't mean to have to starve yourself. There's many great diets that help you loose weight.
I love that you are so comfortable in your skin and despite what others say you still believe yourself. I have yet to be comfortable in my skin because of what others say whether its that I am too thin or too fat. Stay strong to what you believe as long as you are happy.You go girl!
Sorry, but I was 12st 5lb and I considered myself overweight so I went on a low carb, high protein diet and lost nearly 3 stone!
I am 5'8!Maybe you should cut out the Nutella choccy spread;)Good luck with the weight loss and keep at it, you will soon be running!
Yes you are a little over weight, but hardly obese ! Who has been commenting on your weight ? That is a very hurtful and tactless thing to say to someone.?
No you don`t look heavier to other people - you look just as you do in the mirror - which - at 12stone 5lbs - is a drop in the ocean compared to what a lot of people weigh ! If you are content with how you look - ignore them - and by the way, i know a lot of people heavier than you - and they look fine too .
i dont think thats fat as all. i think you should learn to love ureself and ignore what other ppl say
so you are about 125 lbs? and 5.2 feet? Usually when you are shorter you will appear fatter. I am 5.0 feet tall and my highest weight needs to be around 105 lbs or I would look fat too. Even at 105lbs I look too fat. I try to be under 105. You probably need to be at around 115 lbs. It is tougher when you are short! You probably need to also learn some tricks ie, wear clothes that make you look taller!
I'm not sure what your weight is - 125? At any rate, you're not fat, by any means at 5' 2.5". If you want to reassure yourself, try getting weighed on a scale that shows your body fat - then check your BMI (Body Mass Index :
Forget what everybody else is saying - could they just be jealous?
One other thing I would like to make clear to everybody with an opinion - a fat person knows that they're fat - no need to tell them. That's just insensitive.
I calculated your BMI and I came up with a body massindex of 22.5 which is within the normal weight category, you have nothing to worry about, if you are happy with yourself then you have nothing to worry about.Most people are probably jealous of you and therefore try to make you self concious of your weight.
awww do not worry chick! *hugz* =D I am 5"9" and about 11.5 stones and it really surprises me when people say i am overweight, as when i look at the mirror i think that i look perfectly okay. What i have discovered for myself is that as long as you feel comfortable in your body you should not care about what anyone thinks of it. Just be happy hun. Saying all this i think exercising is a great idea, not that beacause you want to loose weight, but because you just want to live a healthier life. Good luck x =]
You are not fat but you are over your BMI (which is healthy weight), all you need to do is cut down on the calories a bit and do a bit of light excercise.
Also if you are happy then F**K what other people say
**** them. I calculated yawe BMI to be quite high, in the overweight catergory, but you are not OBESE. You're perfect, Embrace your body, i'd KILL to be your weight, my bones stick out in all the rong places and i have no ****.
Invest in a b-e-a-ootiful corset to show off your gawjuss figure, like one off
Add it to yawe faves, shud be updated with contact details soon.
I'm exactly the same. I know I'm overweight but never thought it was to the extent that people seem to make it out to be. But then again i get different reactions from different people some people really couldn't care less but others make comments. I think peoples perceptions of size have changed dramatically and in a really short space of time. When I was growing up being my size 16 wasn't such a big deal but now it seems like people think your on the verge of death. There's a lot of pressure because people are getting smaller and smaller especially in ages 16-25 there was a time not even 5 years ago where people were all shapes and sizes but now it seems if you are over a size 12 you are seen as big. I have learnt that what people think doesnt actually matter if I was tiny I wouldn;t look like me I would look like someone completely different being thin isnt always being happy. Size 14 is my limit and I am happy not being thin I'd prefer to be curvy and happy. If you used to be a stick insect as you say think back to when you were most comfortable with your size that doesnt necessarily need to be your smallest it isnt with me. You and I know your not on the verge of death you know that you are slightly overweight prehaps compared to those in the media or young girls you seem more overweight but what people think isn;t important I think you know how big you are i DONT think for one minute your kidding yourself and your obviously implimenting a way to loose it. Next time someone says you need to loose weight say I am thankyou and hold that head up high. Beauty is not size just remember that.
I think your not completely satisfied with how you look and you want to lose weight yourself. You should be proud of yourself for the steps you have taken so far for a healthier life. And No, you probably dont look so overweight. but sometimes if you gain a lot of weight over a longer period of time you dont really notice it yourself . Thats probably why people have been so blunt with you lately. if i were you i wouldnt let it hurt my feelings, i would just let it motivate me even more. Do it for yourself. Goodluck

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