
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can I work 6 days a week, be a great mom, keep a clean home and workout ?

and my husband travels 4+ days a week?
With a very strict schedule. I am playing the juggling game also with my schedule: child, work, school, and it is hard. Some days are better than others, but there will be plenty of days when you may feel something or somebody is being neglected. You will need as much support from your husband as he can give, and it would make life easier. You just have to make sure you communicate with your kid(s) and let them know you are going to be busy, and will need them to help mommy as much as they can (if they are old enough, with housework, dinner). You should try involving everyone, so everyone feels they are an important piece in the puzzle, and nobody feels left out. If you can, plan a set day or time when the family spends time together, and do this as often as you can. This is quite a challenge you have ahead of you, and there is no I in team, you are going to have a hard time doing all this by yourself. If the family cannot help out, with all the time spent working, I'm sure you and your husband can afford a housekeeper to cook, clean, and look after the kids, but then you probably wouldn't exactly be receiving any rewards for parent of the year, since the nany would be practically raising the kids. You are only one person and cannot do it all, cannot be everywhere, so you will have to have some sort of help. It is up to you to decide what is priority and what can wait. All the best.
Ask family and friends to help you, dont keep your problems to yourself
Schedule, I guess. Day planning, getting up early and going to sleep late, in between do the important things. Period.
Ideally, you'll be able to schedule everything, but practically, you're going to kill yourself doing it. Remember we don't have to the perfect everything. When I got married, I was still in school, but I also wanted to have a perfectly clean house, be involved with the community, etc. I couldn't do it all without giving up my classwork. You reach a point where you can say, "Ok. The dishes won't be done tonight, but my husband won't love me any less and I'm not any less of a person because I'm not perfect." Remember that. No one's perfect; if you can't be perfect at everything, you're not unusual.
That's a pretty hard schedule. First I think you need to remember that you can't do everything. I see a world now where women feel like people expect them to do everything, but you can't. Your kids come first, especially while their young. Use mom time and get your workout too. Go for long walks with your kids and do fun activities outside with them. If you and your hubby can afford it, get a cleaning service once a month to do deeper cleaning and just do bit by bit of the daily chores while your kids might be entertaining themselves with toys. My hubby travels a lot and it's hard to find that balance. I used to work part time, but I stay home full time now. Something will slack (probably workout or clean house), but it's okay. Your human. As your kids get older they can help with chores and you can have better breaks, but your kids and your husband are more important than a clean house and losing a workout day every once in awhile. As mom's we have to sacrifice a lot. That's what we sign up for and that's life. In the end we get the reward of having a family who knows we love them and knows they are more important than anything else. Good luck.

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