
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can i start eating more healthy?

i have a problem with junk food
I know from experience if I have junk food in my house that I am going to eat it. So stop buying the junk and buy healthy alternatives. This doesn't mean all fruits and veggies either! That is great if you are feeling like a rabbit but I also have found things like pretzels and graham crackers are lower in fat than your typical junk food. I think one of my favorites is microwave popcorn! Summer is coming and there are a lot of fresh fruits and veggies that you can buy that are not your standard winter selection. Get mouth watering watermelon for a change or Bing cherries. Whatever catches your eye. But start with small changes and increase as your palette adjusts. I would also stock your house with these alternative selections so you are not tempted to indulge in the old junk food habit. Make a conscious effort to have these items ready for snaking. I also think if you planned healthful meals that it would alleviate the need to eat so much junk food. Invest in a healthy cookbook or try looking on line for leaner cooking ideas/recipes. Try Ladies Home Journal at or Better Home and Gardens at for healthy recipes. Try a new one each week. Make it fun and invite a friend to join your new found healthy way to eat. Good Luck!P.S. Drink lots of WATER!
lol everytime you want some chips,chocolate, or any type of junk food just picture yourself as a fat man and TRUST me you iwll get scared and will WANT to pick up a nice juicy apple :D
One of the big mistakes people make when making dietary changes is making the changes too fast. The diet changes that stick are usually done more slowly. So, one idea is one week at a time cut out some form of junk food completely. So, if you're used to eating doritos every day, cut them out the first week. If you like to drink regular sodas, switch to diet sodas the next week. Find alternative healthy snack foods and drinks to replace these items that you can stick with. Eventually, as the list of junk food decreases from your diet, start building up a good diet at the same time. In a matter of several weeks, you should be well on your way.
First of all, DON'T listen to "vegan" BS.
It isn't easy. You need to stay on track. Ask your self,"do I really need this junk in my body?" When you eat you should take care not to eat to much at once. Eat small amounts of food several times a day instead of eating two or three big meals in a day. It would be a good idea to make one main meal be a healthy shake.
I recommend that you start to like veggies. Even though you may be eating something not so healthy, pile on the veggies, it will make a difference, trust me. I live in TX and we have whataburger here. I get the jr burger and load it up with tons of lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and onions. The thing is huge before I bite into it, I always get small ff too. I still get that good tasting burger but the fat is counter acted with the veg. And I don't gain weight. Give it a try, you will soon re-train your taste buds. Also, taking off some of the bread is helpful too! This can go for any fast food meal.
its ok if you eat junk food, just eat nutritious foods equally or even more...give balance or gain more for the positive side...satisfy your wants and needs, that is all there is to a thin person before but now, my body is that of an atheltic type of body structure...its because i eat 4-5 meals a day and exercise at least three times a week...discipline yourself, that is the key factor, it is in you if you really want to be healthy...

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