
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can loose 30 kgs in one day?

O-o-o-o-h-h-h....That's a dangerous thing to do, losing 30 kgs in a day !And it isn't possible as well..Hey, the conventional weight loss per week averages about 1 -2 lbs and anything more than that, you'll be losing more than fat; you're losing lean body tissue as well. Lean body tissue is not only muscle, it's all other tissues in your body. This means you'll be losing something from your skin, hair, fingernails, heart, blood vessels and.... Can you afford to lose anything from these areas?So, stick to the conventional, safe way of losing weight.I must stress that weight loss is to be gradual, not a sudden one like what you suggest. A sudden, violent one will cause your body to react negatively...
Put down the two shopping bags holding 30 bags of sugar. Otherwise impossible, dangerous and unhealthy.
Cut off your legs and an arm? There is simply no way to lose this much weight in a day, no safe way to do so in a month, that is closer to 6 months worth of weight loss for safety.
If your obese enough maybe with liposuction or whatever that operation is where they suck all the fat out your body, but otherwise no.
If u want to lose weight faster.
You should learn more information.
Uncorrect method can make
you tire and waste lots of time but do not lose weight.There is a Calorie calculate programe Daily Calorie Calculate
%26lt;-- Loss CalculatorIn
%26lt;-- Loss CalculatorKg
%26lt;-- Calorie Calculate
%26lt;-- Needs Calculator
%26lt;-- CalculatorKg
%26lt;-- CalculatorIn
%26lt;-- want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)There are some ideas for losing weight
It lists a great many information such as1. How to Drop Pound-Packing Habits ;
2. Diet-Busting Foods That May Surprise You ;
3. How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds ;
4. Rev Up Your Metabolism ;
5. Lighten Up Your Favorite Recipes ;
6. Healthy Snacks for Your Diet ;
7. Portion Distortion ;
8. Starting a Successful Diet ;
9. Related Guide: How to Eat Out on a Diet ;
10. Watch Out for these Diet Danger Zones ;
11. The Art of Healthy Snacking ;
12. Managing Your Hunger ;
13. Test Your Portion Size IQ ;
14. Can a High-Protein Diet Help You Lose Weight? ;
15. The Skinny on Diet Scams -
16. Can Fad Diets Work? ;
17. The 3-Hour Diet 2
18. Choosing a Weight Loss Plan ;
19. 5 Weight Loss Myths ;
20. Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals ;
21. Ready to Lose Weight? ;
22. How Many Calories Should You Eat? ;
23. Do You Really Need to Lose Weight? ;
24. Calculate your daily calorie needs ;
and so on
It give you more information.
Take your doberman to a dog show without a leash.
not humanly possible...amputatin a limb wouldn't help either.have a nice day.
November 21, 2004 will go down in history as the day that Hoodia Gordonii was discovered in America. It was on that date that CBS 60 Minutes aired a program about Hoodia Gordonii and for the first time many people were introduced to this traditional botanical. Hoodia is currently the most publicized and talked about natural weight loss supplement in America . It has been featured on CBS 60 Minutes, ABC, NBC Today, BBC, CNN, in Oprah's “O” Magazine and in other major media.
Authentic Hoodia Gordonii is only available for export from South Africa. In the wild it is considered an endangered species and is strictly controlled. With the opportunity presently surrounding hoodia, the product is in very high demand which has created a surplus of counterfeit, fake and diluted hoodia products.
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Cut your legs off.Is this is a serious question.?
Cut down some body parts...jokes apart..its not possible...

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