
Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can you flatten your abs if you're a girl?

or make it smaller in terms of its width... tanx!
1. Wear form-fitting clothes: They will make you feel so conscious of your tum, you'll be forced to suck it in, thereby enhancing your posture - win-win all the way.2. Lie on back, with hands palm down, lift alternate legs off the floor slowly raising upto 45 deg, hold for 5 counts each. Repeat for as long as you are comfortable, but keep raising the number of times to achieve better results, over a period of time.3. Abstain from fast foods :)
sit ups are always the answer! do about fifty a day and I'm sure you'll get those abbes. If your not good at sit ups try doing crunches there easier and soon after you used to that you can move on to real sit ups and its always nice to add a nice walked after doing sit ups. and after that you can end the nice walk. Just do that and eat Healthier and smaller meals you'll get a smaller stomach
The only way youll be able to reduce it's width is by burning the fat around it, and you accomplish this by cardio activities such as swimming, jogging, skipping, or anything else that keeps your heart beating.

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