
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can i stop??

i'm bulimic but i want to stop but every time i stop throwin up i gain weight and feel fat so the cycle starts agsin. how can i stop bein sick and not gain weight??? i no its bad 4 me and i am trying !
ok hun if you really want to stop im sure you can but ont thing you need to rmeber is that every time you rid your body of the food in it you are going to gain abit of weight till you body relises it is always going to have fodd, another thing to remeber is you are losing all the fluid out of your body also and you body is replacing that but thats not fat it just fluid but you will a bit more as a result of that also
good luck i know you can do it if you want ot
just eat fruit and excersise it will help alot or just eat small portions
stop throwin up and eat healthy stop eating the junk u eat that makes u feel the need to throw up im sure ur not fat more likely u r underweight so just eat healthier and exercise
yeah its really bad i use to do it too but then by best friend nearly died from it. she STOPPED BREATHING please stop
all u need to do sweetie is work out and eat less calories in a day and drink plenty of water
at first ur going to gain some weight but once u start to work out it will eventually go away just remember to drink plenty of water.
uHm..y dOn't u seEK fOr yOur pArents hElp? u sAid u're gAining weight, of cOurse yOu wilL becaUse nOw u're getting enOugh foOd alrEady..u rEally fAt or is it jUst alL in the hEad? stOp it nOw whiLe u stilL can..jUst gO on the nAtural way of lOsing weight..*wink* i knOw, it's easiEr sAid tHan dOne bUt that's realLy hOw yOU shOuld deal with it..
You should really see a professional they will help you with groups and dietary courses so you wont gain weight. You have a disease that is taken as seriously as alcoholism and there is help for you, try searching bulimia help there bound to pop something up for you. Wish you best of luck.
I think you need to see a doctor!
but admitting that you are bulimic is the first step to recovery.
stop throwing up .. whats the matter with u .. and am sorry but i dont like people like u .. i know its mental and everything .. am studing medicine next year by the way .. but i just think all this is a bunch of bull**stuff

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