
Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can you reduce your butt size?

i think i have a big butt for a guy. help please
The difference between my waist and my butt is of 8 inches. I feel inferior, sometimes, due to this, but recently, thanks to some easy exercises and proper clothes, I've managed to give myself a decent shape and I've got more confidence in myself.First, the exercises that I do are:- Gluteus KIckback
Get on your hands and knees on the floor, knees bent at 90 degrees so thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Keeping your head up, lift your right leg back and up, maintaining your 90 degree knee bend, until your foot is higher than your head or your thigh is horizontally in line with your torso. Squeeze your right gluteus and slowly lower your leg back to start position. Perform the same with your left leg, and repeat. 30 repetations with both legs.-Bridges
Lie on the floor on your back. Then, make a 45 degree angle with the floor with your knees. Now, lift your torso and make a 90 degree angle from your knees upto your shoulders. Stay in that position for 5 or more seconds and then get down. Repeat 15 times on 2 sets.Re clothes, I wear dark, matching clothes. If you wear a white t-shirt and black jeans, it's evident that one would look at the division between the torso and the legs and notice your buttocks, so wear black dress. I also wear my panths at the level of my butt, which makes it look that the buns are flat.Good luck !
Pilates exercises, it is designed to create long and lean muscles with a big buildup. Girls use them a lot, but I find they can help with guys as well.
Well I would think just loose weight.
get out ya car and walk.
stop eating fatty food
Cut your fat and carbs.Do more cardio like walking/running/swimming.Do lots of lunges.DONT do squats - they make your butt bigger.
Come to Las Vegas Ive been losing mine for a week
wear baggy jeans.. well if you dont like baggy jeans wear some nice corteroy shorts. those are hot on guys
To reduce your butt, I would recommend two types of training to tone, tighten and firm up your glutes. The first is to incorporate high rep strength training movements into your plan. Shoot for 15-20 reps per set and use lighter weights since you're more focused on toning. Here are the best butt exercises to do:
I would also recommend starting a running program to really tone and shape your legs and butt to give you that tapered look your going for. Start off with very short distances and shoot for 1/2 mile when you first begin at about a 10 minute mile pace. Every week try to increase your distance 1/2 mile and try to decrease your run time. After your run, you might want to 4-5 short sprints of about 40-50 yards. These sprints are great for explosive movements and for getting that really lean look. You might also want to incorporate jumping rope into your cardio plan. This is one of the best overall body workouts you can do to burn major calories and tone your entire body.

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