
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can there be homeless obese people?

I have seen some. Some look like they have been homeless for quite some time, yet weigh several hundred pounds. I mean, if you're homeless and begging for spare change, you must not be eating as much as you'd like, much less to keep a big fat body. How does this happen?
Good point. I've seen homeless, jobless people hanging out in the street in the day time wearing $250 atheletic shoes. It's insane, most well off people don't wear $250 tennis shoes (Maybe that's why they're well off?)
Extreme weight gain takes time to put on, therefore takes time to get back off. It may be they are not as bad off as you would think, OR, it's possible they have a glandular problem. .
They probably get enough money each day for a couple of McDonald's meals and couple that with all the sitting around they do i suppose its fairly easy to stay obese when your homeless.
While I can't speak for the shoes and other accouterments.The weight issue you mentioned is perhaps a reminder of just how rich and high in calories food is these days. Think about it... I dont' know where you live, but certainly in the US and in Europe, you can buy crisps, chips and probably even burgers for pretty cheap - while not that healthy these foods are all really fattening, so yeah, you can get fat for very little these days. Gone are the days of stale bread and water.
You may have just hit on THE new weightloss craze!!
Because there is tons and tons of free food available. If you've been homeless for a while you know where to get it. Plus lots of cheap food can be had. When someone is begging for money for a meal they are lying.

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