
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can multi vitamins work?

How is it possible to pack so much into such a small volume? I'm a 37 yr young male and am in good physical shape, and I'm rarely sick. (Haven't been bed ridden in YEARS) My wife takes vitamins and eats healthy, yet it seems she's sick every other week. Should I take a multi vitamin, and if so, WHY?
Multivitamins rock. BUT you got to be careful, too much of a good thing is bad. Buy Kids chewables. Take them or centrum, no mega stuff. Normal people in USA get just about all the vitamins and such they need in their food, so you just need a little of things to supplement your food, too much and you stress your liver.
Vitamins play only a small role in how often a person gets sick. It is your immune system that does that, and your thymus specifically. Your thymus is an organ of the body that serves to protect you from germs. That is where all the batteling of the germs vs your body goes down. You must have a big thymus (lol no I am not being pervy) and your wife maybe not so big or active. It is all what you are born with and how long it lasts. The thymus shrinks your whole life and the older you get the less it works- that is why old people get sick alot and stay sick where as kids get sick and then better fast. But you did not ask about an explanation of the immune system so sorry, I am a scientist and love that stuff.
In short- take some vitamins- kids chewable or centrum. They work because they are well studied and chemical formulas known and they are pretty simple things, most work off of another one- like calcium needs vitamin D to work. They work by working WITH your body, your body converts the little thing into complexes it needs- like how does a few drops of gasoline make a car go? The car does the work the fuel only supplies some of what the car needs to do the work to make power. Your body puts it all together in you with other stuff. It is not a magic pill but only bits of metals and complexes your body needs to build cells and such. So it helps your body; but you can not live on vitamins alone, because they are only essential bits and peices needed you need the bulk stuff too (sugar, protein, starch). I am trying to make this simple, I hope it is working :)
So tell your wife tonight that you have a big thymus and then chomp on a kids vitamin- she will fall passionaltely into your arms :)

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