
Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can you tell if your hurting yourself by taking the worng suppliments?

Doing a little research never hurt anyone. Here's one place I honestly feel has got a good understanding of what's right but please give me feed back to your thoughts as well.www . dontforgettotakeyourvitamins . com / McDorman 21515 You will need to remove the spaces.
Personally there seems to be way too much hype about that vitamin. the company seems more interested about making money than about anyones health. it's very info-mercial-esque.I currently use a product by Irwin Naturals called Men's Living Green Liquid Gel Multi. it contains 117 nutrients and 72 trace minerals. Another product that I am excited about trying is Jurassic Mineral Ade they even have on that is also a natural energy drink. check it out here.

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