
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can I stop excessive sweating?

It's disgusting. I'm 15 and I have a major sweating problem. It just started this month but I already want it gone! It's extremely embarrassing. I can sit in class, but I won't be able to raise my hand because I get sweat stains.I'm sort of a girly girl and I just got into my first sport, tennis. It just started to get hot (humid, really, i live in houston) on the tennis courts and it seems like I can't stand it anymore. I get so tired that I have to pause, setting my tennis racket down for support while i lean over and let the sweat drip from my face.
No one else seems to sweat like this. I'm not even super overweight--I'm 137 pounds (yeah, a little heavy for the height of 5'3", but I'm not worried about that right now. I look fine in my eyes and I JUST gained weight after a very starved summer).
I guess I have arms muscles and everything. My arms aren't even flabby, though. I don't understand how a human being could sweat this much.please help.%26lt;3
hey... im a guy and im in college now and i totally feel your pain. if its underarm sweating, try Mitchum deodorant, its for men (and they have a women's line too). that works VERY well for some people, but didnt really work for me... (but keep reading, ill tell you what i did as I got more despearte) you also have to realize you are going through puberty, and its completely natural. try drinking more water as well, to the point that your urine is clear. (dont overdo it obviously) also, what i did during the winter that helped was put paper towels under my arms. for a girl it might be more difficult due to the nature of clothing you wear. ask your parents to maybe get you this other solution, called "dryosol" - you can easily order it through the internet and it comes from canada. DONT BE WORRIED ABOUT DISGUSSING THIS WITH YOUR PARENTS - they will only help. there is nothing embarassing about this. your insurance also covers visits to dermatologists, so if your parents know they can hook you up with a doctors visit and it wont really cost anything.girl, youll be fine. its a part of growing up. im in college and i wish i didnt let my sweating bother me so much in highschool... think about it this way, if you are going through this, adn i have gone through this, chances are that many of your classmates are also going through it. obviously im not a doctor, but i hope it helps
Your body will eventually get used to the heat and stop producing as much sweat. My guess is you shocked your body with the high temperatures, so it overreacted and started trying to cool itself off by sweating too much. Just keep staying out in the heat until you get used to it. And stay hydrated!
keep a bottle ofwater near you so once u feel excess sweat pour it on yourself .shower well before a workout .
rinse with some alum dissolved in water... it's really uncomfortable and i dont think it's good to your skin but it works.
DEODORANT-------OR-------ANTI-... :)
i have the same problem worries. after you shower, be sure to rinse in COLD water [your entire body] it closes your pores. and also, try secret clinical strength [wear before bed + during day]. if that doesn't work, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. but also, steer clear of polyester/cotton blend tees [i noticed those cause me to sweat the most]. good luck ;]
You need to see a doctor and have your thyroid checked. Excessive perspiration may be a symptom of a physical problem. There are treatments for the condition if it is found to be unrelated to another medical problem. I believe they use botox injections to the armpits to help control the problem if it is not related to another disease. Your doctor will be able to give you the best advice on this issue.
Sweating is a good keeps you cool and prevents you from basically "cooking". You said you live in Houston (it's very humid there) which maybe why you're experiencing this. I sweat easily as well. I've read that people who sweat easily tend to be in better shape (usually) since the body is used to physical activity and releases sweat because it anticipates future physical activity. There are prescription anti-perspirants you can get from your doc if you're really concerned. Good Luck.
Your body sweats because it is not yet used to exercise. Your body is overcompensating. Things will get better when you get used to that level of activity.Keep up the exercise.
Wear 100% cotton shirts.
And to hell with what anyone thinks of you.No boy worth having will mind a girl who sweats.
Hey, there well what you can do is put baby powder on the area's on your body that perspires alot more then others.. (Underarms, under breasts, back, stomach etc..) You get me I am sure. The baby powder will absorb, the wettness %26 will help with any odor as well. In the mean time you have to consider your age.. you are still a teenager.. %26 that means that your hormones are really at work right now. I say give youurself a few more years %26 the sweating, just may decrease. If it really bothers you , you can speak to a physician in regards to your concerns %26 he/she may be able to give you some suggestions... good luck!

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