
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can i stop?

i eat chocolate all the time...i walk home from school 4 days a week and i get sweets every time. i have two apples, a roll,crisps,and a choclate bar for lunch every day. when i get home i usually have choclate as a snack, i cant stop, and i really want to loose some weight... pls help! %26lt;3
Set goals...REACHABLE goals...This week skip the chocolate ONE day at lunch...and ONE afternoon...not the same day...Next two of you'd be eating it at either lunch or a snack...Next...get down to only 1 lunch/snack that 's chocolate...suggest first day lunch and last day snack...ease into the week and reward your mostly chocolate free weekWhen you get out of the habit, it'll be easier...if you slip, don't sweat it...just do that same week again...til you aren't struggling.more fruit...especially for that afternoon snack...or some other light alternative (non-butter drenched popcorn for example)...
drink lots of water...then some more water...find things to do that can give you a natural buzz liek your getting from chocolate...wrtie, read...find something that gets you going...and when you want that that instead...we all know it's not easy...but you can do it...
when you want you can stop it can.
I have found over time that you cant do anything until you actually want to (truly want to) till that day, you wont do it.
You have to prepare yourself, plan a day to stop and do it. YOu need support from someone too. Buy loads of apples and oranges and other fruit, start by swapping what you eat and then cut down from there.
Good luck.
Ask your mum/dad etc to stop buying them for you- replace with healthier alternatives.or give them to someone else at a mag or comic instead with the money or save money up to buy something else as an incentive- jewellery, clothes etc- cinema- treat at the weeekend.
do it with strong willpower
dont be fat
If you break the habbit for a week, it should get easier from their. My advice is to start by trading your vises with healthier swaps. Instead of the roll and crisps, eat a 100% whole wheat roll with lean turkey on it (protein is filling). Instead of crisps, put a little salt on the apples to get the salty taste you crave. Instead of the chocolate bar, make some fat free sugar free hot cocoa when you get home. Its only 25 calories a pack, so its okay if you have a couple. Mix some pure cocoa powder into it so you can REALLY get that chocolate taste you crave. Also try smelling the cocoa powder as nuts as that sounds. Chocolate is addictive because of its chemical complex, but you can actually get the same effect just by smelling it. That should curb your craving. Then to satisfy you're hunger, have something with protein, like two egg whites. That should keep your stomach full and you're cravings satisfied while still being healthy.
don't take chocolate for lunch cause once you have the taste for it your body wants more so just take lots of fruit and don't take money with you so you can't buy it on the way home then.
I've given up chocolate and sweets and lost 12 lbs in 3 weeks. be confident in yourself and you can do it too.
I have exactly a same problem!!Maybe I'm addicted to chocolate but I can't help myself...sometimes people eat a lot of chocolate coz they're bored and have nothing to do...but it's not my case,i just love it...I think we should slowly cut chocolate know,try to eat chocolate less every day!You can eat small piece of chocolate every day coz doctors say you can.or eat chocolate every second day!I will try to do it too!!You can write me how it's going:-))the_madness_87@yahoo.
If its chocolate you are addicted to then try so diabetic chocolate. If you were actually diabetic this would be your only choice anyway and it is sugar free. Cadburys do a bar of highlights chocolate which is sugar free and tastes very yummy.
Also if you are wanting to loose weight, Paul McKenna's book 'I can make you thin' is a good place to start. He also gives you techniques at the back to curb your cravings or cut it out completely (if you want) its your choice.
HTH %26 Good luck.
Apples are all starch. They're simple sugars that are metabolized too quickly making your body crave more sugars. This is the same with the roll (Carbohydrates) and crisps. Try having some protein with your carbs. Try having a slice of cheese with that roll. Also, ask your mom to get rid of the those tasty temptations. When you do eat, take small bites, and chew. Most americans inhale their food. Enjoy the small essence of chocolate while you can andd don't guzzle it. Or, if you don't eat any at all, that's even better.
Also, to remind me to stop, I used to wear a bracelet. I called it my promise bracelet because I promised not to eat anymore chocolate.
It is good you'll be starting now. Better now than later.
I know how worried adults are about young adults being obsessed with there weight is scaring them. But if i had been obsessed then maybe i wouldnt be as big now.
I wish i knew how to stop eating chocolate altogether but i have found ways of saying no 9/10
1 i wear ammerto perfume form body shop smells really chocolaty and helps keep the edge off the craving
2 find something sweet as a substitute when it gets too strong i buy boots carbfree chocolate its quite expensive 89p per bar but dont eat too many it acts as a laxitive
3 one i like is actually saying 'no' out loud to yourself you know then that people are looking at you so you walk away from the sweet stand to the fresh fruit and veg section.Thats what i do hope it helps. Im glad you realised that your eating too much chocolate adults that say that young adults should be worring about this stuff right now are right in a way but there tune changes when you become an adult and overweight they then blame the parents for not doing somthing with thm as a child. lol
best of luck if you do find a great answer mail it to me too
this might sound strange but if u eat all the chocolate you want but dont eat any carbs u wont gain a gram !! its called insulin limiting deit .. look it up if u want what i suggest u do is buy the worst chocolate there is and everytime u eat one ull hate its taste and by time ur mind will build a bad image of chocolate and u wont like eating it so much anymore !

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