
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can i weight lose ?

i can used the Medicine it good for me more information
Walk 30 minutes a day (rain or shine), drink a fully 12 oz of water 20 minutes before a meal, take small bites, do not "super size" your meals while out, and stop using the scales to guage your weight, instead use a tape measure about the biggest part of you waist/belly or hips.Alos get a pair of leg weights and wear them about the house, and work,Good luck
work out
Try walking.
Less eat and run foot, Borat.
stop eating junk food!
completely remove sugar in your diet!
then you'll see some results!
cut off a leg
I just recently lost 20 lbs by walking every night after dinner, and cut off eating junk foods.
Wow, I was so lost there that I was starting to think that without my credit card, there was no way out!!Good nutrition comes from eating real, healthy, not fried foods. Do this: write a journal of your months worth of meals that you eat....when you eat, why you eat, what you eat.Then compare that month with the next month. Also keep a tab for how much you weigh, how much you exercise, how much time you spend keeping fit.I bet you the junk food you eat, like fast food or potato chips are the months that you get the heaviest.Just a hunch, though. Try it, see what you find. You don't have to spend money to be healthy, look at me, wer'e almost broke, but we have health and fitness as goals in our lives so that even though my husband works, I stay home, we aren't couch potatos and eat fast food.
taking more fiber foods n fruits,exercises n rubbing ur stomach according to the clock direction!
or u can try chinese herbs n acupuncture!
1 treatment can lose 2kg!about 1hr only!
Diet and exercise is the only true way. Fad diets work only for a while. There are no magic pills trust me I tried them all before getting serious and doing it the hard way 86 lbs lost and stayed off for 3 years.

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