
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can I stop being so hungry all the time?

I'm 25 years old and I now weight 120.2 I'm been going to weight watchers now for about 5 weeks and now for the last few days I feel constantly hungry. I eat mostly the normal healthy snacks like veggies and fruits and air pop popcorn but now I feel so hungry. What should I do?
Eat more protein
Eat... or pick up smoking...
Drink lots of water and eat ice chips.
I would recommend fiber... Nature's Own has a new bread that has 5g of fiber per serving... also fruit and high fiber cereals will fill you up much longer...
geez only 120. u kan gain weight u know. i recommend around 5 pounds.
Start smoking. It reduces your appetite.
drink more water. fills you up nice and good, also exercise reduces your appetite. Smoking can reduce your appetite too but side effects may include cancer. good luck!
Eat turnip. You burn more calories to digest it then you absorb and you feel full. Drink lots of water.
I'm 19 i'm not HUGH fat just I wanted to lose some weight for the summer I started taking Hydroxycut it worked at first but now it seems dumb to take it because after it wares off i'm hungry like X10.. lol I don't know what to tell you ?
you might be eating too big of a portion. try cutting your portions in half, you will be training your body and after a week or two that half portion will make you full. try also taking a energy vitamin
Hey man, do not pick up somking, drink a glass of water and if that doesnt work have another glass, water is good filler.
drink a lot of water or eat little to stop being hungry
eat enough protein
water is good and if you are sick of that crystal light is very low cal (or make kool aid with splenda)
eat things that are good for you and filling. celery is suppose to work (I can't stand to stuff, but my friends swear by it).
Don't know your height but eat regular food. have your sweets and fast food.moderately though. I truly believe if people deny themselves of all the good stuff completely and as soon as they fail on their diet they abuse all the good stuff that I have just mentioned and end up being fat.
Since you have been working out, your body is burning calories and fat. It is naturally needing more food, fuel to burn fat. Try eating more hardier foods/meals. You say that you eat fruits and veggies, your body needs carbs and lots of them. I play football and work out a lot, I am always hungry after practice, carbs are great for more energy, plus they fill you up a lot quicker. Eat some pasta, bread ... stuff like that. You just need to feed your body the nutrients it needs right now.
If your not already, you need to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
It sounds like you may need some "fat' in your diet Have half an avocado with you salad and see if you don't feel much more satisfied.
When you feel hungry and don't want to eat, drink some water. That is how super models stay so skinny. Most dieticians will tell you the same thing. Water supresses your appitite, without you having to eat something.
start by drinking a glass of watter when you get hungry, then wait 15 minutes if you are still hungry eat a large salad with no dressing then go for a walk. but make sure you wait before eating. by getting out and moving you will suppress your hunger because people are hunter gatherers and moving makes the body think you are looking for food so try this drink the watter and go for a walk and see if it helps good luck with it
Do something that occupies your mind...idk color in a coloring book or something. I think its ok to eat a sandwich (healthy one) and then wait 2 hours. Grazing works better than eating a 3 meals a day...graze on crackers and stuff. Smoking works too, and im skinny...but to bad of side affects.

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