
Saturday, October 31, 2009

How could i get taller..?

is there any kind of pill. natural juice or exercise that could make me grow taller
i found i got taller by eating a lot of mocha almond fudge ice cream. i dont know how it happend but to make a long story short, i am the tallest girl in my family! i am very lucky i didnt gain three hundred pounds during that time though :)
no but you could try standing in a grow bag, you get them in garden centers.
Hormone theropy is one way that can help, but you need to start this when you are young (grade school age, or younger), and this needs to be administered / monitored by a physician.If you are older, there is a method that I first heard of on TV years ago. A Baltimore Doctor had perfected it, and now it is done in various places in the USA. In the procedure, your lower leg bones are broken, your legs stretched out and held in place with metal clamps. These braces on your legs have adjustments. During your recovery, the bone material fills in the gap, and on regular visits to the Dr., the adjustments on the leg braces are adjusted slowly until the desired length is acheived. For this procedure, you must be young enough for your bones to grow and heal (under age 30 would be ideal)
Yes, it is entirely possible, and probable to get taller. There are number of factors involved though, and it needs to be a lifestyle choice, not a once off thing. I am 5 ft 6 inches myself, but I really enjoy my height and do not want to get any taller at this stage, but for yourself, here is the following:- HGH (human growth hormone) pills/injections
- Stretching, particularly your spine, hips/pelvic region,
thighs/upper legs
- Vitamins and Minerals (Vitamin A, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin
D, Magnesium, Iodine, Amino Acids/Protein, Selenium)
- Dariy foods, Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Wholegrains,
Healthy oils, Plenty of Water
- Heaps of sleep(enables body to grow, promotes production
of Human Growth Hormone in the body - weight training is
also excellent for this)Apart from the above, please let others know, as they may be asking the same question as you!
Genetics and Height
Read this:
My son is 16 and about 5 feet, 7 inches tall. He keeps asking if there's anything he can do to become taller.
– Chris
Taking care of himself — eating well, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of rest — is the best way to help his body reach its natural potential. But assuming his diet is normal and he has no medical problems, there's no magic pill or formula or nutritional supplement for increasing height. In fact, his genes are the major determinant of how tall he'll be.Most teens can expect to grow a total of about 7 to 10 inches during puberty before they reach full adult height. Each person is a little different, so everyone starts and goes through puberty on his or her body's own schedule. Those who start a little later than their friends will usually continue to grow a little later, too.If you're concerned about your son's growth, talk with his doctor Tall Girl - Doctor's ResponseHeight is one of the many characteristics that is largely inherited from your parents. Therefore, if you are tall, perhaps it is because you have tall parents. There is no way for you to stunt your growth. However, maybe you will not always be the tallest in your class. Girls tend to grow before boys and therefore are sometimes taller than boys at this age. But the boys will hit their growth spurt soon and when they do, many of them grow taller than the girls. Even some of the girls you are taller than right now will grow more than you and become taller than you at a later age. Everyone grows at different times and different rates. Variations in height are absolutely normal amongst humans.The Short Boy - Doctor's ResponseHeight is one of the many characteristics that is largely inherited from your parents. Therefore, if you are short, perhaps it is because you have short parents. There is no way for you to increase your height. However, maybe you will not always be the shortest fellow in your class. Girls tend to grow before boys and therefore are sometimes taller than boys at this age. As for boys, they hit their growth spurt between the ages of 12 and 17 and many of them grow taller than the girls. Some of the boys who are taller than you now may actually be shorter than you at a later age. Everyone grows at different times and different rates. Variations in height are absolutely normal amongst humans. advice:
Love yourself for who you are:
Look at this list of famous short people” on your inner beauty, and strengths. Work on your self-esteem. you believe in yourself? Do you give yourself the credit you deserve? Self-esteem is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling relationships and achievement. This test is designed to evaluate your general level of self-esteem and determine whether you need to work on your self-image. Take the Self-esteem Test to find out your true sense of self.
Avoid scams that say if you buy their product, you will be taller, it’s so not true!NO WAY TO GROW TALLER AFTER PUBERTY
Gabe Mirkin, M.D.
Web sites for products such as "HeightGrowth" are so unbelievable that the people who wrote them must be laughing as they steal people's money for totally worthless products.
They tell you that if you take HeightGrowth, you will continue to grow until you are as tall as you like, at any age. If that were true, we would see people who are 15 feet tall and basketball would be an entirely different sport.
Bones do not grow throughout their length. They grow from growth centers, called the epiphysis, near their ends. When a person reaches puberty, growth centers close one after the other until all the growth centers are closed forever and a person's bones can never grow again. After that, a person can grow wider, but not taller.
Even before a person reaches puberty, the product will have absolutely no effect on growth. The ad claims that HeightGrowth is made of a special mixture of herbs and minerals, and lists 23 plants, many of them vigorous vines such as kudzu, which grows so rapidly that it covers trees and buildings all over the South, and can cross a road overnight. So when you eat kudzu vine and other rampant-growing plants, they want you to believe that you will grow like the vines. Of course this is ridiculous. Kudzu vine grows rapidly because of its genetic structure called DNA. But you cannot absorb DNA from plants or animals that you eat; it is broken down in your stomach and intestines into its nucleic acid building blocks, which have no effect on your own DNA.
The tragedy is that some people will shell out their hard earned money to someone who is making fun of them. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee, even though they recommend that you take their product for six months or more to see results. They know you will probably be too embarrassed to ask for your money back, and people who have tried to get action on similar guarantees report that their money is never returned from these scams.
Read more about scams aimed at shorter people: helpful links for people who want to grow taller: to take care of yourself
As you get older, there will be many decisions that you will need to make to ensure that you stay healthy. Eating right, exercising, and getting enough rest are important during puberty because of all the changes your body is going through. It is also important to feel good about yourself and the decisions you make. You have to learn to care for your own body, work hard and maintain good health, and to like yourself as you are.

How comes many people reccomend fat free yogurt while trying to loose weight?

what is the best low fat and LOW SUGAR yogurt?
Any one you like, none make you loose weight, but they can all be included in a healthy balanced diet which, accompanied by regular exercise will help weight loss.Without wishing to seem impolite Type ' weight loss ' into the search for questions box and you will see the answers to the 20 questions like yours that clutter ' Answers ' every day, together with their standard answers.Type in ' Answers swamped with weight loss questions!?' and see what regular contributors think.
I will cut and paste my stock answer, however it is interesting to see how close this is ( I have been using it for over 2 months), to a recent paper from University of California. They did a meta-analysis of all the work on weight loss over the past few years. ( summary) It showed that 2/3 of people who diet yo-yo to a higher weight, none of the faddy diets of diet pills work and that rapid weight loss doubles heart attack risk!They seemed to suggest the only hope was modest calorie reduction + EXERCISE.This is a news report of the article: have to admit I have a 'stock' answer for this question, since if you look it appears 20-30 times every day!Type 'guaranteed weight loss' into google, you will find 1 1/2 million sites!Look around you if ANY of these things worked would we be getting so overweight?We are what we eat, but we are at least as much what we don't do. Calorie intakes in 1900 and 1950 were higher than they are now, we just don't use them up!Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg.Take a healthy amount of exercise 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise per day 4-5 days a week. I hate to think what percentage of the UK population does that 2%? 5%?I have seen hundreds of questions with this same pattern :- I am fat, tell me where on line I can get this super diet or herbal/dangerous/illegal drug that I hear will fix it for me in 10 minutes without the need for me to get off the couch!No fixes pal , less in more out, its the only way.
Mostly because most people are uneducated regarding nutrition. They think that less fat intake means less fat on the body, but that isn't true. Whole milk yogurt is best, perhaps Yo Baby, since it has less sugar in it but no artificial sweeteners that are bad for your health.
I have never heard of anything special about fat free yogurt when wanting to lose weight. As product companies change wherever you live I would imagine if you were looking for a good one just go to your local grocery store and find an organic 0% or 1% natural (plain) yogurt. Now on it's own the taste will be very bland so many people use plain yogurt as a base for other things like smooties, on cereal with fresh fruit, etc. I would think eating sensibly to incorporate all the food groups into your daily diet in moderation and exercise is the best way to lose weight.
Hi this is because its low in fat and is fills you up so you wont need to eat more.
I think the best low fat yoghurts are weight watchers ones, as most of them are only half a point which is good ewven when you are not counting points. But the only thing with these they arent prebiotic to really your not getting good bacteria so I tend to go for the BIO Yogurts, these are fat free and come in flavours in big tubs so you can scoop out what you want, when you want and do your self some good. I like the natural one it takes a while to get use to the taste, but I love it on shreddies, Also them lasting satisfactions ones are nice too.
I would recommend fromage fraise though as they are the fwattyesy yoghurts, also when you get them muller youghurts that are low fat, they only tell you the nutrisional value per 100gs and there is 200g per pot so your actually gettting more calories that you think, not much more, but when I was on weight watchers a standardsized low fat yoghurt is like half a point up to one and a half points, but when you get a muller yougurt you get loads so it like 2 youghurts in one equalling 2-3 points. and of course they go up the more flavour you get, like the apple pie ones and the dessert ones are more calorise and fat but not much.
Home made is the best.
i was told that fat free means more sugar? stay away from the yogart eat fruit instead ..

How come..?

I see myself differently than others?I am 5'6" and 126 pounds.
Everyone says I'm really skinny..but I don't see that..I see it like if I need to lose more weight..How can I stop that and see what others see?Only serious answers please.Thanks =0)
Step one: Throw away any celebrity/fashion magizines that you may be reading. I promise you that they will only make you feel fat.Step two: Focus on feeling healthy. Eat healthy foods (and I don't mean stop eatting carbs or giving up desserts. I mean don't eat fast food everyday.) Eatting a good variety of foods and drinking plenty of water will make you feel healthy overall. As will a moderate amount of activity. Being toned is way better than being thin!Step three: Go shopping and find clothes that make you feel hot! Get a mani/pedi. Pamper yourself. Do things that make you feel good about yourself. You derserve it!
Stop obsessing about yourself. Go volunteer and help someone who is poor, sick or handicapped.
you got to forget about being skinny and say health is what i went.

How come this happens to me when i jog or run??

Everytime we have to run in gym class for 7 minutes, i run out of breath soo quickly and feel like i can't run anymore!! anyone know why?
Sounds like you need some homework. In other words your level of conditioning is low. To improve you need more exercise than what you get in gym class. Start jogging or fast walking 5 days a week with the goal of increasing your total time %26 distance regularly.Now you said that your run out of breath, but do you wheeze or struggle to breathe? If so, you may need to see your doctor to be checked for exercise induced asthma. Should you have it, it is just a matter of learning how to manage it. People with EIA need a longer warm-up period before heavy exercise.
You might be trying to push yourself too hard. Running to fast for a long time will cause this. Try slowing down. You need to build up your stamina.
sounds to me like you are out of shape. i would recommend you start a regular exercise program for yourself if you are that bad. first, go to your doctor and get cleared to start a program. describe this symptom to him and make sure its not medically related. if and when you are cleared for exercise, start doing cardio 3-4x weekly at a pace that challenges you for 20-30 minutes per session.
Breathe through your nose and out through your mouth. That will get the oxygen circulating through your body.
Try to have a SMALL snack before you work-out. That will give your body some energy.
Out of shape maybe?
your out of shape...its that simple.maybe its time you started excersing on a more regular basis.
try swimming..this is great cardio!im not bragging,but im 41 years old,and i can jog 5 miles.
its more of a way of life.if you want to be in shape,you have to excersise!there is no excuse to be that winded while your still so young and in school.

How come they dont have any fat girls, on girls gone wild?

I like them a bit chunky!
I see a business in your future - here are some possible titles for you!Big Girls Gone Wild - A night at the buffet bar
Big Girls Gone Wild - Put some butta on dat roll
Big Girls Gone Wild - We need love too
well most people don't
if u wana loose weight and become slim switch to detox diets.for detox diets open and there open the pink color links for detox diet recipes and tip s that will help u loose weight at home without exercising

How come the channels on HD tv look bad?

Okay for some reason my regular channels look like crap on my HD tv...I havent upgraded yet to HD what can i do to fix this crappiness?
Upgrade to HD cable.
Blame the high quality of new TVs. They magnify the flaws of crappy reception.Do you have cable? channels 1 -99 are analog on most systems, not digital. If you have digital cable, 100+ are digital. Some systems are converting all channels to digital. Satellite is already 100% digital - try switching to them.If your TV has a built-in HD tuner, you can buy an HD antenna at Best Buy and get your local network channels in HD without upgrading to HD cable service.
If you don't have HD cable, having a HD tv itself will not make the picture look any better. The only way to getyour $$ worth (from buying the HD tv) is to get the HD cable. Once you do, you will definitly see the difference !

How come I've ONLY lost 2 lbs. in 3 wks.?

I've been exercising/eating right for 3 wks. now and have only lost 2 pounds. I've been eating the foods listed from the 12 Powerfoods on What's going on? My schedule seems like I would lose more!
Aerobics: 6 days/wk.
Yoga: 6 days/wk.
Cardio 3 days/wk.
Abs 3 days/wk.
Strength training 3 days/wk.
You're doing fine. You're body is just taking some time adjusting to a new eating and exercise program.Remember, people who lose weight quickly usually gain it back in short order. You're doing it right.Losing weight is a matter of burning more calories than you consume. You have to have a net loss of 3,500 calories to lose one pound. That a fact. Keep up the good work and check back in six months. I bet you'll be pleased with the results.
Maybe the diet you are on is not suited for you, try eating less calories.
I've also heard that weight loss can be really slow for a few weeks or months and then it speeds up all of a sudden.
Basically your body is thinks you are going to starve it with sudden eating changes but evenutally it will realize you are giving it enough and it will get rid of the extra fat.
sufficient exercise is definetly not your problem. you might not be consuming enough calories. make sure to consume at least what your BMR requires on a daily basis
You have probably gained muscle, if you are doing lots of exercise then its better to follow your body fat loss rather than your weight.
It's not really healthy to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week. I think you are doing ok. Just stick with it. It really looks to me like you are exercising too much.
There could be a few reasons but one stands out to me from what you have said. It looks like you could be over training. It is very good to get into exercise but if you train yoga 6 times and aerobics and all the other stuff it doesn't seem to me that your body is getting any rest time. Rest time is where all the changes actually happen and if you are not allowing your body rest time then the changes just won't happen. I'm not making this up, I'm a personal trainer and this is a very common problem. You can train 6 times a week but every muscle needs at least 24 hours rest before the next workout. So you would be better off training upper body lower body on alternate days. Or you could do strength training alternated with cardiovascular, which not quite as good but another way round it. I hope this has helped and good luck with your training.
You need to detox! Clean out your system.

How come it hurt so much??

i was just on the treadmill for 30mins. i started out with a jog to the song i was listening to(lasted 2:30mins) then i walked for the next song. after that one, i decided to jog for another song. as i started, the front of my shins started to burn!! how come that happened? it hurt sooo bad!
they are called shin-splints. You need to get the muscles around the shins in shape, here's how: Run/jog on GRASS or other soft surfaces for about two weeks, then move on to the hard surfaced may still hurt a little at first but it won't last long. Oh, and ice your shins after work-outs.
Sounds like shin splints to me, but go see a Dr.
Do some research about shin splints.
I doubt you have shin splints.More likely, you have found that muscle is underused. However you are not alone. VERY few people have that muscle developed. You felt it because you stress it more when you walk, more than when you jog, or run. Try alternating heat and cold, raise them up for rest, and consider Advil as a relief, and reduction.I would tell you to keep going, with a reduction in your FAST walking. Work your way back up anbd you will find that it will get better.Good luck!

How come i cant do a push up?

Why cant i do a push up...I just started to like care about my body and so i started training i tried to do push ups but my body gives up wen i push myself up how can go up and down w/o straining or my body giving up wen i go back up?
Try doing some chest flys with some dumbells 3 sets of (10-12 reps) for a couple of weeks. This should make push ups easier to do.
well you cant really help it if you cant bring yourself up its just its to much at the moment... the best thing is to go only bout half way down of if you cant do that then go a third of the way down... and do that until you get tired and eventually the more you do it day to do you will be able to start doing full ones.
your arms are weak n not enough strength to carry ur body weight. get someone who knows to check your postition
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!
Your pectoral (chest) muscles and triceps muscles are too weak. Do chest flys as was suggested above, triceps exercises, and also try this...put your hands on the edge of your bed, extend your legs out (you're basically leaning against your bed as though you were a plank that was set up against it) and do pushups against the edge of the bed. As you get stronger, you can put your hands on the edge of a chair or a sofa until you're finally doing push-ups on the floor.
Try push ups in an oblique position with your feet on the ground and your hands on a table like third or half way between your feet and total height. try 10 push ups multiplied by 3 or 4/day for a week then increase it up to 10 push ups multiplied by five for another week then 15 push ups for a week 5 times a day and so on till your arms are strong enough to work with you in the horizontal position and then you can reverse the position one day with your legs higher than your arms. Persistence will help you here.

How come i can lift heavy weights but cant do push ups or set ups?

im strong i have a good upper body i lift what the averge guy cant but cant do push ups or pull ups do i need to lose weight
You work different muscles when you lift as compared to those that are used when you do push-ups or pull-ups.
push ups and sit ups take your ABS not just your arms.
do you do curls or bench. Try benching and then you should be able to start doing the pushups. With the pull ups that should help also

How come I am not losing weight?

I am 28 years old, 5 feet tall and 150 lbs. I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old and I want to lose 40 lbs. I am on a 1300 Calorie diet (religiously) and most days I eat less than that. I have been eating mostly fruits and vegetables, lean meats and very little carbs. I really am not very hungry anyway, I have never really eaten that much. I am also going to the gym and working out for 1 hour every other day. I would work out everyday, but it is hard to afford the gym childcare everyday. (it is $10 each time) I also am very active playing with them...I started taking Hydroxycut 2 weeks ago and I have read many testimonials that ppl have lost weight in the 1st few days of using it, but I have not lost a single pound! I am just grouchy now, with headaches and I can't sleep at night! I have been struggling for the past 3 months with this! I want to lose weight so bad! What else can I do?? I am sick of being fat!
I think you probably should lose some weight for your health. It sounds like you're eatting right. Don't forget to count beverages, soda, wine, beer, and others all have calories. I'm not sure how long you've been dieting/exercising, but it may take a few weeks for you to notice some weight drop. Also, muscle weighs considerable more than fat, but takes up a LOT less room, so you may be losing inches but not realizing it because you keep looking at the scale. Use how your clothes fit to determine how you're doing.Don't give up! You are doing great! Even on the days you can't get to the gym, maybe try to take your kids to a park where you can run around with them, or go for a long walk with them in the stroller. I would stop taking the hydroxycut. If people report they are losing weight in the first few days, they may not realize it, but they are only losing water weight. REAL weight (the fat part of it) takes longer to come off.Hang in there! You will see results and feel better and healthier!
try the atkins a searh for the atkins diet.
Detox your body, do the atkins and'll see results very fast. Everyone i know who did loved it
Do you appear leaner or more toned? Muscle weighs more than fat and you might be turning your fat into mucsle.. it will weigh more. If not you should go to a could be a thyroid problem or even diabetes. Honestly if you haven't lost any weight and don't think you are gaining muscle then go to a doctor soon.
With your diet and activity you should be losing weight...and since you are not you may have an underactive thryroid which can be controlled with medication and thus also help you to lose weight. See your doctor.
try the south beach diet. i just picked up the book at the library yesterday to read it, not diet, but its got a lot of interesting facts about food in there. for the first 2 weeks in south beach diet you but breads, pastas, cereal, sugars, %26 fruit %26 then add them in later in small amounts. but during the first week of all this your cravings for the foods will whittle down %26 you will lose 8-13 lbs. thats just phase 1!! try the book. i hear of great results everywhere
try aerobic exercise like walking etc. keep in mind that it takes around 12 minutes of aerobic exercise before you START burning fat, so you will likely need to do at least 30 minutes or more each day for it to work.
You are putting your health at risk, based on what you've posted. Your diet sounds severely unbalanced -- in particular, I note that you're not eating any healthy fats or oils, which can lead to hair loss and some of the effects you mention. And supplements like hydroxy-whatever are NOT long-term solutions: any weight they "help" you shed comes right back after you stop taking them. Not liking the idea of paying for dangerous supplements for the rest of your life? I hope not! I highly reccomend Weight Watchers: I've lost over 40 lbs and have kept it off for nearly a year now...without going hungry, without side-effects, without dangerous supplements. They teach you how to eat for the rest of your life -- which is the ONLY way to lose weight and KEEP it off. I don't work for Weight Watchers and they don't pay me anything for singing their praises -- I just know they changed my life.
try weight watchers! I swear it works.
To begin... If you are grouchy and have headaches, you are probably over-stressing your body. If you are working out one hour every other day, you should be eating at least 1800-2200 calories a day. 1300 calories may put too much strain on your body.What may be happening is that some of the fat areas are being converted to muscle which weighs slightly more than fat. I would get off the hydroxycut immediately especially with headaches and being stressed and lack of sleep.What is most important in a diet is sticking to it for life. A diet is not just a way to temporary lose weight but a change of the way you eat. You can try switching up your exercises, jog one day and then lift light weights *with a lot of repititions* on the other days. I would also recommend eating five smaller meals a day instead of three. One last thing (that people hate to hear) is that some fat deposits (post-pregnancy) are there to stay. Your body has adjusted by building up fatty areas that will be proportional to the rest of your body. So while you may lose weight and your stomach is nice and toned, you could still have some extra fat on your thighs and butt. Alot of this has to do with genetics. Feel free to email me if you would life further help setting up a diet and workout schedule.
first of all - if diets pills worked ther would be no obese people.
second - you are undereating which slows down metabolism.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

How come both atkisn and south beach makes u lose a lot of weight quickly?

atkins :less carbs more fat = weight loss
south beach : more "good" carbs less fat = weight loss
atkins: the more carbs "even good"carbs eaten:stall
i dont get it
really they both start you off with zero carbs that is where the fast weight loss comes from
body dehydration and depletion of muscle and liver storage of glycogen, 20 pounds, that's it, muscle weighs more and is denser than fat, so faster weight loss is more likely muscle than fat, not fat athletes and no athlete follows those stupid diets where they just want you to buy their high priced products, look at Olympics like bodybuilders all eating high carb and healthy whole breads, pasta, fruits and vegetables for glycogen storage in muscles and then can exercise and weight lift and build more muscles and raise metabolism and endurance, but as any athlete takes time no quick fix, do it the athletic way and healthy way and proper
I don't know anything about the Adkins or South Beach Diets. However if you want a proven no nonsense and straight forward way to lose weight, go to, they have great weight loss programs and products that work. I was able to lose 30 pounds in 4 months 2 years ago, I've kept it off and feel great. If you or anyone is looking to lose weight, I'll recommend Good luck.

How come after weightraining sometimes your muscles seem smaller and softer then before you started?

They are exhausted. They need rest (1-2 days) and then they will feel bigger and harder.
When you lift weights, you are actually causing tiny tears in your muscles. Once your muscles recover, they come back bigger and stronger but that can take a day or so. Your muscles basically have to be broken down before they can be built back up.
This is why it is important to alternate muscle groups to give them time to recover properly.
Honestly, this isn't a problem I've personally encountered. However, a number of things occur when you work out. If you are doing heavy/serious weight training, to the point where your muscles are very tired, you're essentially tearing the muscle tissue. When the muscle tissue grows back, it grows back stronger in an effort to protect itself by adjusting to the demands you're putting on it. When you tear that tissue, it swells with blood and fluid. Typically, there is an increase in muscle size, but it will feel a little softer than your normal muscle.If you are a bit overweight, and have enough fat around the arm, you may not be able to see the swelling of the muscle after your work out, and since the muscle tissue is swollen and a bit softer, it may feel like your muscle is smaller when you squeeze your arm.Also, if you are just beginning to work out, and are overweight, it is not infrequent to have fatty infiltrations in the muscle. As you work out over time, that fat will disappear and leave lean, uninfiltrated muscle tissue--but it may be smaller than before since it doesn't have all that fat. That is a necessary step in making progress in both weight training and losing weight (depending on what your goals may be), so don't worry about that.Finally, there may also simply be an issue of fatigue. Your muscle may be too tired to tighten the same way it did before you worked out!Don't let it disturb you, whichever is the cause. Keep working out, and you WILL see benefits if you're doing it right. If you can, I'd recommend seeing a trainer for a session to make sure your form is good (VERY VERY important), and that you have a good mix of exercises. You shouldn't need to see a trainer very often--maybe once every couple of months if you aren't already familiar with exercising. That way they can change out your program as needed, to help you achieve you goals.(Make sure to find a good one--there are a lot of hacks out there. Word of mouth isn't always dependable. I'd look for some degrees and accredations, and perhaps go with the head trainer at your gym--they usually have the experience and the background if they are in charge of the others!)Good luck.

How come after lifting weights im shakey?

because you tear you muscles. you may not feel the pain, how ever your muscles are shaking because they hurt. stretching relieves the shaking and pain for a while, and after time when the muscle heals, you get stronger.well, that is what my drill Sgt said to me. i was doing lots of push ups.
thats wat happens when u use muscels - not sure on the sciene to it though if thats wat u were wondering
While you lift weights you are working your muscles. They are just so tired after lifting, that they tend to shake. A little shaking is okay, but if you are seizing or spazzing, you obviously should she a doctor, or trainer at the gym.
one u may be pusing yourself too hard two your body or yourself may not be used to it it happens to me too its because your body is going from straining and lifting, and resistance and what not to nothing after you stop lifting so its a big change so its not prepared for the change so quick..that my guess..g l !!
it always happens to me...and yeah...i know i'm a girl%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;but i can handle it.
It's only because you use to much muscle in one time and ome spot, that when you dont have anymore pressure on it%26gt;%26gt;your arm has like a brain of it's's totally normal...PS: How big are yours? Could you beat me in a match of wrestling?
Your muscles have been stressed and need time to rest.Exercise builds up waste in the muscles and the shaking is probably due to low salt levels.That's why Gatorade was invented.
you probably didn't
-stretch before lifting weights
-eat enough carbohydrated food(energy filled)
-de-hydrated(not enough water in you)
mainly when your de-hydrated you are shaky, hot and quiet sweaty and if your very de-hydrated you pukebut i don't lift weights so i would NOT know a CERTAIN answer
suck it up stop being a wus
when you lift weights youre actually tearing muscle fibers. all the movement of your muscles and the stress youre putting on them when you lift is going to naturally leave you shakey. it goes away after youve had a little bit of rest and your muscles have time to recover.
Eat a banana.
Shaking is the best way to lose weight.
maybe its because you worked yourself too hard.or you didnt drink enough water and your dehydrated...

How can you workout bmi?

height - 5'7
weight - 9st
The formulae is easy it is
weight (kg) divided by height sqaured
so for your measurements your BMI would be 19.7
This is within normal thresholds
you can do it online here
Go into the bbc website it does it for you the add is and follow the links
i dont know how its worked out but if you put in 'calculate bmi ' in your search engine and you will find a site that will do it for you
Mass (in kilograms) divided by height (in metres) squared.Squared means multiplied by itself so it's:Mass / (height*height) where I work mine out.
It gives you:
How under or over weight you are in percent.
How much weight you need to gain / loose.
If you are healthy or at risk.
Plus it gives you the whole process and great diagrams to show you how they worked it out. It's great if you are young, easy to understand and completely reliable. The results are not recorded and all you need to include is your height, birthdate, weight and gender.I'd completely reccommend this to any others.
ok hi there i heard that u wanna work out bmi well actually u jus needta work out ur health and diet call 92234770 look for me im cash im a beauty / health consultant i can help u do a health check free see ya
BMI = MASS(Kg) / height*height(m2)your height*height = 2.8(m2)
weight is unclear. gives you both metric an avoirdupois options. Yours is 19.7 Normal is 18.8-24.9

How can you tone your legs some?

i am a cheerleader and am a good size for my age. But my legs are how can i say it full not fat but just larger than the rest of my body. how can i tone them done and make them look more sleek and a little skinnier? please provide websites or something with directions. THANK YOU!
-calves: go to the salt step in ur house on the stairs and put the balls of ur feet on the edge and lift ur self up
-thighes:sit in a chair, lean over and put your arm and elbow in ur leg so thatur hand id on the inside of ur knee and ur elbow is touching the other and push together.
walk n swim alot.
I have that same problem. What i am starting to do is squats. That usually helps your legs a lot. And also try running/walking some. That should make a major difference. Good Luck!
run, walk, ride a bike anything to make your muscles work out helps them get exercise and more tone
do u know the magazine, SEVENTEEN? well i just got this months issue today and it has this workout in it called "how to get toned legs." i do the exercise every morning. u can get the magazine at shoppers drug mart, chapters, magazine stores. fergie is on the cover just so u know.
running and biking are the best!
It's really simple, a mixture of squats and lunges. They hurt, but they are really effective. Try doing three sets of 20 repetions, 3 times a week. You can do this with or without weights

How can you tell where is the 1st place you gain weight? is there any online test i can take?

i know for some people most of their weight is at a certain place in their body like their stomach, arms, legs etc. i want to gain weight but if the weight is going to go to my stomach then i don't want to anymore. how do i know where the weight is going to go. SERIOUS ANSWERS PLZZ!! TIA
I don't think any online test can answer your question. See where your parents tend to put on weight and that will be a good indicator of where you will gain weight.
well if you want to gain weight, you really don't want to gain fat weight (unless you had a really really low body weight from like, an eating disorder or something and need to gain that weight)..i would suggest working out, lifting a lot of weights, to gain muscle mass. eat a lot of high protein foods, like tuna (or search for others if you don't like tuna lol). do sit ups and stuff so when you gain weight you are combating the bulge at the same time. aerobic exercise (like running, tennis, etc.) is gonna help you lose weight (if you need it) or maintain weight, and tone you down, weight lifting and anaerobic (without oxygen) like strenth training is gonna give you more muscle mass so you bulk up without getting flabby.muscle = good. fat = bad. :) and from past experience, you should know where your weight is gonna go when you start gaining. personally, i gain my weight in my legs and butt... my sister in her stomach.. so does my mom. oh, and stomach fat is more dangerous b/c it's harder to get off once it's on, and it can affect your heart and would be easier to answer if i knew you were a girl trying to gain weight b/c you are too skinny, or a guy trying to bulk up :P lol. but... good luck...just stay healthy! if anything else. ask a professional (doctor or nutritionist or something)

How can you tell if you're burning calories?

I always thought that if you were doing some exercise (i.e. running) that got your heart rate up and made you out of breath, you were burning calories. Is there a different way to tell?
Burning calories smell like bacon.
You're always burning calories! Exercise helps you burn them faster!
Buy some keto-sticks. They let you know if you're burning fat or not.
Any exersize burns calories
even sleeping burns them.
If you are alive, you are burning calories.

How can you tell if your hurting yourself by taking the worng suppliments?

Doing a little research never hurt anyone. Here's one place I honestly feel has got a good understanding of what's right but please give me feed back to your thoughts as well.www . dontforgettotakeyourvitamins . com / McDorman 21515 You will need to remove the spaces.
Personally there seems to be way too much hype about that vitamin. the company seems more interested about making money than about anyones health. it's very info-mercial-esque.I currently use a product by Irwin Naturals called Men's Living Green Liquid Gel Multi. it contains 117 nutrients and 72 trace minerals. Another product that I am excited about trying is Jurassic Mineral Ade they even have on that is also a natural energy drink. check it out here.

How can you tell if your anerexic?

Just a question. Also what is the average weight for 12 y.o.? girl.
I hope you do not have anorexia. If you restrict your food intake, are obsessed with your weight and body appearance, if you are miserable and sad, if you are becoming withdrawn from your friends %26 family then you have the signs of anorexia. Starvation hurts, but it works. That's b.s. If you knew an anorexic, they're not happy individuals. They're consumed by disgust with themselves, what they thought would make them happy (achieving their first, second third or even fourth goal weight) just wasn't enough. Anorexia creates a void in your life. It becomes your best friend, and worst enemy. So, to move onto answering your question about what's a typical weight for a 12 y.o. girl, it depends on your size. In lieu of weight, you should look at your BMI. Too, remember, you're not even close to being finished growing . . . if you can resist the urge to believe that being thing will make you happy, you'll realize that there is so much more out there than being thin . . . guys find women who are confident and happy with themselves SOOOOO much more appealing than some size one model . . . trust me on that.
You are anorexic if you don't eat. And Your weight is usually calculated according to your height
you don't like eating around other people and do it in secret. your excuse is "i'm not hungry" or "I already ate" unless it is trueyou have rapid weight loss and then it levels offyou always see yourself in the mirror and are really mad about appearance...and the 12 yr old girl thing depends on height
i was tall at that age, probably 5'5 and i was around 110 pounds. but i'm not like fat or anything

How can you tell if you have an eating disorder?

I have a close friend who I believe might have an eating disorder. She denies anything me or her husband says to her. she use to be this nice well toned not heavy but thicker girl that weighed 125 and thats before having her babies. now she is 106 and looks like she will break a bone. she never eats and when she does its junk food yes she does eat every now and again but when she does she pigs out like she is starving herself. I know she doesnt throw up her food. how can i help her
There is no way to help her since you don't know what is going on. Your best bet is to just be supportive and ask her if she is feeling ok as she doesn't look well. If she seems evasive when you ask if she is feeling ok encourage her to see a doc to be sure everything is ok as you are worried about her and that fact that she looks ill. Once you have done that drop the subject as there is nothing more you can do.
Talk to her husband about encouraging her to eat when she doesn't. Also, find foods she cannot resist and make them available for her. If this does not work...find a place for treatment before it's too late.

How can you tell if you have a thyroid problem?

I lose weight very easily, but just eating a couple of pieces of pizza can make me bloat and gain 5 pounds over-night. Is this a thyroid problem?
Here are the most common signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism. A blood test, preferably ordered and interpreted by an endocrinologist, is needed to make this diagnosis. The link below has more information about this disease:
Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
Coarse, dry hair
Dry, rough pale skin
Hair loss
Cold intolerance (can't tolerate the cold like those around you)
Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
Memory loss
Abnormal menstrual cycles
Decreased libido
you can tell that your thyroid is bothering you by either gaining or losing weight =also by the throat in front where you swallow gets quite sore and sometimes will swell

How can you tell if a multivitamin is working?

Every health expert tells you to take a multivitamin every day. And there are dozens on the market. I've taken everything from cheapie supermarket brands to expensive "exclusive formulas." I've never physically experienced differences from brand to brand, except for the color of my urine. So how can you tell if the multivitamin you are taking is doing what it's supposed to?
It must be natural, come from a highly researched and standardized company such as Nature's Sunshine Products based in the United States of America. They are world wide, so that is not too much of an issue.
I have used many different things over the years and this is the ONLY company that I can FEEL the difference with.
I find that any other suppliment, even with them supposedly being "natural", they do not even come close to being as effective as NSP's ones...4 to 1 in my opinion.
I say this because I could swallow all the pills I ever could handle from the drug store/vitamin store and not get anything from it. I can take ONE pill from NSP and start to FEEL the the time I take the 4th one for the day and get up the next morning, my pain is gone or my issue is better, etc.
The colour of the urine is simply the body dumping out what it doesnt want.
If you need a vitamin, you long as it is a GOOD vitamin suppliment/herb suppliment.
Check out NSP's site. It is the only one I will use for the past 20 years now...I have tried the odd bottle of things here and there when I could not place an order...not worth it.
I don't know
Put a multivitamin in a glass of water. If it dissolves with in 30 minutes they are doing the same in your body. If they don't dissolve after an hour, then don't bother taking it, and you need to be aware your body needs many different vitamins to absorb each other. Centrum is good because they have what your body needs to absorb the vitamins and minerals.
I started taking Centrium Plus and didn't notice much of a difference for a month
If you can't tell, it isn't working.The only thing that has really worked for me is Juice Plus.
makes u feel better!
my friend say ginsing gives her enrgy and she can feel the diffents way more then multivitamin.
depends on how long you've been taking them--you should feel more "healthy" and energized since you'd be getting all the vitamins you're probably missing in your diet.
also, you can overdose on (fat soluble) vitamins; don't exceed the RDAs
Vitamin B and riboflaven is what causes your urine to become darker and almost flourescent. You should have that with all mutivitamins.There is no way to know that it's working. There was a study done recently that showed some brands didn't contain everything they said they did. The FDA is supposed to regulate all of this, but even they aren't very trustworthy anymore.
well i dont think you can really tell.. My health professor says the researchers dont even know if they really work or not.. but its best to take them anyways because they might work.. also, its better to get your vitamins through fruits and vegatables anyways so your better off eating your vitamins...
Whatever you take if the body does not need it it will send it out. You can see the colour of the urine after you consume multivitamins. It will be yellow. Any excess intake of anything will be rejected by our system.
forgot the caps were on..sorry
try liquid vitamins..they dont have to be digested
but eating healthy will acheive the best results.

How can you stop eating junk and fast food?

first you have to find out how many times you eat junk and snack food in a day. That's the first step. Keep a piece of paper with you and mark down every time you eat junk food in between meals. Then, when you have that total, for the next week, set yourself a goal of eating one or two less than that. The week after, go for two or three. Keep noting down the numbers of times you eat junk/snack food. Pretty soon you'll see your total going down if you keep at it. Part of it is being conscious of what you eat too. Many of us just get hungry and jam things into our mouths, not thinking. Noticing what and when you eat can help you figure out how to cut down. As far as fast food, planning ahead is the best way to cut down on that. If you know you're going to be out somewhere, make time to eat. If worst comes to worst, you can get salads at McDonald's and Wendy's that are a lot less horrible for you than the burgers %26 fries.
Stop going to drive-throughs, and only buy whole foods, like vegetables, fruits, %26 meats.
It'll be easier if you don't keep any in the house. You could also buy yourself healthy convenient snacks when you grocery shop, and carry some around with you as an alternative to vending machine snacks and drivethrough burgers.
If you're on the road and you have to stop at a fast food place, don't get a big value meal complete with large fries - order one of the healthiest things on the menu , like maybe a grilled chicken sandwich.
I'm sorry, but the only way to stop eating junk and fast foods is to stop eating junk and fast foods.Looking at my life, I find the patterns of when I am resorting to eating junk and replace those with something else. For example: I go out for lunch almost every work day, and if I am alone, I usually just get drive-through. Mostly, this is just to get out of the building and away from people, so unless I am specifically planning to go out WITH other people, I've started coming home and having yogurt or a piece of fruit instead.Find the patterns in your life; figure out when you give in to temptation, then think up some way to change the behavior.
Most people buy junk or take out because they are too tired to cook, or can't be bothered making something, or just don;t know what to cook. It takes some planning to cut out junk food and eat better.Making an effort to shop better helps. If you buy everything you need, and then prepare it and section it for a meal in one day, then put it in the fridge / freezer, it's less time consuming every night, so you are more motivated. Also creating a meal plan for the week also helps - you can get everything ready the night before, and defrost anything you need overnight.It's hard to cut out junk and take out. Try reducing the amount you eat each week first, and get beeeter options like pizza or subway or fresh japanese / chinese. Turkish food is good if you avoid anything cream based.Good luck.
if u wana loose weight and become slim try detox diets .detox diets is the natural way to loose weight and it really works.
(www.detoxmedifastdiets.blogsp... )is a great website that has many detox diets recipes and tips to loose this website and there u`ll see so many links for detox diets recipes and tips ..try them and loose weight fast at home without exercising
By cooking your own meals or don't go in 2 km radius of fast foods chains :).But fast food can be make less dangerous to your heart and waist. Try the following healthy fast foods guideChoose mineral water to drink instead of freezing cola or your "healthy" smoothies. I don't think you and the fast foods restaurants have the same perception for "healthy". If they can use the trans oil then I better don't drink their smoothie. It's better to make your own favorite smoothie drink at home.Your best choices of restaurants are: Pizza, sandwiches and burgers and grilled stuffs. Strictly no chickens and fries.Choose thin crusted pizza and the best topping that you can ask are vegetables! It's filling and tasty enough without those fancy meaties and carbies.Instead of chips or fries, buy rice!
Ask them not to include or include very little butter or margarine in your sandwiches and burgers.
Grilled stuffs literally are proven as safer option. Try to stick with grilled meat for your burger fillings.
Order your salad dressing to be served separately. This way you can control the amount of dressing you want in your salad. But it's easier, healthier and tastier to eat your own salad with your low fat dressing rather than eating "dressing free" salad.Pita bread and kebab are your best friends! They substitute the rice and fries very well and most of them use grilled meats as fillings.

How can you reduce your butt size?

i think i have a big butt for a guy. help please
The difference between my waist and my butt is of 8 inches. I feel inferior, sometimes, due to this, but recently, thanks to some easy exercises and proper clothes, I've managed to give myself a decent shape and I've got more confidence in myself.First, the exercises that I do are:- Gluteus KIckback
Get on your hands and knees on the floor, knees bent at 90 degrees so thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Keeping your head up, lift your right leg back and up, maintaining your 90 degree knee bend, until your foot is higher than your head or your thigh is horizontally in line with your torso. Squeeze your right gluteus and slowly lower your leg back to start position. Perform the same with your left leg, and repeat. 30 repetations with both legs.-Bridges
Lie on the floor on your back. Then, make a 45 degree angle with the floor with your knees. Now, lift your torso and make a 90 degree angle from your knees upto your shoulders. Stay in that position for 5 or more seconds and then get down. Repeat 15 times on 2 sets.Re clothes, I wear dark, matching clothes. If you wear a white t-shirt and black jeans, it's evident that one would look at the division between the torso and the legs and notice your buttocks, so wear black dress. I also wear my panths at the level of my butt, which makes it look that the buns are flat.Good luck !
Pilates exercises, it is designed to create long and lean muscles with a big buildup. Girls use them a lot, but I find they can help with guys as well.
Well I would think just loose weight.
get out ya car and walk.
stop eating fatty food
Cut your fat and carbs.Do more cardio like walking/running/swimming.Do lots of lunges.DONT do squats - they make your butt bigger.
Come to Las Vegas Ive been losing mine for a week
wear baggy jeans.. well if you dont like baggy jeans wear some nice corteroy shorts. those are hot on guys
To reduce your butt, I would recommend two types of training to tone, tighten and firm up your glutes. The first is to incorporate high rep strength training movements into your plan. Shoot for 15-20 reps per set and use lighter weights since you're more focused on toning. Here are the best butt exercises to do:
I would also recommend starting a running program to really tone and shape your legs and butt to give you that tapered look your going for. Start off with very short distances and shoot for 1/2 mile when you first begin at about a 10 minute mile pace. Every week try to increase your distance 1/2 mile and try to decrease your run time. After your run, you might want to 4-5 short sprints of about 40-50 yards. These sprints are great for explosive movements and for getting that really lean look. You might also want to incorporate jumping rope into your cardio plan. This is one of the best overall body workouts you can do to burn major calories and tone your entire body.

How can you make yourself taller at 14?

im 14 and im like 5'2 or 5'3. im one of the shortest ppl in 8th grade and it suxs. my mom is 5'5 i guess and idk about my dad but he's taller than my mom. do foos make a diffrence? should i go on a better diet before its too late?
plenty of sunshine and eating health, plenty of fruit and veg will help you. Your also at your growing point now and over the next few years.. not to worry to much kido you'll catchup..just a bit latter than others
high heels... other than that, just time.
your height is dependent on your genes. you get what you get. you're only 14, so relax! you have plenty of time to grow! most people don't stop growing until the age of 18.keep eating your fruits and vegetables, and get plenty of protein and calcium.
Drinking milk has always made bones grow. My wonderful boyfriend was 5'1 until his senior year and he is now 6'3! Dont worry, if you dont grow right now. I know its frustrating (im 5 ft nothing) but youll grow. Boys dont finish growing until they are 21 years old! So you have 7 years until your finished. Dont worry what people say either, someday you will be like my boyfriend and be dating a model!! :) Good luck hun!
your not that short and if your a guy you will grow past your 18 years of age. be patient
Your maximum height is already programmed into your body when you were born as genes passed down from your parents.What food (and being healthy) will do is allow yourself to take the maximum benefit of your potential. If you have very poor diet, you could not even reach your genetic limit.So, yes, it does matter.
heyy im also 5"3 and almost the same age!!!!!!!!!... Just be greatful you are not 4 ft 8 like one of my friends. I ALWAYS wear heels to make myself look taller and it works!! people actually call me tall!
Growing taller is something you can't control. You just have to wait and see how tall you become. Thankfully for you you're going to keep growing until sometime around 18. And most boys are usually taller than their mothers by the time they quit growing.
milk, sardine, spinach and carrot can help you tall
heels, and play basketball!

How can you make your stomach flat without doing crunches?

All crunches usually do is build up the muscle but i want to kno a way to make your stomach flat without doing crunches.
Lose weight. It doesn't matter how many crunches you do if you're overweight (I'm not saying you are, I'm just saying that for a flat stomach you have to lose weight). People do crunches for 6 packs and strengthening their core.
Liposcution, or a tummy tuck.

How can you lose weight without exercising?

I am a work-a-holic and i have no time to exercise.. What can I do to lose weight without exercising on a regular basis?
Eat less and eat healthy.
Stop eating.
Well you could exercise one day a week like pick a day and exercise. Just eating really healthy food will help too or go on a diet. I will admit it will take longer to lose wieght if you don't exercise.
You can't lose fat weight without exercise. There is no way around going for a jog. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar or an idiot
owp, here's another fatty who wants to be thin without exercising.lay off the burgers man.
and stop sayin yes whenever u hear "do u want fries with that?"
Healthy Diet
Cut your calorie intake. Is is actually the fastest way to lose weight, exercising takes longer if not with diet. Try to take in only like 1200 -1500 calories a day and then maintain at 1800. If you take in less calories then you burn, you will lose weight no matter what and you can do that by exercising or eating less. You do not need to exercise to lose weight, and I am not a liar nor an idiot I only lost over 30 lbs without exercising or starving.
Check out those books by Kevin Trudeau"Natural Cures: they do not want you to know""More Natural Cures: they do not want you to know""The weight Loss Cures" a website called I recommended those books and I know its hard to lose weight without exercising. Walking an hour everyday without stopping on your own pace is good. Those books actually helps me a lot! Hope this helps!
Cut back on calorie intake. This is the most difficult thing for people to do. If you don't have self control, forget it. Eat more fruits and veggies, fiber. Eat LESS processed foods, drink lots of water and tea. Most importantly-eat normal portions.
You can lose weight by going on a diet the only thing is your losing weight but not burning no food off.
you may have not to excersie at a gym, since your a work a holic,. you can be doing constant work outs throuhout yuor day, such as, when you walk (if you work in buildings) take the stairs instead of the elevator, instead of driving somewere for lunch, simply WALK, and just limit to wat you eat starting from breakfast(Which is most important) to dinner which is lease important. if you consume mainly protien for dinner and lots of good carbs and fruits in the morning you should be ok
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats
and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
keep need to work out to lose weight and burn more calories than you intake. if you try some trimspa or quick fix your wasting your time. losing wt is a lifestyle change. most people who say they are a workaholic and have no are usually just lazy and make excuses.. make time its your body and no one cares about your fitness but yourself. thanks.
Cut your calorie intake. there are lots of websites that will help you calculate your calories really easy. just do a yahoo search for it... Also, park your car farther away, take the stairs... do lil arm work outs holding water bottles... do toe raises while you microwave your food... there are so many little things you can do... you probably wont do it, but hey i tried. These little things help so much...
Well exercise is extremely important to lose weight, but you can still lose some weight by dieting very well. You will need to eat 5 small meals a day. Make sure you eat breakfest, it is important for your metabolism. Since you are not exercising, eating will be the most important thing. You have to eat 5 small meals a day in order to speed up your metabolism. Eat breakfest, lunch, and dinner and have 2 snacks. 1 snack in the middle of the day and 1 at night. Make sure your meals are small though and make sure the meals you eat do not contain much fat or sugar. You can eat carbs, just make sure that when it is later at night you do not eat too many. Your last snack/meal of the day should be before you go to bed and it should be all protein, such as tuna (without mayonaise) or a serving of low fat cottage cheese. So basically eat 5 small meals with low sugar and fat and at night try not to eat carbs.
Besides consuming less calories, you can do little things to be more active and that will really help. You can park further away from the door when you go anywhere, take the stairs instead of the elevator, go to the restroom that is furthest away from your office, go for a walk to help relieve stress, etc. I still think you should exercise, though. It is hard at first, but you can actually see results almost right away. You will have more energy, and your clothes with start fitting looser. Think of something you might be interested in trying, to start off with, and just give it a shot! It's really worth it!
I understand.I am right there with you. Something that I have found that has seemed to been working for me, is watching my calorie in-take, drinking a lot of water through out the day, and staying away from sugar as much as possible. In the evenings when I get home, regardless of the time, I will do sit-ups, squats and a stretches. This way I am able to have some exercise. I have been doing this for 4 weeks now, and I have lost 16 lbs. Believe me, exercise is important in weight loss, even if it is just a few basics. Hope this helps. Good Luck.
from experience if you think about losing the weight and wanting to lose it you wont. stop thinking about it and just allow it to happen gradually. if you constantly try to lose weight and obsess about it then its not gonna happen. i tried all kinds of diets and exercise programs and it never helped. but its different for everyone.
wow. Don't excersie either (ask the dog who only gets walked on occasion and that is my big exercise). But I found a program that allows me to lose weight anyway. It is called ISAGENIX! 5 weeks ago, I started the program and have lost 23 pounds (so far) and down from a size 14 to a 10! I am so excited. I am 55 years old and was feeling like a "slug". Now I have energy and am excited about losing another 20 pounds. This program is guaranteed and is endorsed by doctors, nutritionists, authors, and lots of people just like me. The videos and success stories are amazing. Did I tell you it is guaranteed and safe? Sounds like just what you are looking for. %26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
controlling weight with out exercise for those that gain weight very easily is just about impossible. after the initial period of weight loss the metabolic rate will slow and your will regain the weight that was lost. if you have the genetic predisposition to be heavy weight management with out exercise will not happen
to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you take in. you don't need to consciously exercise to burn calories, you burn calories just by living. if you eat 500 calories less than how many you burn everyday, you will lose one pound in one week (i.e. - let's say that you eat 2000 calories a day and you burn 2000 just doing your daily activities. if you keep your daily activity level the same and eat 1500 calories everyday, you will lose 1 lb/week.)or you can cut your calorie intake by 250 a day to lose a pound in 2 weeks (3500 calories = 1 lb of fat)however, exercising, in addition to burning calories itself, boosts your metabolism, making your body burn more calories during your everyday activities (allowing you to eat more calories, while still maintaining the 500 calorie deficit)

How can you lose weight without eating like a rabbit?

Got your message - in case you haven't received my response, here it is:Here's another website for you to look at:

Drinking a six pack of beer and Pepsi is a lot of empty calories. Unfortunately, if you want to lose weight, these are things you're going to have to give up and take a good hard look at your eating and exercise habits. Sorry, there's no magic way to lose weight - I wish there was or there would be more people doing so. Drinking a six pack of beer a day is a lot - you might want to also seek support from a group like AA to help wean yourself off your daily habit of beer.
exercise, i eat like the average american, or should i say person. but i exercise when i feel i need to and dont think twice about what i eat. exercise
for me it works to eat smaller portions like 5 to 6 times a day. then i don't binge at the 3 regular meals
there are a few ways
-you could starve yourself (and of course it woudl all bounce right back wehn you decide to eat again)
- you could take weightloss supplements and go to the gym
- you could do the opposite and eat nothign BUT meat... which is VERY hard to do adn get pretty sickly after aw hile
-OR you could eat a BALANCED diet which includes a little bit of everything. my mom and i did the sonoma diet and she lost 90lbs and i lost 25 .. mind you. i didnt' stick to it.. cuz i like my junk food.. lol. but she is still doing it off and on, and she still looks awesome.
but all that diet is.. is jsut a book you pick up at the store and it give you alist of about 10 "power foods" and as long as you stick to the appropriate proportions(which aren't measured exactly.. but rather by eye) then its really easy to follow and the recipies are amazing. tis liek eating gourmet every no kidding! (unless u tend to burn your food.. then... ti coudl eb a lil harder to
-and another option is to kinda combine a number fo thoes ideas... right now since i'm not reallys itkcing to the sonoma.. i take green tea extract pills before my period when i get teh whole craving it hleps to counter act my bad habits.

How can you lose five pounds in just 3 weeks?

Drink about 5 (20oz) bottles of water a day and you should drop 5 pounds in 1 week, of course, it will be water weight because the water will be flushing away toxins, but it's still 5 pounds gone from your body.
eat much vegetables, fruits, less oil, sugar, do exercises, drink green tea
you can lose MORE than 5 lbs in 3 weeks. The average for healthy weight loss is 2 lbs a week. So you could lose 6 or more, depending on your metablolism. Eat no more or less than 1200 calories a day and take exercise, 30 minutes of whatever that gets your heart beating fast and maeks you sweat at least 6 xs a day.

How can you lose 2 pounds in a year?

this loses 5 pounds per month. i swear. i tried it myself. and it drink lots and lots of water. and eat less carbs (like bread and such). i didn't excercise at all and i lost 5 pounds.but if you excercise, you'll loose the pounds even faster!!and since most people don't want to excercise, the trick is to intake less calories. if you burn more calories than you eat each day, then you'll loose weight.
are you kidding me?
eat healthier.
go for walks.
its not that difficult.
if you really wanted you could lose 2 pounds in two weeks
you can lose 2 pounds in 1 week! dream bigger my friend
Just drink lots of water it will be gone in a week
That's your goal!?!?!? I know you can do better than 2 pounds a year!
eat special k cereal in place of two meals daily

How can you loose the flab on your leg on top and botton in a month.?

i want my legs to be smaller because i get embarrased when i wear shorts.i want the upper part of my leg to like shrink in size.and the botton part of my leg to tighten up.i want to do this in one month with whatever it takes to do it i will no matter please tell me all the ways i can make my legs shrink in size.
not possible in one month.exercises that are quad dominant like running, squats, leg presses, etc. will stimulate the entire upper leg. this will help to decrease intramuscular fat stores or the fat that is layered in-between muscle fibers. only the reduction of body fat will eliminate subcutaneous fat or the fat that is underneath the skin.exercise at a high level of intensity for 60-80 minutes 4-6x a week to help increase the metabolic rate. in terms of fat loss the more healthy that the diet is the faster fat loss will occur.

How can you loose bellly fat?

i've been trying and asking people about how to loose my gut. what is the right one??
I have been wearing this stomach belt.. and its sweating off. .the fat.. on my stomach its amazing.. I have had it on about 2 hours now and I lost almost a inch! Tanning and a lot of biking.. I would also suggest drink a ton of water.. replace it for pop.. and drinks with a lot of sodium. I would also say eat healthier.. and exercise..
Get you some gastric bypass surgery.
do some crunches and stop over eating and stop going to bed with ur stomach full....
also add lemonade to ur daily diet helps melting
fats in ur body...
ab exercises. i have a technique called 7-minute abs. you do vigorous exercises for 7 minutes, and you can definitely lose belly fat that way.
Personal trainers have told me that you can't target one area to get rid of fat. You have to think about fat on your entire body. And the boring but true answer that nobody like to hear is that it requires regular diet and exercise. One thing you can do is target muscles in a specific area. So that while you're dieting, you can work on making your abdominal muscles stronger.
There are many many different exercise and diet plans. The best one for you is the one that doesn't hurt your body or energy levels, and that you will keep doing.
Meeting members at health sites like can be useful to get multiple perspectives from other people.

How can you improve on doing a split?

I usually just try to move my legs as far as possible then i leave it like that for an hour or more. It hurts a lot and mostly around the inner thighs and that what your suppose to do? Any other advice?
stretch, stretch, stretch......warm up, warm up, warm up.practice, practice, practice.every other day, try to go further than the day before. You'll get it eventually, but DO NOT RUSH'll stretch your skin, and have a really nasty groin stretch mark, about 4 inches long and an inch wide.(don't ask me how I know.)
i would do the same thing. also try the butterfly stretch with both legs in close to your body and feet touching. this stretches the inner thighs.:]]
Practice every single day, but an hour is too much. You should stretch for 5-10 minutes and them try a few kicks of each leg. Then stretch in your splits again for about 5 minutes and turn to the right and left for 2 minutes each. Good luck!
The best way to improve flexibility is with a stretching technique called PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation for the technical people). To do this, stretch as far as you can and hold for 10-15 secs. Then squeeze muscles (like trying to 'pinch' the floor) for about 5-10secs, then relax, stretch a little further and repeat. Do this about 3-4 times each session. You can do this morning and evening and each stretching session should take about 3-10 minutes, depending on how many different stretches you are doing.

How can you get taller?

I am 5'6 and already 15. I am short for my size. Is there anyway to get taller depending on what you eat, what you do etc?
you can always stretch in the morning, right after you wake up. MILK IS THE MOST IMPORTANT! i wanted to grow so badly too. and i forced myself to drink milk 3 times a day, although i hated it ! I grew 3 inches in the year, which is a big improvement for me. Stretching is really good, basketball, and also, jumprope. you try your best and don't give up !
you still have more than 5 years to stop grwoing...the best you can do is exercises. Diet should help too, eat proteins. good luck
There is absolutely nothing you can do. You cant change your genetics. There is a painful medical procedure where they pull on your bones to stretch you out. I dont know the name of it though, but many drs wont do it. Sharper Image has some insoles that you put in the shoes that make you 2-3 inches taller.
You are always the right hight for you unless you believe what others tell you

You are the result of you
You are always more , you are never less You are always the right person!!
im a 14 yr old girl and im 5'7" so dnt worry...
boys usually grow later than girls...
drink milk to obtain ur calcium
try playing basketball, it stretches ur muscles.
or try sports w/ any kind of jumping...
then u'll be HOTTIE HOTT HOTT in no time

How can you get skinier legs or how can you make them sweat at night so they can get skinny?

do the spin bikes in the gym
sweat at night to make your legs skinny? haha, you're funny.
maybe you can try working out in the leg area like walking or something like that
I think maybe you could wrap a heating pad around them to help sweat more and do more leg stretching excerisces to keep them flexible and healthy.
Try this..Put your legs in a hot water for few minutes and massage it gently to relax the muscles.. It might work!
one of the best excersises for slendering your legs is swimming. Join a gym that has a swimming pool and swim, a lot. It will make your legs more slender.
when you start excersising (running, biking etc.) you're building muscle which causes your legs to not look skinier but more in shape and so rounder.
what really helps for me is doing 4 pilates classes a week because pilates stretches out your muscles. also combining this with swimming works very well.

How can you get rid off Back of the neck Fat?

ever done crunches or sit ups and your neck hurts ? well try that,... it can help to tone up the muscles back there. but there is a difference between straining your neck and working it out. :)
Quit eating Burgers, Fries, Steaks, gravy.Bread, all the good stuff! Eat Salads, Chicken, fish, ,healthy foods, watch the weight come off!

How can you get rid of the fat?

from your stomach, thighs, and upper arms? Please be specific about any exercises, etc.
threw overall weight loss.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Stop eating and start moving.
Reduce calories, (diet), and run, bike, swimming, tennis... any aerobic excercise will reduce fat all over your body.
Here are some specific exercises and eating tips and a program that I would recommend to anyone who needs help with time management, motivation,%26 flexibility when it comes to losing weight.Exercise Tips
Stomach- To lose extra fat from your stomach area try pilates or going to the library or bookstore and checking out a book on rhythmic breathing exercises. This can help you lose that stubborn belly fat by increasing fat oxidation and causing muscle contractions in your stomach. Arms- To lose weight in from arms try boxing and high repetitions of biceps curls with canned goods from your pantry.Thighs- To lose weight from you thighs try bicycling at a fast pace and at a low resistance. If you can't ride a bike try going for a walk on your lunch break. If you are unable to fit it in, walk when you come home from work with your family or friend.Food Dieting Tips:
1.Eliminate red meat from your diet, it stays inside of your body for over six days and causes belly fat.
2.Take Flax oil, it flushes your body of toxins and excess weight
3.Drink 8 to 12 Glasses of water
4.Drink 2- 3 cups of green tea per day it is a metabolism booster.
5.Eat five to six smaller meals per day. Eating breakfast is extremely important.Although, these tips will help, I can tell you that when you are trying to lose weight, you will need something to fight the food cravings, burn excess fat, keep your mind and will focused, stay motivated, and feel fulfilled. When my patients come in for nutrition advice, I reccomend the B4A Extreme Weight Loss System. The system includes Hoodia and Soy Protein Supplements to suppress your appetite. A Green Tea Weight Loss Drink, customized fat burning workouts, and Pyruvate for fat burning, online counseling, scriptures. There are motivational tools for discipline and motivation. Plus, they give you online confidential assessments on how great you are doing and you get a variety of meal plans that includes every food you ever want to eat. There is no dieting and no restricted foods. There are no weekly weigh-ins. Moreover, there are no special foods you need to buy. Every thing is at your local grocer.Speaking from experience, I have several patients that have lost anywhere from 25lbs to 153lbs safely and quickly. The B4A Weight Loss System is available at wwwdiscoverb4acom.

How can you get rid of that icky "full" feeling after having a big meal?

I just hate that feeling soooo makes me sick! I'm sure some girls would just say that throwing up would work, but that's disgusting and those people are really sick!You can't really work-out and burn the food off after you just ate or else you'll get cramps. Soooo, what is the best way to get rid of that horribly icky feeling after a big meal?I'm thinking that drinking some cold water might work, so that's what I'm doing right now. I even had water with my meal, but I still have that gross full feeling!Please help!
Take a walk. Getting some exercise will get your digestion working and next thing you know, the feeling will pass.
Don't eat so much in the first place!
The only real way to avoid that feeling is to eat smaller portions.
if it feels icky don't eat so much that you feel as if you're about to blow. To get the food to digest faster lie down on the couch or bed for about 10-15 minutes and it should feel better if not take some sort of bloat/gas medicine like pepto bismol or Gas-X. Hope I helped
don't over eat! Eat slower so you will know when you are full before you do over eat...
Stop over eating. Eat slower, chew and enjoy each bite. It's not a race. People tend to over eat because they eat to fast.
My only suggestion to you would be is to never eat until you are that full that's grosser than puking it up and if you feel that bad the only way to get past it may be to go and throw it all up.
I have use Papaya Enzyme available in tablet form at GNC. I have also tried a German digestive liquid called Underberg. it comes in small bottles that resemble Nip liquor bottles. You can find it in larger grocery stores and specialty food stores.
don't eat big meals...why eat to the point where there is discomfort?
Stop eating before you get to that feeling! If you can't, then learn to deal with feeling full.
Eat until you are satisfied-and gorge yourself
I think this problem is easy to solve, when you are eating, and you began to feel like you've had enough, stop eating. It sounds like you are stuffing yourself, don't do that, it is not healthy.

How can you get nice abs and how long will it take?

how long would it take to get nice abs and what exercise are best for getting them? im an average male 6' 180 pounds...i do have a little belly and i want to get rid of what would be the best way to lose a few pounds and get nice abs within the next 2 months? is it possible and if so...what would be the best way to do it? thanks
You need to start doing ab exercises, but not everyday. Just like any other muscle for example biceps you wouldn't work out your biceps everyday. Don't do 100 crunches or situps in a row instead 25 to 30 a set in 3 sets try adding resistance with a weight across your chest.Working out your abs will get your abs bigger but there covered by a layer of fat. So you'll need to start a diet, no more cookies and cupcakes! (Low sugar high protein lots of water complex carbs) Also cardio 4 to 6 days a week. For the first two weeks do 10 to 15 mins each day then increase. For quicker results try a fat burner i recommend Lipo 6. I think in 2 months you'll great results.

How can you flatten your abs if you're a girl?

or make it smaller in terms of its width... tanx!
1. Wear form-fitting clothes: They will make you feel so conscious of your tum, you'll be forced to suck it in, thereby enhancing your posture - win-win all the way.2. Lie on back, with hands palm down, lift alternate legs off the floor slowly raising upto 45 deg, hold for 5 counts each. Repeat for as long as you are comfortable, but keep raising the number of times to achieve better results, over a period of time.3. Abstain from fast foods :)
sit ups are always the answer! do about fifty a day and I'm sure you'll get those abbes. If your not good at sit ups try doing crunches there easier and soon after you used to that you can move on to real sit ups and its always nice to add a nice walked after doing sit ups. and after that you can end the nice walk. Just do that and eat Healthier and smaller meals you'll get a smaller stomach
The only way youll be able to reduce it's width is by burning the fat around it, and you accomplish this by cardio activities such as swimming, jogging, skipping, or anything else that keeps your heart beating.

How can you detox your body?

How can you detox you body and make sure all the bad stuff is out? Im trying to eat better and be healthy so I'd like to know of a way to start fresh.
There is an article on cleansing and a cleanse that was featured on ABC news and FOX news. For more information go to
ask your doctor he or she will give you facts and will give you pointers on how to do this...
Do a weekend detox. Don't eat any food, drink at least 1 gal of water during that 2 days. You can add maple syrup with lemon juice into the water. Don't make it too sweet though, you just want a slight taste to the water.
Drinking a lot of fluids will certainly help. I'd go with water and cranberry juice. Also, make use of a dry sauna; you will sweat out a lot of toxins that way. Don't use a steam room as they can do more harm than good, especially if you have a weak or overworked immune system.
Over the course of 2-3 days, drink massive amounts of water. I'm talking as much as you can without dying!! Then try some Gold Seal. If you aren't already clean, that stuff will give you a 3-5 hour window. Oh! You AREN'T trying to pass a drug test. well, I've actually heard that eating nothing but actual vegetables (NOTHING BUT!!) will clear you out, but your body has to adjust to it and it takes about a month. After that, you're home free and healthy as a horse. A newborn horse. With no diseases. And stuff.
I would suggest a cleansing diet. I did this and lost 12 pounds and 17 inches in 9 days and then 28 pounds in about a month. I like the program since it works by giving your body nutrition through protein shakes with digestive enzymes and vitamins and then cleansing out the toxins. We get toxins in our bodies from pesticides, preservatives, water, pollution, medications, food additives etc鈥? These toxins enter our bodies and get coated with fat. To remove the extra fat, we need to get rid of the toxins through cleansing. The program also has a natural diet pill to help your metabolism and curb cravings. It works and it works fast. I lost 30 pounds in 5 weeks and I feel great. My skin has improved as well from the cleansing. You can get more info at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647. I think cleansing is really important to health and weight loss. Give it a try and good luck!

How can you determine your metabolic rate?

You can plug information into a calculator like this one: is your basal metabolic rate. If you were to do absolutely nothing, this is what your caloric requirement would be for the day just to stay alive. Then, you can add in activity. Here's one for that: a broken link :)This one helps you figure your ACTUAL metabolic rate. Hope this works out alright for you.
The more accurate ways to determine your resting metabolic rate use your lean mass. Your lean mass can be determined by your weight and percentage body fat.Here is a basal metabolic rate estimator. Enter your weight and percentage body fat and it will calculate it for you.

How can yoga help you loose weight? or doesn't it??

No it has no effect.
no just relax u
I think its related to the fact that stretching and other yoga type movements increase the heart rate and metabolism. Therfore it helps the food you eat get digested quicker. This is why yoga is suggested to be done before breakfast- a time when ones metabolism is usually very slow
It won't help you lose weight at all. It'll give you some muscle definition and really increase your flexibility, but it's no use for weight loss.
yes it canJenna Edwards Miss Florida 2004 says that her secret to ideal body is Yoga. However this is not a usual Yoga, it's a "hot" yoga. She did her yoga exercise in a 40 degrees celcius room.That will surely makes your weight go down.

How can u lose weight if your still a kid in an easy weight i play out side but it doesn`t work?

First of all, focus on your diet. Are you eating a lot of chips and sodas and junk food? If so, you will not be able to lose weight. School lunches are full of grease and fat too. Try and take your lunch if you can. Bring a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread and some fruit, and snack on fruit and drink water when you get home. See if your parents will go on walks or bike rides with you. You can play outside still... jump rope, or run around your yard, or do jumping jacks. All of this will help you lose weight. Good luck!
You shouldn't have to lose weight if your still a kid and you cant change your appearance by much anyways.
you can follow a program at a gym. they have good programs for fat burrnings.You also have to eat healthy food like vegetable. you can make good salads. its very healthy.Good luck
ur doin a good thing playin outside but u should just look out for the choclate %26 junk food . but u should eat it once in a while,

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can u get rid of cellulite?

First try dieting and doing lots of cardio a few times a week. If that doesn't work use this cream to get rid of it
You really can't get rid of it, but you can tone those areas and tan to make it less noticeable. Once your body chooses to store fat in that area you cannot choose whether or not it is gonna go away.
There is a new gel and wrap by Nivea and I hear they work pretty good.
Mix 1 cup compressed sesame oil , 1 oz baking soda, 1 tablespoon garlic oil, and 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Message the area for 20 minutes everyday. The cellu;ite will vanish in no time.
Squats, butt lifts, lunges and ham string excercises work best.
Also, you can check out non-surgical Velasmooth, Endermologie and Mesotherapy.Cellulite is caused by two things, 1) Fatty tissue and 2) Connective tissue. The first can be taken care of primarily by diet and working out. Drink your fair share of water, don't eat too much and work out to maintain your metabolism. The second is more problematic and gets worse as you age because collagen is not regenerated so the tissue becomes less elastic. Also, most people gain weight as they age because of a less active life style and a drop in metabolism. This is where Velasmooth or mesotherapy come in handy. The attached site has more info.
This site is highly recommended:

How can this diet work?

Its not really a diet. This is how my friend has eaten for 4 years now. She isn't anywhere near anorexic and has been at the same weight for all these years...120 pounds. She also very active.hauls scrap metals, farms/picks produce, and sells all summer.Okay here's what she joking
1 gallon of 2%milk, sometimes more but never less, every day.
3 boxes of kraft Mac %26 Cheese...all 3 packets of cheese but only 1 box of noodles. Every day.
2 cups of instant potatoes covered in butter. Every day.
1 Whopper Jr. w/ cheese. Every 2-3 days.
1 Medium Strawberry Shake. Every 3-4 days.I have never seen her eat anything else and her fiance says she never eats outside her one meal of Mac %26 cheese and Potatoes.What I'm can her body live on this?
well shes getting all her nutrients why would she be able to live off thatpotatoes are vegetables
mac and cheese is loaded in protein so is meat
milk and milk shakes have her calcium
wow...i have no idea, and my guess is, that she WONT Live on it if she carries on mcuh longer...where is the veg, the protein...its just fat and carbs...
that cheese aint helpin all it'll do is clog her up and make it hard 4 her to poop.people r so stupid wt diets.All you need to do is eat 3 times a day and get ur lazy asses up from the tv or computer and go outside. Eat real food and healthy snacks. if you dont eat ur body eats all the fat stored therefore making u even fatter
Just the average persons diet of meat and dairy is loaded with cholesterol. This will be terrible for health. Granted the fat may be burned off there is SO much cholesterol a day that it would easily cause early heart problems and clauged arteries.

How can this be?. I am aware that I am overweight right?

and I'm trying to lose weight. However, I must look a great deal fatter to other people than I appear to myself when I look in the mirror. I get upset when people say to me you really need to do something about your weight as the person I see in the mirror is not overly weight. 5ft 2.1/2ins tall 12st 5 lbs weight. Am I kidding myself that I do not look fat when in fact I am?For someone who used to be like a stick insect when she was younger I'm finding it hard to come to terms with this weight problem.I'm off for a 2 mile walk on the treadmill...cannot run well not yet.
you guys are stupid. 12 st 5 lbs is 12 stone 5 pounds (english weight people) which is the equivalent of 173 U.S. lbsYou have a Body Mass Index of 31.6. a score of 40 or over is when there are serious medical worries to be concerned about. To get straight to it, yes you are fat, but heres the good news. because you have so much extra weight ( you should weigh 99 and 121 lbs or 8/7 stone) it will be easier to lose than say a skinnier person. Just keep walking on teh treadmill and try to go further each time. Dont eat after 8pm. And as time goes on, try to run for a few minutes in the middle of your walking exercises. and tell any one else who has a problem with the way you look to **** off.
if u are happy with yourself then 4get everybody else
how heavy is 12st 5 lbs?Oh i get it 12 stone 5. Sorry. Yeah that's not skinny. But that's not morbidly call richard simmons obese either. People shouldn't be telling you "you really need to do something about your weight" That's really mean and your wieght is not at some sort of life or death level. Do what you want to do and tell those people to go jump in a lake.
it could be that you carry your weight very well. also it is easy to take it to heart what people say...but you have to try and focus on how you feel yourself and not what other people say about you.
WHAT is 12s5lbs?
i hope it s a strong treadmill
If you like what you see in the mirror it doesn't matter AT ALL what anyone else thinks! period!
Ok I didn't understand how much you said you weighed becuse it says 12st 5lbs weight? Anyway I am about 5' 5" and I weigh 165-170 lbs or 78 kgs and my doctor says I am the perfect weight for my age anyway I think you ment you are 125 lbs that is a perfect weight whoever told you your fat should shut their mouths besides it doesn't matter what they say it matters how you feel about you
Geez, people are rude. If you're happy with how you look, then you don't need to lose weight. BTW, that's just slightly more than my goal weight! grrr...
Don't listen to what other people say about you. If you are comfortable with the way you look, then you are fine. If you are too concerned about it, consult a doctor, don't take matters into your own hands.
ask your doctor and if he/she says your healthy. telll everyone else to go to take a flying leap off a cliff.
honey you wiegh more than i do and i'm 5ft 7ins, and i'm overweight also. but i'm not deluded about it and on some level neither are you as your doing something about it. but you are not just overweight you would actually be classed as obese. not trying to upset you, just being straight with you. the fact you cannot run on a treadmill must tell you something about your fitness levels. good luck with the weight loss.
If you're happy with the way you look then don't let it bother you but if you feel you need to lose weight then make sure you do it the healthy way. Just because you exercise doen't mean you are going to be healthy. You need to eat right too and if you gain weight at first don't worry, muscle weighs more than fat.
Goodness. You're not that heavy, dear. You're overweight for your height, but not in a major danger zone or anything. I'd say avoid the people telling you that. And if you work out more, you're putting on more muscle which is going to weigh more than fat, so weight isn't really a good indicator anyway. If you're happy with you, then so be it. Just eat healthy and exercise. I'm sorry you are surrounded by jerks. Good luck and feel better.
i suppose if you use the height to weight gubbins then you may be overweight, but i wouldn't think to the extent you'd be obese, so tell those who criticise " i can diet, but you'll always be a d*ck"
if you are hearing it alot,maybe you should try telling them that you are aware of the fact and that you are trying to do something about it.
I would KILL to be 125 again! Maybe they are remembering what you looked like before and expecting to see you like that now. To me, 125 and 5'2" is just about perfect. Not too much fat, but not pencil thin either. Just tell them you're happy with who you are (as you should be) and do what you want.
start doing some weight, this will build more muscle, burn fat ,tone your body and help with 1 - 2 sizes down
Don't forget to watch what you watch , get tons of liquids, avoid junk food and be active!!
I'm 5'3" and 105 pounds. and I am trying to keep it that way as much as I can with a healthy lifestyle
Well, I would advise more healthy eating, and walks, if you're over weight. Going on a diet doesn't mean to have to starve yourself. There's many great diets that help you loose weight.
I love that you are so comfortable in your skin and despite what others say you still believe yourself. I have yet to be comfortable in my skin because of what others say whether its that I am too thin or too fat. Stay strong to what you believe as long as you are happy.You go girl!
Sorry, but I was 12st 5lb and I considered myself overweight so I went on a low carb, high protein diet and lost nearly 3 stone!
I am 5'8!Maybe you should cut out the Nutella choccy spread;)Good luck with the weight loss and keep at it, you will soon be running!
Yes you are a little over weight, but hardly obese ! Who has been commenting on your weight ? That is a very hurtful and tactless thing to say to someone.?
No you don`t look heavier to other people - you look just as you do in the mirror - which - at 12stone 5lbs - is a drop in the ocean compared to what a lot of people weigh ! If you are content with how you look - ignore them - and by the way, i know a lot of people heavier than you - and they look fine too .
i dont think thats fat as all. i think you should learn to love ureself and ignore what other ppl say
so you are about 125 lbs? and 5.2 feet? Usually when you are shorter you will appear fatter. I am 5.0 feet tall and my highest weight needs to be around 105 lbs or I would look fat too. Even at 105lbs I look too fat. I try to be under 105. You probably need to be at around 115 lbs. It is tougher when you are short! You probably need to also learn some tricks ie, wear clothes that make you look taller!
I'm not sure what your weight is - 125? At any rate, you're not fat, by any means at 5' 2.5". If you want to reassure yourself, try getting weighed on a scale that shows your body fat - then check your BMI (Body Mass Index :
Forget what everybody else is saying - could they just be jealous?
One other thing I would like to make clear to everybody with an opinion - a fat person knows that they're fat - no need to tell them. That's just insensitive.
I calculated your BMI and I came up with a body massindex of 22.5 which is within the normal weight category, you have nothing to worry about, if you are happy with yourself then you have nothing to worry about.Most people are probably jealous of you and therefore try to make you self concious of your weight.
awww do not worry chick! *hugz* =D I am 5"9" and about 11.5 stones and it really surprises me when people say i am overweight, as when i look at the mirror i think that i look perfectly okay. What i have discovered for myself is that as long as you feel comfortable in your body you should not care about what anyone thinks of it. Just be happy hun. Saying all this i think exercising is a great idea, not that beacause you want to loose weight, but because you just want to live a healthier life. Good luck x =]
You are not fat but you are over your BMI (which is healthy weight), all you need to do is cut down on the calories a bit and do a bit of light excercise.
Also if you are happy then F**K what other people say
**** them. I calculated yawe BMI to be quite high, in the overweight catergory, but you are not OBESE. You're perfect, Embrace your body, i'd KILL to be your weight, my bones stick out in all the rong places and i have no ****.
Invest in a b-e-a-ootiful corset to show off your gawjuss figure, like one off
Add it to yawe faves, shud be updated with contact details soon.
I'm exactly the same. I know I'm overweight but never thought it was to the extent that people seem to make it out to be. But then again i get different reactions from different people some people really couldn't care less but others make comments. I think peoples perceptions of size have changed dramatically and in a really short space of time. When I was growing up being my size 16 wasn't such a big deal but now it seems like people think your on the verge of death. There's a lot of pressure because people are getting smaller and smaller especially in ages 16-25 there was a time not even 5 years ago where people were all shapes and sizes but now it seems if you are over a size 12 you are seen as big. I have learnt that what people think doesnt actually matter if I was tiny I wouldn;t look like me I would look like someone completely different being thin isnt always being happy. Size 14 is my limit and I am happy not being thin I'd prefer to be curvy and happy. If you used to be a stick insect as you say think back to when you were most comfortable with your size that doesnt necessarily need to be your smallest it isnt with me. You and I know your not on the verge of death you know that you are slightly overweight prehaps compared to those in the media or young girls you seem more overweight but what people think isn;t important I think you know how big you are i DONT think for one minute your kidding yourself and your obviously implimenting a way to loose it. Next time someone says you need to loose weight say I am thankyou and hold that head up high. Beauty is not size just remember that.
I think your not completely satisfied with how you look and you want to lose weight yourself. You should be proud of yourself for the steps you have taken so far for a healthier life. And No, you probably dont look so overweight. but sometimes if you gain a lot of weight over a longer period of time you dont really notice it yourself . Thats probably why people have been so blunt with you lately. if i were you i wouldnt let it hurt my feelings, i would just let it motivate me even more. Do it for yourself. Goodluck
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