
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do I CrossTrain for Cross Country(3miles)?

I want to Cross Train this year but i dont know what to swim or bike,(i.e. how far do i swim?swim fast? bike for a long distance or bike in short circuts at high speeds) please help me out! if there's a website that might contain this info, please let me know! Thanks
Hi,I have been running for 15 years and have completed several marathons.As far as getting the same aerobic workout without the pounding,the ONLY machine or exercise that gave me the same heart rate and training as running was using a Precor elliptical trainer.You can do interval training on it as well.Go to and they have training regimes for people that are advanced in fitness level like you or I.Go to loved this machine so much at the gym I bought one for home!The man who invented this machine noticed that his daughter while running,ran in an ellipse.There are several studies that runner's that were injured and trained for months on a elliptical trainer showed no drop off in fitness and actually improved in some cases.

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