
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How did Tom Hanks lose all that weight for Castaway movie?

Obvious (i.e. he stopped eating) and ridiculous responses, don't waste my time.
Why would you ask not to get dumb responses you know your going to get themUHHHHHHHHHHH He stopped eating so much and worked out He for damn sure didn't do it sitting on the computer on ByeDr.coms
It doesn't matter HOW. What matters in losing weight is MOTIVATION.. and he had MILLIONS of reasons to lose weight. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
I heard he had his brother fill in for a lot of scenes. He also did this for a lot of the running scenes in Forest Gump. It was hard to tell because both characters were bearded and/or wearing a baseball cap.Somewhat related: It's rumored that Christian Bale lost 1/3 of his body weight for The Machinist by eating a can of tuna a day with an apple.
They didn't film the entire movie all at the same time. They gave him time off to lose the weight and then finished filming
I actually heard on this little HBO movie preview thingy that they heard he got several lipsuctions done during the filming of the movie.
probably starvation diets "not agood way toloose weight"have you seen him sinse he has put it back on .
He was that small to begin with... they began at the end and ended at the beginning... he actually gained weight during its filming.
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