
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How did u lose your weight?

What was the best way that u ever lost weight? Was it hard and how much and how long did it take you? Thanks in advance !
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:) i lost about 40lbs.
Weight Watchers...I lost quickly on the "points" system...about 30 pounds in 6 months. I kept it off, too!Good luck...
i weighed 123 and i'm down to 115 in about 3 months. it was slow, but that's because i didn't want to crash diet. i started to go to the gym (drag friends along - it's easier that way) and eat smaller portions more often, drink more water and tea.
well, that worked for me. But after a certain plateau (like where I am now) its hard to lose those last few vanity pounds.. at least for me.
When I lost about ten pounds or so, I wasn't really aiming to lose weight, but this is what I did: Every day after school, I went jogging for about 30 minutes long distance. I also restricted my intake of junk food, and drank lots of water. I had subtle visible results within a month.
i ran did excersies ate right went on a vegetarian diet jus went outside alot
The only thing that has EVER worked for me was counting grams of fat. I allowed myself 35 a day and lost weight but when it started slowing down, I allowed myself 30, then 25, and eventually 20. I lost 25 lbs like that.
I weighed 120 pounds in 2 months I lost 10 pounds. What I deid is I never ate lunch and I ran every morning. I dont think it was a smart idea not to eat lunch but it sure helped
Only eat when you're hungry. Stop eating when you're not hungry as opposed to when you're stuffed full.Works for me. No exercise required.
eat less and dont eat junk
I just stopped eating junk food and walking places, such as instead of the supermarket close to me (which I dislike), I now walk to the other a mile away. Every little helps.
I lost 45 pounds on Atkins...took about a year...maintained for three years doing a variation on Atkins...low sugar but added whole wheat bread and more fruit to my diet. Started to gain a little back so now I am doing weight watchers on line and have lost 10 pounds...I also exercise every other day...either use my elliptical, walk or go ice skating...I take it one step at a time and have learned to take it slow...the weight will come is hard for me some days, but I really like being back in the smaller sizes again!
Cardio exercise... walking, treadmill, elliptical machine!
well i skip lots of meals but i take vitamins so i stay healthy

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