
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do I build calf muscle quickly?

I'm of a small build ( size 8 ) and at the age of 22 I have no cellulite ( thank the Lord ). My body is well toned ( not muscle, just no saggy bits ). I want to build some calf muscle quickly with out affecting my thigh muscles and buttock muscles too much. Is there a way I could do this? A quick way? Please??
Perfect way is to do calf raises. Stand flat on the ground and do several sets of raising yourself up on your tip toes and then slowly back down again. These isolate your calf muscles and will flesh them out a little.
Run regularly maybe a few metres?
stand on a step or a couple of phone books with just your toes (heels off) and raise and lower yourself. do this for about 20 reps about 3 times a day and you should start to get some calf muscles.Ps - wish i didn't have any cellutite b*tch! (just kidding)
Skip, Land on your toes and push up with the same.
Hi, I'm Sean Toh from Singapore. One way to build calf muscle is to do standing leg raises. Click the links below to see how the exercise is properly executed.Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Experienced Bodybuilder %26 Personal Fitness Consultant
Calf raises are good at building calf muscles, but calves in general are a hard muscle to build quickly. The high frequency method seems to work for a lot of people. Just do a couple sets of calf raises (go up on your toes and go back down. repeat.) whenever you remember to, maybe 2-4 times a day. Start slow of course, and work your way up. Stretch your calves daily as well, if you try the high frequency method.

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