
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How could i lose weight? im 16, 5'7", and weigh 220.?

I do at least 110 sit-ups a day and i jog for about an hour on weekdays, I'm 16 / 5'11" / 220lb drink nothing but water, drink a shake containing fruits and oatmeal for breakfast, i only eat salads from fast food restaurants, when i can i eat a cup of low fat yogurt. nothing happens to my weight..please tell me what i should or should not be doing, What should i do to help me lose weight?!? ,
Switch up your cardio as your body is probably now used to what you have been doing
Try Susan Powter's exercise videos, they worked great for my sister. It is very controlled exercising and works well. And as long as you keep eating right you should have success. Good luck.
1- go to the doctor to see if there is something wrong .
3-eat (small amount)of every thing you eat it usually.
4-no (cola,fast food)
5- eat 4 mails at day (small amount) .
6- keep this program as your life program (important)
How fast do you jog? you might need to bump it up a notch. What else is in that shake? when you get the salads at the fast food rest do you cover it with high fat dressing?
This is what needs to happen. You need tostart a diary. Write down everything that goes into your mouth for a week. And I mean EVERYTHING. Don't lie to yourself, it won't help you lose weight. You are probably consuming calories you don't even realize. The situps won't help you lose weight they will only help you tone your stomach muscles. In order to burn fat you need cardio. Get a heart rate monitor and make sure you're jogging fast enough to elevate your heart rate.

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