
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How could I lose a few inches on my hips and waist?

I need to lose 6 inches to enlist in the Army. I run almost every day, but there isn't any results. I've actually gained weight. How can this be? Now I'm just getting frustrated. A few years ago I could lost weight fast, but now I have two kids.
I use and recommend the Cinch Inch Loss Plan. It's powered by leucine, an essential amino acid that travels directly to muscle to signal protein synthesis. It helps your body preserve muscle mass while you lose weight and inches from fat. On most diets, you lose muscle as well as fat. When you lose muscle, you lose some of your body's ability to burn fat and your metabolism drops.I was on the plan for three weeks and lost 10 lbs., 4 1/2 inches from my waistline, and 2 1/4 inches from my hips.It's very healthy and easy to follow.Hope this is helpful and feel free to contact me with questions.
well one reason can be is if you eat fast foods than that might be the reason, or if you don't eat lots if salads than ya...
Muscle weighs more than it could be that ur gaining muscle rather than getting fatter!
You have to change you eating habits do not add salt to foods cut back on those which contain large amounts of salt. Stick with veggies and fruits low fat meat (no red meat). Drink plenty of water. Eat at least 5 times per day small meals. Don't workout too hard take it slow stay in your HR zone. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat and you will gain before you lose due to muscle mass. Whatever you do, do not quit.

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