
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How did u achieve your weight loss?

I would like to know what your best way to lose weight was? Details on how hard it was or how easy and how much you lost?
Alright... ready for this!? lol...I do boxer conditioning with a great friend of mine. I love boxing, and my friend is hilarious, and ya. One thing that really helps me is having a friend who is really healthy - she motivates me and since we spend lots of time together I'm healthier now because of it. For example, when she grabs a grilled chicken whole wheat pita, I do too!Another thing, my man just got back from being at a different university than me this year. So... while he was gone I decided to join boxing, eat healthier more often in smaller portions, ect. because I wanna suprise him when he gets back! I made a decision to change my lifestyle.And it's paid off! A month ago I wore a belt that I hadn't wore for months --- I had to CREATE a new hole to wear it! And now (it's been 4 months roughly since I began my health craze) ALL my clothes are falling off me. I needed to go shopping BADLY because as of late I looked rediculous --- and I just found out this past weekend that I've gone down from a size 7-9 to a size 5.I feel better when I work out, and the healthier foods I eat the more I crave them instead of other things. Whenever I crave sugary sweets, I turn to really sweet fruit like grapes and oranges (after all, most candies ARE fruit flavoured). When I crave something sweet and salty, I go for a small bowl of cereal. Slowly but surely, by eating healthier, you won't crave junk anymore. Also, I didn't limit myself! Weed out the junk, don't try to stop automatically because that will result in binging. I didn't straight up expect to not eat junk ever again, but tried to be more cautious, and eventually it weeded itself out. Here's an example - I still live at home, so during the day I eat lots of fruits and veggies and whole wheats because I know that at supper time I'm not the cook and I'll have small portions of whatever the family is eating. I also treat myself once a week to whatever I've been craving and I've come to find that as of late, I haven't been craving junk that much at all.I also find that listening to Headstrong by Trapt and Paralyzer by Finger Eleven when working out works wonders too... :DSorry if this is a little long, but to sum things up --- I've changed whites to browns, been eating lots of fruits and veggies, been eating 4-6 small meals a day and have been drinking a lot of water and tea. As for being easy --- it's gradually gotten easier. As for how much I've lost --- I'm not too sure. All I know is that the shape of my body is now bikini ready when before it wasn't, my love handles have disappeared, and I've gone down in sizes.
i dont eat that much ...well im not gonna eat at all or just exersise and eat healthy
I am sure you have heard this 1,633,432 times but I will say it again. DIET AND EXERCISE. You cannot do one with out the other an expect significant results. I started off with the South Beach Diet and lost 25 lbs. in about 4 months. It was hard at the beginning but then got easy. I put a little back down, but now I am back down to the same weight with some minor tweaks.Diet info from -- are good diet tips:
* Eat more fiber. Fiber gives you a satiated feeling, helping you to curb food cravings. It also keeps your colon healthy, and aids in proper digestion. Research has shown that obesity puts you at higher risk for colorectal cancer, primarily due to a low-fiber, high-calorie, processed food diet. Incorporate ground flax seed in smoothies, soups, and favorite cereals to increase your fiber intake.
* Skip the low-fat food products. Most of the low-fat, processed foods in grocery stores are typically high-carb foods that are loaded with sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners, and synthetic fat substitutes. Many of these ingredients cause weight gain, rather than reduce it. Read more about food ingredients.
* Add virgin coconut oil to your diet. The natural saturated fat in virgin coconut oil can help stabilize blood sugar levels, facilitate proper thyroid function, and aid in weight loss.
* Eat more vegetables and fruits. Not only are they a good source of fiber, but they contain many naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary for maintaining optimal health and weight. Watch out for fruit juices, they often contain added sugars that can increase your calorie intake dramatically. Opt for water, or diluted fruit juice (three quarters water and one quarter juice).
* Don鈥檛 skip breakfast. Fasting activates the starvation response, slowing your metabolism and increasing the chances that excess fat will be stored to fuel your nutrient-depleted body. Studies now show that women who eat cereal for breakfast maintained their weight better than those who skipped breakfast. The plus of whole grain cereal is that it is a low-calorie, fiber-rich food.3 Obese people tend to lack necessary fiber in their diets.
* Eat frequent meals. Eating five to six small meals throughout the day helps to speed up your metabolism. On the other hand, eating large meals only once or twice a day will actually slow down your metabolism.Exercise tips -- Start off slow and light, if you go to hard to begin you will get sore and be prone to take days off. Mix it up, jog some days, walk others, play tennis, play racquetball, lift weights occassionally, do pilates, yoga, stretch. Keep your body guessing and you will never become bored with your routine.
Quite simply burned more calories then i consumed, it's the only way, how you go about doing that is up to you and the more choices you have the more chance you will fail. 93% of dieters not only fail weight loss they gain it all back and more, they try to complicate weight loss with fancy tips
and soups and supplements when in reality it comes down to a few things.1) A calorie deficit diet using clean foods.
2) An effective form of cardiovascular excercise performed daily.
3) PersistancePart 3 is where they fail, you have to want to change and want to keep it off, its a lifestyle change and no easy feat, fat loss is one of the hardest tasks you can do, mentally, physichally and emotionaly taxing. People who lose too fast ruin theyre metabolism and end up gaining weight back very easily. You can safely lose up to 2lbs a week. Keep it simple. GL.
eat 15 days protin diet and eat 15 days crbohidrate diet,eat more and more vegetables, drink 3 litres of water everyday. walk atleast 2 hours a day.have your meal in will loose 05 kg of your weight in a month.i also did the same and my weight is also reduced.

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