
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do i become happier with myself?

well, i am not happy with my weight. i mean everyone is skinnier than i am and this may sound slutty but i dont get any attention from guys. i have been working really hard and i just cant seem to get my weight down so i look attractive in a bikini. can someone please help me!! oh i definately dont want to take pills... i just need to be happier with myself.
DONT TAKE PILLS! Whatever you do. I'm happy to see u arent falling into the trap of the diet pills. Let me tell you that you can lose all the weight in the world, and have a supermodel body...and still be unhappy. True happiness is more of a mental thing. It begins within. You have to work on your self worth and know that you mean way more than your jeans size.
In order to be happy with self you need to ACCEPT SELF. I don't understand do you want to lose weight to feel at eaze with yourself? or do you just want to feel good with yourself? because even if your fat you still can feel good about yourself. It is not healthy to be fat but it is healthy to feel good about yourself regardless. You need to learn how to accept yourself and be yourself regardless. You need to be you to be happy! follow your instincts. If you know having a piece of chocolate cake is wrong don't do it. follow your instincts.
You totally sound like me I started to read my Bible and listen in church it helps you and any guy who cares that much about weight should be killed. you sould nice. Pray to God some guy will come along just be yourself. (AND JUST FOR THE RECORD WHAT GIRL DOESN"T WANT THE ATTENTION FROM THE GUYS??!!)
Need a good chrch you can try/call mine:
(734) 697-7150
BereanBaptist and ask for the pastor.
Well you are probably beautiful but your insecurities are holding you back. Confidence is key, and it is very attractive. Have you ever noticed how some guys or women who aren't necessarily that physically attractive seem to get all the attention? Because they are secure about themselves. That bieng said, it's not easy to love yourself. I struggle with this all the time. You need to learn to accept who you are and try to tell yourself positive messages. The more positive you are, the more you'll believe it.
ok well im glad to hear that u are at least trying and wanting to be happy. as long as u have the right motive everything is gonna be alright. i think you should accept yourself the way you are, and if u think of loosing weight, do it for urself not for other people or just to be like the other girls (in a healthy way of course(excercise or healthy food) and just be urself, everyone is unique in their own way, if you are being urself you will find people who match ur characteristics and who will see the goodness in you. no matter what all these skinny girls look like, they are all following one image, and being different wll make you different in beautiful in your own way. keep your head up and don't let anyone bring u down. do what you love and what u feel is right for you, rather than trying to be someone else. im sure there is a lot of special things that u have and many of those girls dont.
you should think of yourself as a good and wealthy man or woman

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