
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

HOw did you keep trim after quitting smoking?

Besides exercise and eating healthy?
Any detox system, herbs or something that kept your metabolism higher to maintain a lower weight?
And anything to help curb appetite
Green tea. Walking u can't escape it . It helps alot.
start jogging I did
Take some vitamins
You already answered your own question. Diet and exercise. Supplements are a joke. Use your own will power.
Consume fewer calories than you are burning.
Sadly I didn't keep the weight off, but I have been smoke free for 7 years now.
I did it with Zyban, took 2 tries, nothing else worked.
My dad gained quite a bit of weight when he quit smoking. He lost all of the weight naturally just by doing the ol' eating healthy and exercise plan. No supplements other than a daily multivitamin. this info helps.
you were able to quit?? WELL DONE!
Well I never quit smoking, or even started for that matter, but I can still help you. Make sure to get in a t least an hour of exercise a day, it will make you feel(and look) GREAT! Also make sure to eat your fruits and vegetables, and yes I know I sound like your mother! If you want to stay full all day have spinach in your breakfast somehow, I usually do a spinach and tomato omelette. But studies prove that eating spinach early in the day helps to curb your appetite for the rest of the day. Good Luck and Congratulations on quitting. . . GREAT choice!
Choose products sweetened with splenda or any sugar substitute, eat whole wheat bread because it takes more calories to process the ingredients than white bread does, tuna, eggs, fish, lean meats, and eat smaller portions...junk food, you know, chips, and candy. If you limit your intake of carbs, which are processed into sugars, the excess of which is stored as fat, it is very possible to not gain weight. Just eat healthy.
There are so many appetite suppressants on the market, its a crap shoot, I keep sugarless hard candies handy. They are really tasty, last a long time, and satisfy my taste for sweets.
i dont know what you have to do to keep trim, but i just wanted to tell you " good choice on quitting the smokes! you did all of us and yourself a favour!

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