
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do I build muscle best?

I have been going to the gym for 12 months twice a week for 45min - 1 hour sessions, and although I have toned up and built a little muscle I thought I would be much bigger by now, yesterday I changed my tactics to less reps more weight, will this build muscle quicker than less weight more reps? Any other advice would be welcome! Cheers
NO !! Less reps and more weight (don't hurt yourself, of course)
Let's summarize:
- Lots of calories and carbs and good polyinsaturated, monosaturated fats.- 1 muscle group per week- Train heavy (go heavy or go home)- Sleep AT LEAST 8 hrs per night no matter what- Take some caseine proteine before going to bed- Spread your meals in 6-7 small meals-Supplement with 10 Gr. of glutamine per dayFollow these instructions and there is no Freakin' way you won't be huge.
Less rep more weight should help. Less rep / more weights is done to build muslce. More reps / less weight is to just tone up and build endurance. Also, change up your routine every now and then. You body becomes more efficient over time and muscles have memory so "shock" them with different versions of the same exercise.i.e. instead of bench press do bar bell presses. Good luck.
Find someone to help you with a food choosing, that is very important too.
And for god sake, do not even think of synthetic additions or that kind of stuff.
You gotta train more like 4 days a week at least, for an overall body workout. 1 h a session is right on target. Work on your diet and intensity of your workout. More calories and shorter brakes in between sets. Don't overdo the calories though. Just bump it up with 300 calories a week se where it takes you. If you se you getting fat cut down, if not bump up some more, until you find your balance.I like to do about 4 exercises with 4 - 3 sets pr muscle-group, and I take 2 muscle-groups a day. like chest triceps...and abs...but those don't really count.
Protein suppliments and more weight less reps.
Try adding protein shakes to your morning diet. Its good for building muscle. You can find them at any GNC or Vitamin World.
get a spotter. stop just exercising and start lifting heavy til it burns. take day to rest/rebuild. eat meat. when it's hard to lift your gym bag after a workout, ya did good!!

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