
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do I cut down on carbs?

I looked at my daily analysis and I have an awful lot of carbs.Date:2007-05-03
Calories: 756
Grams: 1246 (100%)
Fat: 3 grams (3.7%)
Carbs: 149 grams (79.1%)
Protein:19 grams (10%)Right. And I'll probably post my menu too.BreakfastPears 139 grams 81 calories
wheatcakes 10 grams 34 calories LunchSpaghetti - Cooked, plain 250 grams 353 calories
Ketchup 20 grams 19 calories
Diet Coke 500 ml 2 calories

DinnerSpaghetti - Cooked, plain 70 grams 99 calories
Sugar 3 grams 12calories
Tang (a drink) 50 ml 13caloriesSnacksApples 212 grams 110 calories
wheatcakes 10 grams 34 calories

Total Calories Consumed: 756I know the calorie total is a tad low, and I'm working on that. But what concerns me is that I have about 80% carbs.
Any idea how to cut down on that?
Cut out the spaghetti, first of all, have green veggies and chicken. Use Splenda in your Tang instead of sugar.
well this diet works . . but ive been told that once you go on a low carb diet, you can never go back to eating carbs becaus eyour body looses some of the ability to convert them, so if you ever go back to eating carbs you get real big real fast, but if you want to still lower carb intake, pasta, potatoes, startchy foods, all bad, ive heard carrots are bad and tomatoes . . .but if i was you i woudl still eat fresh fruits and vegtables
Check out the zone diet. You can get a book. It's awesome! I've lost 35lbs!
Well, cut out the pasta and any flavored beverages. Anything that contains flour is something you should cut out. Try and drink only water (coming from me that is a huge task - I have a hard time doing that, but when I cut soda out entirely, I lost several pounds in only a couple of weeks). If you must have bread for sandwiches, try using low-carb mulitgrain wraps instead. The best thing, however, it start to diligenty read food labels and you'll start learning what is low carb and what isn't.
Switch one of your speghetti meals to some vegetables and fish or chicken. If you only eat spaghetti every meal You may turn into speghetti (advice from my grandmother)
Try sushi for lunch. Do you have it nearby ?Salmon, tuna and eel sushi contain approximately 200 calories per four ounce serving. The number is cut by half if the sushi uses Shrimp and octopus. That鈥檚 not including the nutrition that the fish holds, such as: B Vitamins, selenium and Omega 3 acids. Studies has proven that those omega 3 acids actually good for your health.Sushi is also a good lunch for those who are on weight loss diet due to the small servings size they are served.

How do I CrossTrain for Cross Country(3miles)?

I want to Cross Train this year but i dont know what to swim or bike,(i.e. how far do i swim?swim fast? bike for a long distance or bike in short circuts at high speeds) please help me out! if there's a website that might contain this info, please let me know! Thanks
Hi,I have been running for 15 years and have completed several marathons.As far as getting the same aerobic workout without the pounding,the ONLY machine or exercise that gave me the same heart rate and training as running was using a Precor elliptical trainer.You can do interval training on it as well.Go to and they have training regimes for people that are advanced in fitness level like you or I.Go to loved this machine so much at the gym I bought one for home!The man who invented this machine noticed that his daughter while running,ran in an ellipse.There are several studies that runner's that were injured and trained for months on a elliptical trainer showed no drop off in fitness and actually improved in some cases.

How do I continue running when I'm breathing hard?

Tomorrow I have to do the mile run in gym, and I want to get a good score. My endurance isn't that good.
Just pace yourself, don't go too fast. I run track and I have terrible endurance. To get your endurance up you really have to start training early.Goodluck!
If you're breathing hard you should perhaps slow down a little bit and catch your breath. It's better that you prepare for the race by getting good sleep, eating a good breakfast, and stretching before running. Try to run at a consistent speed the whole time instead of starting off very fast and then tiring yourself out.
Take the mile steadily and try to maintain your speed at a very mildly challenging, comfortable pace. If you concentrate on that, you'll finish before you know it, with a decent time. Its okay to breathe hard- its good for you, as long as you don't do it for TOO long... Good luck tomorrow
I have friend who told me that breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth helps, because your lungs expand more when you breathe through your nose. I've tried it, and it seems to help.
Remember that running for endurance has a lot to do with your mental strength. You could set little goals, like say, I just have to run to that post, and then when you get to the post, say, I just have to run around the corner... it's so easy to stop when you start to feel the pain and the burn... but if you can get past the mental block, you can do it.

How do I concentrate in school while dieting?

I am a college student who is trying to eat healthy and lose weight while restricting calories. I study EE which has lots of math and physics in it, so i eventually need some sugar and caffiene to concentrate for longer hours. How can I manage to quit eating sugards and caffiene. I do very well but I always fail when the first round of exams comes up.
next time you feel like having sugar or caffiene drink a bottle or glass of water instead.i did it for about 3 months. i had no soda, (but had one cup of coffee each morning) and just ate healthy the rest of the day and counted my calories and i lost about 20lbs in 3 months. i also worked out a lot (weights and running) while going to school and work.just tell yourself to have water instead of sweets. or have a decaf tea or coffee, etc.
Slowly ween yourself. Don't do it all in one day.
I'm assuming that by sugar, you mean sugar like in candy, etc. Try eating more fruit; it's a good source of fiber and has its own natural sugars.Coffee is actually good for you, though I think you're not supposed to have more than three cups a day. Like the previous answer, try to slowly wean yourself off the coffee. And maybe start taking it black to also cut back on sugar.
Simple sugar is aweful. Stick to low glycemic carbs, they will give you sustained energy. Have some oatmeal (not the instant kind) with some protein source.
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!

How do i care for a yorkie poodle?

i might be getting one and i dono wat to do so can sumone please help me prepare
Pretty much the same as for any puppy. Alot of patience, attention, paper towels and 409.Get a book about the specific breed too.
You need to go on the dog section here for better responses.

How do I calculate my biological age?

Please give simple, concise, clear bullet-point instructions.Thanks.
go to . You will anser a survey, which can be pretty lengthy. Based on your answers they will give you the age that you bosy is at.
what is biological age?

How do I burn fat in my face?

My face looks fat. It's kinda chubby, but I'm not fat or overweight or anything like that. Is there some way I can burn fat from my face? Thanks.
too bad that you are not fat or else its easier to expllain what yo should do. anyway, no offence and just kidding.
some of my beauticians fellow told me this, so hopefully it helps you..
take chewing gums everyday. you know lots available in the market so just pick the healthy one. chew and chew, its a natural exercise for your face.
secondly , spend some money to saloon whereby ask the beautician to do face massage for you. it may helps to tone up and face lift your face whereby your face would actually look tighter . that one can only do at least one or two times a week but still depend on your face features.
learn to do that by yourself, then its will be cheaper cos you can do it anytime as you like.
if you are fat, slim down can do cos your face will also slim down by itself.
LAStly, if you face is chubby by natural or its genetic in this way, just stay as it is. no need to change at all cos its very hard.
so, good luck and give it a try then . hope it helps
unfortunately you cannot target specific fat areas. Fat burns all over. Some people like myself have chubbier faces.
you can try up your head when jogging
Wear a light bronzer on your jawline and lower cheeks to make yourself look slimmer in the face. good luck
You just exercise and hope it comes off or you can get a liposuction,etc. (If your really desperate.) Anyway i would just exercise if i were you. Same with me.
chew alot of gum
you can't lose weight in a particular area. If you really want to lose the weight, than you have to diet and exercise. It might not come off the face though.

How do i build up my will power to loose weight?

I want to loose weight but food rather than excercise is the issue, when i come home from work i can't be bothered to cook and neither can rich. its will power problems rather than anything, i want to loose it but am maybe too lazy to try, i'm not after a quick fix i want something that will change my lifestyle, something that is quick and simple to do (food prep wise) and cheap biggest problem is my love for donner meat and chips, any idea's for alternatives?I'd love some idea's on lifestyle diets that are easy to stick to and if anyone who's been there has any advice
Try joining a slimming world class, its great motivation and with Red %26 Green days you can have sin free chips and proper meat kebabs. You could also try putting a naked pic of yourself on your fridge.Best of luck
I would suggest snacking throughout the day. 5 to 6 small meals a day. That way when you get home for a rough day at work, you don't have to prepare a meal, because you may not be hungrey. This boosts up you metablism and helps burn calories. Try Garnola Bars, K Smart bars, popcorn, or the little frozen diet dinners at wal-mart. Good luck. And I hope I helped you out a little. Take care.
You get yourself a goddamn backbone?
Consider taking time out at the weekend and planning your meals for the week, make them and freeze them, walla; instant meals that are healthy and made by yourself. We all have our 鈥榝avourite鈥?foods. Consider having chips once a week, nothing wrong with that, and there is nothing wrong with indulging our 鈥榥aughty鈥?habits once in a while, at least it鈥檒l stop you binging out right on them. Moderation is the key, I don鈥檛 believe in excluding any food from our diets, just eat it in - great motivational website. - same.
My suggestion would be to just do it. Now. I find the biggest reason I don't start things isn't really becasue I'm lazy, I'm more afraid I'll try and fail. Pick a form of exercise you like (for me it's tennis and running, you may prefer dancing, aerobics or anything that keeps you active- needn't be a 'sport'). This will help you burn off some extra calories, and believe me it'll be worth it once you see your new body. On the diet side, I'd just say cut down on your portions. Don't worry about losing weight fast. It will come off naturally if you increase your activity level, and reduce what you're eating- even if that's only by 10%. Also, don't be afraid of an occasional donner meat and chps. One helping won't kill you, but keep it occasional ;)
Hey girlfriend,been there done that!! Find your motivation for losing weight and plan in advance.Forget the donner and chips,well treat yourself to it maybe once a month.Only a treat remember!! Be prepared to eat lots of fruit and vegetables,anyway but fried.Avoid anything fried and try that 1cal spray from supermarkets.Its great.If you have a naff day..hey dont worry just get back to it as soon as possible.Buy yourself an item of clothing in the size you wanna reach and that will be your motivation and the compliments you receive will be your biggest motivation.Dont forget to exercise.Be sensible.All the best.

How do I build my chest up when the only equipment I have is dumbells?

I decided recently that I want to try to build at least a basic amount of muscle. I bought a "Weight Training for Dummies" book, but about half the exercises are for either barbells or gym machines. I don't have a way of getting to the gym and I can't afford barbells, so dumbbells are basically my only option. I tried the one and only dumbbell chest exercise in the book (essentially an imitation of the bench press), but it only felt like it was working my arms and not my chest. I also tried adjusting my posture, but still nothing. What are some other dumbbell exercises I can do for my chest?
I would do push ups- either regular ones- or elevate your legs on the couch and your upper body is on the floor so your body is angled and do push ups. are a few websites found with regards to dumbbell exercises to find more just do a search under google and it'll bring you up other websites.Good luck and happy training.K
I'm in the exact same situation you are in. I only have dumbells (however i'm getting a cheap bench one of these days) and i want to work on my chest. Basically i just do push ups and do bench presses (if you could call it that) with the dumbells on the floor. Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can answer your question better than i can. Good luck.
Flies are basically the only exercise I can think of. I think your form might be off.In order to target the chest, you probably will have to use a light weight, so you can put yourself into a position to use your chest instead of your shoulders and arms. Try doing it without weight first to get the feel of it. Just lay on your back, hold your arms out to the side, and contract your pecs. Your arms should rise up. Add light weights when you are able to do this correctly.*Thought of another: Dumbbell "bench" presses with a "wide grip" down to the neck.
you can put the dumbbells on the ground and do push-ups with your hands holding on to the dumbbellsthis allows you to get deeper with the push-ups and makes them more difficultand if you want to do the bench press imitation try keeping a larger distance between the dumbbells
Make sure when you are doing that imitation bench press that you are flexing your chest as you raise the weights. Also, do them SLOWLY. You may need an increase in weights. Push ups are also good for the chest. If push ups get too easy, then do them one handed, or clap in between them. You can use your own body weight to get some serious results.
lay on your back and do butterfly moves with all the weight you can do for eight reps. Then tilt a board at 45 deg. lean back on the board and 8 more. then forget about it for two days, then repeat. push ups are good but don't do them same day. try for 50 mpushups, then go for one hand ones, but only a few. Too many reps make you hard, but not big. when you are 70 like me, watch that those big pecs don't get saggy, you can never quit. some things once you get them , you gotta take care of for life.

How do I build muscle mass and strenght?

I am 14 years old and my parents don't let me weight lift so I need an alternate way of building muscle mass and strenght.
why wont they let you lift? because it will make you short? thats an old wives tale. go online and do your research showing the benefits of weight training and present it to your parents. explain your goals of wanting a healthy lifestyle by exercise, etc etc etc.. now to answer your question, you can do body weight exercises. pushups, diamond pushups, pullups, squats, dips, these are exercises you can do without weight and still strengthen your muscles.

How do I build muscle best?

I have been going to the gym for 12 months twice a week for 45min - 1 hour sessions, and although I have toned up and built a little muscle I thought I would be much bigger by now, yesterday I changed my tactics to less reps more weight, will this build muscle quicker than less weight more reps? Any other advice would be welcome! Cheers
NO !! Less reps and more weight (don't hurt yourself, of course)
Let's summarize:
- Lots of calories and carbs and good polyinsaturated, monosaturated fats.- 1 muscle group per week- Train heavy (go heavy or go home)- Sleep AT LEAST 8 hrs per night no matter what- Take some caseine proteine before going to bed- Spread your meals in 6-7 small meals-Supplement with 10 Gr. of glutamine per dayFollow these instructions and there is no Freakin' way you won't be huge.
Less rep more weight should help. Less rep / more weights is done to build muslce. More reps / less weight is to just tone up and build endurance. Also, change up your routine every now and then. You body becomes more efficient over time and muscles have memory so "shock" them with different versions of the same exercise.i.e. instead of bench press do bar bell presses. Good luck.
Find someone to help you with a food choosing, that is very important too.
And for god sake, do not even think of synthetic additions or that kind of stuff.
You gotta train more like 4 days a week at least, for an overall body workout. 1 h a session is right on target. Work on your diet and intensity of your workout. More calories and shorter brakes in between sets. Don't overdo the calories though. Just bump it up with 300 calories a week se where it takes you. If you se you getting fat cut down, if not bump up some more, until you find your balance.I like to do about 4 exercises with 4 - 3 sets pr muscle-group, and I take 2 muscle-groups a day. like chest triceps...and abs...but those don't really count.
Protein suppliments and more weight less reps.
Try adding protein shakes to your morning diet. Its good for building muscle. You can find them at any GNC or Vitamin World.
get a spotter. stop just exercising and start lifting heavy til it burns. take day to rest/rebuild. eat meat. when it's hard to lift your gym bag after a workout, ya did good!!

How do i build muscle around my legs,bum and tummy to burn fat..?

bin on a diet for 5 weeks ive lost 11 18 and i weigh 138 pounds now...i have a healthy diet and i do around 3 miles of jogging a day but when you build muscle you burn more fat so how cud i build some muscle in the areas i want to lose weight...
Dont think about you body as specific areas. Gain lean muscle all around and you burn fat easier. Especiall in the mid section. Look into doing full body workouts with high reps and low weight. Instead of jogging all the time think about doing interval training for ex. jog 2 minutes then sprint for 45sec-1 min, repeat for 10-15 bouts. You burn a hell of alot more calories this way. Good Luck

How do I build calf muscle quickly?

I'm of a small build ( size 8 ) and at the age of 22 I have no cellulite ( thank the Lord ). My body is well toned ( not muscle, just no saggy bits ). I want to build some calf muscle quickly with out affecting my thigh muscles and buttock muscles too much. Is there a way I could do this? A quick way? Please??
Perfect way is to do calf raises. Stand flat on the ground and do several sets of raising yourself up on your tip toes and then slowly back down again. These isolate your calf muscles and will flesh them out a little.
Run regularly maybe a few metres?
stand on a step or a couple of phone books with just your toes (heels off) and raise and lower yourself. do this for about 20 reps about 3 times a day and you should start to get some calf muscles.Ps - wish i didn't have any cellutite b*tch! (just kidding)
Skip, Land on your toes and push up with the same.
Hi, I'm Sean Toh from Singapore. One way to build calf muscle is to do standing leg raises. Click the links below to see how the exercise is properly executed.Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Experienced Bodybuilder %26 Personal Fitness Consultant
Calf raises are good at building calf muscles, but calves in general are a hard muscle to build quickly. The high frequency method seems to work for a lot of people. Just do a couple sets of calf raises (go up on your toes and go back down. repeat.) whenever you remember to, maybe 2-4 times a day. Start slow of course, and work your way up. Stretch your calves daily as well, if you try the high frequency method.

How do i BUILD abdominal musicle?

ok i already have a flat stomache and im very lean and healthyalso you can kinda of see 6 seperate musicles on my absbut besides crunches what are some good exercises i can do NOT to lose fat and calories and such (you can include those though if they're good)
but to build up on what i already haveoh and so far i do 100 cruches a day about 5-6 times a week to get to this point for about 2 months and i think i need some change
I change up my abdominal exercises every other day or every two days depending on my training regime. Take a look at some of these and see what works best for you.
do more cruches
You need to increase the amount of crunches that you do every week. Also try adding weight to stomach area while doing sit-ups.
do crunches...body bridges, sit ups, go to your local gym and use machines that work the abs
Try different types of crunches to get the definition you want in your abs.

How do i become motivated to loose weight?please help!?

i want to lose 10 pounds, how do i become motivated and be able to stick to a diet?
Do it with a friend. See who can lose it faster(safely of course)
when you find out the "secret" please let me know =) LOL!!
Maybe this will motivate you... people who are overweight can't do the things everyone else can do, like even ride the good roller costers at amusement parks. You will become more and more overweight, you will probably develop arthritis in your knees and ankles, you will probably develop breathing problems like asthma if you dont already have it. You may develop diabetes, you may get high cholesterol, you my have a heart attach or a stroke. You may develop some or all of these problems when you are much too young, and they will lead to other health problems. If these things aren't motivation to lose weight, and if you can't become motivated yourself, nothing will make you motivated. If you do not want to lose weight, nothing you do will help you
Get a poster board and cut out pics from a magazine that show women that are fit that you admire and would like to have a body simular to! Look at that every morning and tell yourself you can do it! Drink lots of water, cut out all junk food! Sometimes people have "buddies" that can motivate but it can also have to oppisite effect as well. Stick to it and count on yourself!
Diets are tough and they can be very depressing because you feel deprived all the time. The best thing to do is to eat a healthy, balanced diet and incorporate exercise into your lifestyle. Try Cardio, Interval Training, Pilates or Yoga and you will be amazed at how much fat you can burn. Exercise not only burns excess fat, but it helps us feel rejuvenated and refreshed. It increases our energy level, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, strengthens our heart and lungs, eliminates depression, removes aches and pains, increases our immunity and ability to sleep, and reverses the aging process. It's a fabulous way to lose weight!
I would suggest a cleansing diet. I did this and lost 12 pounds and 17 inches in 9 days and then 28 pounds in about a month. I like the program since it works by giving your body nutrition through protein shakes with digestive enzymes and vitamins and then cleansing out the toxins. We get toxins in our bodies from pesticides, preservatives, water, pollution, medications, food additives etc鈥? These toxins enter our bodies and get coated with fat. To remove the extra fat, we need to get rid of the toxins through cleansing. The program also has a natural diet pill to help your metabolism and curb cravings. It works and it works fast. I lost 30 pounds in 5 weeks and I feel great. My skin has improved as well from the cleansing. You can get more info at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647. I think cleansing is really important to health and weight loss. Give it a try and good luck!

How do i become happier with myself?

well, i am not happy with my weight. i mean everyone is skinnier than i am and this may sound slutty but i dont get any attention from guys. i have been working really hard and i just cant seem to get my weight down so i look attractive in a bikini. can someone please help me!! oh i definately dont want to take pills... i just need to be happier with myself.
DONT TAKE PILLS! Whatever you do. I'm happy to see u arent falling into the trap of the diet pills. Let me tell you that you can lose all the weight in the world, and have a supermodel body...and still be unhappy. True happiness is more of a mental thing. It begins within. You have to work on your self worth and know that you mean way more than your jeans size.
In order to be happy with self you need to ACCEPT SELF. I don't understand do you want to lose weight to feel at eaze with yourself? or do you just want to feel good with yourself? because even if your fat you still can feel good about yourself. It is not healthy to be fat but it is healthy to feel good about yourself regardless. You need to learn how to accept yourself and be yourself regardless. You need to be you to be happy! follow your instincts. If you know having a piece of chocolate cake is wrong don't do it. follow your instincts.
You totally sound like me I started to read my Bible and listen in church it helps you and any guy who cares that much about weight should be killed. you sould nice. Pray to God some guy will come along just be yourself. (AND JUST FOR THE RECORD WHAT GIRL DOESN"T WANT THE ATTENTION FROM THE GUYS??!!)
Need a good chrch you can try/call mine:
(734) 697-7150
BereanBaptist and ask for the pastor.
Well you are probably beautiful but your insecurities are holding you back. Confidence is key, and it is very attractive. Have you ever noticed how some guys or women who aren't necessarily that physically attractive seem to get all the attention? Because they are secure about themselves. That bieng said, it's not easy to love yourself. I struggle with this all the time. You need to learn to accept who you are and try to tell yourself positive messages. The more positive you are, the more you'll believe it.
ok well im glad to hear that u are at least trying and wanting to be happy. as long as u have the right motive everything is gonna be alright. i think you should accept yourself the way you are, and if u think of loosing weight, do it for urself not for other people or just to be like the other girls (in a healthy way of course(excercise or healthy food) and just be urself, everyone is unique in their own way, if you are being urself you will find people who match ur characteristics and who will see the goodness in you. no matter what all these skinny girls look like, they are all following one image, and being different wll make you different in beautiful in your own way. keep your head up and don't let anyone bring u down. do what you love and what u feel is right for you, rather than trying to be someone else. im sure there is a lot of special things that u have and many of those girls dont.
you should think of yourself as a good and wealthy man or woman

How Do I Become a Certified Personal Trainer?

I want to get certified as a personal trainer, what do I have to do? How long are the courses? What are the courses? What does it take to get hired at a gym?
There's quite a few certifications, but the most recognized two are NASM and ACE certifications. You can even take a course online with NASM. gyms will not hire you without a certification (mostly because you can't get insurance without the certification). Bally used to hire personal trainers without certifications if you were in the process of getting one. You do, however, also have to have your CPR certification.
You need to find a college that offers that degree program and then enroll in that college. If you are still in high school then see your guidance counselor and they can give you info about which colleges offer this degree. If you are already out of school then research it on the web and then start emailing the colleges for their information brochures.
There are diploma programs that range from 6 months all the way up to 2 years available at colleges. However you can also get certified by various personal training schools in much less time.You can get a lightweight certification that will have you working in a gym in three months time. But if you want to make a career out of personal training you should really invest in a program that will adequately prepare you.There is a list of personal training programs at the link below.

How do I acquire a "superhero" physique?

I work out 4 days a week. 3 days I run 20 min treadmill (non-stop, no walking or cheating) and do free weights. I eat OK. Any tips? I wanna get more "cut".
u need to be bitten by a spider
How much do you weigh? If you don't have any muscle to begin with, cutting will just make you look scrawny.
lift more weight, push cars. do some boxing, drink protein shakes.
why do you wanna look like a superhero girl really don't like that only the shallow ones that -believe me- are not worth your time?
I eat Mega Mass 4000 right out of the jar.

How do i achieve lighter skin?

I'm filipino and probably a mix of anything else i dont know about. I have medium colored skin. It's not to light, and its not waay dark. Its weird though how my face is lighter than my skin. My face is like light brown while my arms and legs are med. brown. However, my feet is the same color as my face. Is it just tans? If so, how do i get lighter? Are there any products i can purchase [14 years old] that wont cost waaay to much? Also, i'd rather buy them at a store instead of online so if you guys know a store that i can go to that would be very helpful. Especially in the San Jose. So yeah, i'd really appriciate some advice on having lighter skin. Or what i can do to make it lighter. okay, thanks!
White people spend a lot of money trying to get darker skin and you've already got it!
There's not a lot you can do when your ethnicity causes you to have naturally darker skin. If you want your skin to appear lighter, go buy a salt scrub and use it in the shower every other day to slough off your dead skin cells, and always wear sunblock, and NEVER go tanning. That's really the best you can do.

How do i accomplish this?

lose weight (fat) without building alot of muscle. i dont like the rock hard look but i dont want to end up flabby. please help.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Definitely do cardio/aerobics 30 minutes 4-5 times a week. About 3 times a week do stregnth training with light weights, you can get an aerobic DVD that uses weights, 2-5 pounds is just enough to tone your muscles without bulking up.
start sniffing coke
There is this great website. They help you with basically any fitness goal your looking for. You can ask them for help. Its a very nice community to get someone started into a healthy lifestyle.
The website its free and really neat.

How do I juice beetroot?

I have only ever eaten tinned beetroot, so I don't know how to juice fresh ones. I understand that you should always have it combined with other fruit and/or vegetable juices, never on its own. And I am also aware that I shouldn't consume too much. But I have never bought them and do not know where to start if I want to juice them. Do they need to be peeled or just washed? Do I put them through my juicer raw, as if it were an apple? Or, do I cook them first? If I need to cook them, how?
what you do is grab it with your hand and rub it... then you form you palm around up and jerk up an down.. when it gets hard it will start producing juice... good luck
First take a beet root and peel it.
Take 4 or 5 carrots and peel them.
Now put them together in a juicer.
You can add ginger if u wish. It will give extra taste.
Filter and drink.

How do high protein diets work?

Lack of carbs in the diet is quite simple. Protein burns slowly and keeps us full for longer. Carbs, and suger combine to tell the body to store fat. Protein does not do this. It actually takes the body in to keytosis, which makes us burn excess fat. It is suger and carbs that make us store fat. So high protein alone with tiny intake of catbs and no or very little sugar elliminates the triggers in the body to store fat. It actually tells the body to burn it for energy.
Protein is proven to build muscle. Although, too high of a protein diet is bad for your kidney. It causes a buildup of toxic ketones. So-called ketogenic diets can thrust your kidneys into overdrive in order to flush these ketones from your body. As your kidneys rid your body of these toxic ketones, you can lose a significant amount of water, which puts you at risk of dehydration, particularly if you exercise heavily.Don't get me wrong, protetin coupled with a workout will build muscle, but too high of a protein intake is dangerous.

How do bodybuilders keep such a clean diet?

im a bodybuilder..its hard work...well first between big competitions we put a lot of weight on..but doesnt mean we eat junk...we just eat more of what we already do gotta have the desire..the will...focus...pride and most importantly dedicated!!
Desire.It's not so hard once you get used to it.
misconception...body builders put on a lot of weight in between competition because they have to build the muscle. This requires lots of calories to work out.They cut weight before competition by starving and dehydrating themselves.
strong will, and sometimes, they have to coz its their job...
Lots of discipline. Eating right and with a trainer. I think it also has to be will or mind. their will to build over their want to eat other stuff! Stay Strong!
Discipline.They eat clean food.
clean. have you checked their cholersterol level latley. Amino acids and protiens are the Diet. Plus with the mix of creatine or other muscle builders. Not a diet at all. You will eat raw eggs, steaks, potatoes, tons of starches, and proteins. It's not clean at 1st LOL. Takes the body time to get used to this. Once you are on a shedule then ur ok. But they watch their blood presure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and more to make sure everything is okay. whoa bilibob, im just saying that lots of proteins and starches help bulk up muscle.

How do anabolic steroids build muscle?

how exactly do anabolic steroids work. I understand that they are testosterone, but how does that make muscles grow bigger
Test in the blood stream is absorbed by cells. The test connects via receptor sites. The cell is then activated and ready to perform specific functions. In muscle cells, it promotes production of protein (more muscle).Each cell has a certain number of receptor sites. If all the receptor sites in all cells fill up, extra steroids increases the likelihood of side effects.
Well for starters, they take away muscle pain and give you extra strength which lets you work out longer and hard. When you push much weigh and do it twice as many times you are damaging the muscle tissue, is essence shocking it, which make it want to repair itself. Then the steroid helps the muscle to recover which makes it grow much faster.
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , they gave my aunt a free trial of Hoodia, a free diet guide, and a free recipe booklet. She only paid $7.99 shipping and handling.

How do a choose an elliptical machine?

there are so many options to choose from. I don't want to spend a lot. basically, which type would get me the best value for my money.
Here's a consumer guide for reviews and price comparisons. more ecomomical one will feel less sturdy than the ones at the gym. But it will still serve it's purpose.
Check out my buyer's guide for ellipticals. It should help you sort through the incredibly huge number of elliptical choices out there.There are so many different ones out there by a large number of companies and they tend to all look the same. Two of the most important factor (other than price) are weight of flywheel and length of stride. The heavier the flywheel, the smoother the ride, and the longer the stride the more comfortable.-The Treadmill Sensei

How do you call a meal which include a little from each of the six groups?

well balanced
but there are only 5 food groups
A T.V. Dinner.
isn't there only 4 food groups, and it would be a well rounded meal.
Duh, balanced?

How dO i gain weight usingcarnatioinstantbreakfast?

You are not going to gain weight with a single product until you get rid of the stress in your life. Once that is going, and stress is no longer reducing your appetite and eating up calories, you will gain weight by eating food high in far (check the side of the product to see how many grams of fat each has.

How difficult is it for teenagers to lose weight?

im 15.
140 lbs and 5 ft 5.
i need to get down to 120 lbs for ballet. shall i follow the same diet guidelines as adults or what?help!
as much info as possible please!
Yes, follow the same guidelines as adults. Try not to deprive yourself of food either. Set weekly goals that are attainable and in three months, it shouldn't be a problem.
It should be the same as adults. Just don't starve yourself, your bones are still developing.
Quit drinking sodas, drink more water, quit eating sugar, and exercise daily
You can get away with following the same guidelines that adults SHOULD follow, and I don't mean fad diets.Stop drinking sodas, even diet sodas. Try to drink 8 to 10 8oz. glasses of water a day.Eat smaller portions and try to get a good mix of carbs, protein and fat.

How did you lose your weight??

I lose my weight by doing a combination of weight lifting and cardio exercise. I also changed my diet. Diet is a major part of staying healthy and keeping weight off. I stopped eating fast food, french fries, ice cream, pies, etc. I stopped drinking sodas and cows milk. I now drink my vegetables (juice extractor) and I switched to soy milk. I also drink a lot more tea nowI stopped eating so much fried food at home, and I also stopped eating beef. I eat chicken and fish, although chicken has been shown to have some nasty stuff in it too.Little changes here and there can make a big difference. The most important thing is to stop eating fast food and get some regular exercise in your life.
Weight Watchers.
I stopped eating fast food and drinking regular soda and i lost 10 lbs in less than a month.
im not fat but how to stay skinny is by not eating the obv like chocolate bread and potatoes eat more of meat as this builds up muscle
I started eating more homemade foods...My own. =D
And I went out to parks to play sports with my sister and friends. I lost 20 pounds so far.It works for me.
Good Luck.
By following 1200calorie/day healthy vegetarian diet, lots of exercise, drinking lots of water and sticking to it!
i starved myself for a while, well i didnt completely starve myself, i just ate once a day, and i didnt eat after 6
i lost 30 pounds the first 4 months, after that i started eating normally and just didnt eat after 6, i lost another 5 pounds, and i have managed to keep my weight the same sincei was 5'7" and 175 pounds in July of 2006
now i am 5'7" and 140 pounds in May of 2007

How did you lose the weight and keep it off?

I've lost around 30 lbs and it's been two years since, and I've managed to keep it off. I just want to know what everyone else is doing to keep theirs off because I hope never to gain mine back! I eat healthier and smaller portions but I'm still addicted to cookies and cake and would love to feel that as long as I keep exercising, the bulge won't be back...but, that might not be the case.
I've lost 48lbs in alittle under a year. The biggest thing is eliminating all simple sugars from the diet. I do treat myself once a week to something like milkshakes and waffles. The rest of the days I eat all low glycemic carbs, alot of protein, and plenty of healthy fat (EFAs). I always make sure to workout at least 3 days a week, both weights and cardio. If you stay away from things with simple sugars long enough, they won't taste that good when you have eat them thereafter. I can't eat more than 2 chocolate chip cookies without getting a stomach ache. Our bodies weren't made to process simple sugar.
dont eat mc.donalds
only thing i eat is soda crackers, and drink water
bulimia helps.
You can get more tips from my site, hope you find useful
It's okay to splurge every once in a while. The trick is to keep on weighing yourself regularly. Keep exercising. Watch the portions. And if you gain a pound or two, you know how to take it off. Just don't let it get to be 10 or 20 pounds, because you remember how hard that was to lose.
Lots of water plenty of sleep and exercises, I was almost 300 pounds 2 yrs ago I now weigh 170, I do not eat any red meat only fish and greens and fruit and drink alot of water and walking daily there are free exercises on the web they work good luck
To maintain this weight you can substitute a shake and tea for one chewable meal this shake and tea contains all the nutrients your body needs. to find out more email me at
Confused by the huge amount of weight loss supplements being sold? you know how effective are your weight loss diet pills?Purchasing a weight loss supplement without research and the facts can amount to throwing your hard earned money out the window. There are hundreds of weight loss products online today. With all of the hype, it's impossible to tell which products are based more on marketing hype rather than true effective solutions.That's why we researched and continuously investigate which diet pills really work. Here's a list of the top eight most effective diet supplements being used by people like you, safely trying to lose weight:
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
i follow this every day of my life

HOw did you keep trim after quitting smoking?

Besides exercise and eating healthy?
Any detox system, herbs or something that kept your metabolism higher to maintain a lower weight?
And anything to help curb appetite
Green tea. Walking u can't escape it . It helps alot.
start jogging I did
Take some vitamins
You already answered your own question. Diet and exercise. Supplements are a joke. Use your own will power.
Consume fewer calories than you are burning.
Sadly I didn't keep the weight off, but I have been smoke free for 7 years now.
I did it with Zyban, took 2 tries, nothing else worked.
My dad gained quite a bit of weight when he quit smoking. He lost all of the weight naturally just by doing the ol' eating healthy and exercise plan. No supplements other than a daily multivitamin. this info helps.
you were able to quit?? WELL DONE!
Well I never quit smoking, or even started for that matter, but I can still help you. Make sure to get in a t least an hour of exercise a day, it will make you feel(and look) GREAT! Also make sure to eat your fruits and vegetables, and yes I know I sound like your mother! If you want to stay full all day have spinach in your breakfast somehow, I usually do a spinach and tomato omelette. But studies prove that eating spinach early in the day helps to curb your appetite for the rest of the day. Good Luck and Congratulations on quitting. . . GREAT choice!
Choose products sweetened with splenda or any sugar substitute, eat whole wheat bread because it takes more calories to process the ingredients than white bread does, tuna, eggs, fish, lean meats, and eat smaller portions...junk food, you know, chips, and candy. If you limit your intake of carbs, which are processed into sugars, the excess of which is stored as fat, it is very possible to not gain weight. Just eat healthy.
There are so many appetite suppressants on the market, its a crap shoot, I keep sugarless hard candies handy. They are really tasty, last a long time, and satisfy my taste for sweets.
i dont know what you have to do to keep trim, but i just wanted to tell you " good choice on quitting the smokes! you did all of us and yourself a favour!

How did u lose your weight?

What was the best way that u ever lost weight? Was it hard and how much and how long did it take you? Thanks in advance !
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:) i lost about 40lbs.
Weight Watchers...I lost quickly on the "points" system...about 30 pounds in 6 months. I kept it off, too!Good luck...
i weighed 123 and i'm down to 115 in about 3 months. it was slow, but that's because i didn't want to crash diet. i started to go to the gym (drag friends along - it's easier that way) and eat smaller portions more often, drink more water and tea.
well, that worked for me. But after a certain plateau (like where I am now) its hard to lose those last few vanity pounds.. at least for me.
When I lost about ten pounds or so, I wasn't really aiming to lose weight, but this is what I did: Every day after school, I went jogging for about 30 minutes long distance. I also restricted my intake of junk food, and drank lots of water. I had subtle visible results within a month.
i ran did excersies ate right went on a vegetarian diet jus went outside alot
The only thing that has EVER worked for me was counting grams of fat. I allowed myself 35 a day and lost weight but when it started slowing down, I allowed myself 30, then 25, and eventually 20. I lost 25 lbs like that.
I weighed 120 pounds in 2 months I lost 10 pounds. What I deid is I never ate lunch and I ran every morning. I dont think it was a smart idea not to eat lunch but it sure helped
Only eat when you're hungry. Stop eating when you're not hungry as opposed to when you're stuffed full.Works for me. No exercise required.
eat less and dont eat junk
I just stopped eating junk food and walking places, such as instead of the supermarket close to me (which I dislike), I now walk to the other a mile away. Every little helps.
I lost 45 pounds on Atkins...took about a year...maintained for three years doing a variation on Atkins...low sugar but added whole wheat bread and more fruit to my diet. Started to gain a little back so now I am doing weight watchers on line and have lost 10 pounds...I also exercise every other day...either use my elliptical, walk or go ice skating...I take it one step at a time and have learned to take it slow...the weight will come is hard for me some days, but I really like being back in the smaller sizes again!
Cardio exercise... walking, treadmill, elliptical machine!
well i skip lots of meals but i take vitamins so i stay healthy

How did u achieve your weight loss?

I would like to know what your best way to lose weight was? Details on how hard it was or how easy and how much you lost?
I have always had the hardest time loosin weight but one day I just decided I was goin to not go on a "diet" but change my lifestyle. I started eating healthy and counting allll my calories (use, its great!). I used to hate exercising but now i work out all the time. Once you get into the routine of things it is soooo much easier than you could imagine. Good luck!
Count calories and exercise. There are no shortcuts.
Excersise and eat healthy simple as that
Just make a commitment to your health and stick with it. Some days will be easier than others.
Exercise and plenty of it, but start slow, depending on age and weight . Don't buy junk foods to keep around the house the won't stay. Look for healthy foods and drink plenty of water. It's hard to drink to much.( but possible)
I did it with this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well.
Clean up your diet, weight train.
I switched from drinking regular soda to diet-soda's instead and started to go out for a run a couple of times per week. Nothing happened for the first few weeks but then it just started to melt off me. I'm at my ideal weight now.
WEIGHT WATCHERS! I admit that at first i thought it was going to be a waste of time..but honestly it worked fast and it was so easy because you still get to eat some food that isnt that great for dont have to starve yourself.and results start to show long before you even start exercising. I lost 28 pounds in the first month, and that was before i started working is so easy to stick to and ive kept the weight off for 4 years now.without exercise.and i still get to have mcdonalds or KFC whenever i want to. I recommend it to anybody wanting to lose weight, whether it is a little or a lot
This was what I did a few years ago to lose weight1. No eating past 4 or 5 pm
2. No junk food
3. 1 hr of tae bo or 30 minutes of treadmill or eliptical (6 days a week)
4. 4 or 5 cups of fresh brewed green tea a day
5. No fried food, cheese, or potatoes.I had two meals a day - once in the mid morning and once around 4 or so. You're going to feel extremely hungry not eating after 4, but your body will get used to it after a couple of days. I lost about 30 pounds with this diet.
I am still not at my weightloss goal, but i am quickly aproaching it. i changed my eating habits from 3 meals to 8 smaller ones. i also go to the gym 5 times a week and include at least 30 mins of cardio ( best to mix it up). i take supplements, they are not magic pills but simply aid in weightloss. i also include a cheat meal once a week. this makes it feel as if i am not dieting, b/c i truely am not sucking weight. in the last 2-3 months i've lost over 17 pounds. i started at 201 and currently at 183.5 and still dropping. it is not water weight, and i have made significant muscle gains as well. I believe the only thing one needs is dedication to truely make it to the gym.
I got a job that was much less stressful and much more active. I watched what I ate (how much and what kind of whatever) and drank more water. I walked for 45 minutes every morning before breakfast. I read everything I could about weight loss and diet and used the things that worked for me. it was fairly easy to lose the weight. I eat several small meals a day, so I'm never hungry and I allow myself one meal a week where I eat what I want, whether it's "healthy" or not.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:) i lost about 40lbs

How did u achieve your weight loss?

I would like to know what your best way to lose weight was? Details on how hard it was or how easy and how much you lost?
Alright... ready for this!? lol...I do boxer conditioning with a great friend of mine. I love boxing, and my friend is hilarious, and ya. One thing that really helps me is having a friend who is really healthy - she motivates me and since we spend lots of time together I'm healthier now because of it. For example, when she grabs a grilled chicken whole wheat pita, I do too!Another thing, my man just got back from being at a different university than me this year. So... while he was gone I decided to join boxing, eat healthier more often in smaller portions, ect. because I wanna suprise him when he gets back! I made a decision to change my lifestyle.And it's paid off! A month ago I wore a belt that I hadn't wore for months --- I had to CREATE a new hole to wear it! And now (it's been 4 months roughly since I began my health craze) ALL my clothes are falling off me. I needed to go shopping BADLY because as of late I looked rediculous --- and I just found out this past weekend that I've gone down from a size 7-9 to a size 5.I feel better when I work out, and the healthier foods I eat the more I crave them instead of other things. Whenever I crave sugary sweets, I turn to really sweet fruit like grapes and oranges (after all, most candies ARE fruit flavoured). When I crave something sweet and salty, I go for a small bowl of cereal. Slowly but surely, by eating healthier, you won't crave junk anymore. Also, I didn't limit myself! Weed out the junk, don't try to stop automatically because that will result in binging. I didn't straight up expect to not eat junk ever again, but tried to be more cautious, and eventually it weeded itself out. Here's an example - I still live at home, so during the day I eat lots of fruits and veggies and whole wheats because I know that at supper time I'm not the cook and I'll have small portions of whatever the family is eating. I also treat myself once a week to whatever I've been craving and I've come to find that as of late, I haven't been craving junk that much at all.I also find that listening to Headstrong by Trapt and Paralyzer by Finger Eleven when working out works wonders too... :DSorry if this is a little long, but to sum things up --- I've changed whites to browns, been eating lots of fruits and veggies, been eating 4-6 small meals a day and have been drinking a lot of water and tea. As for being easy --- it's gradually gotten easier. As for how much I've lost --- I'm not too sure. All I know is that the shape of my body is now bikini ready when before it wasn't, my love handles have disappeared, and I've gone down in sizes.
i dont eat that much ...well im not gonna eat at all or just exersise and eat healthy
I am sure you have heard this 1,633,432 times but I will say it again. DIET AND EXERCISE. You cannot do one with out the other an expect significant results. I started off with the South Beach Diet and lost 25 lbs. in about 4 months. It was hard at the beginning but then got easy. I put a little back down, but now I am back down to the same weight with some minor tweaks.Diet info from -- are good diet tips:
* Eat more fiber. Fiber gives you a satiated feeling, helping you to curb food cravings. It also keeps your colon healthy, and aids in proper digestion. Research has shown that obesity puts you at higher risk for colorectal cancer, primarily due to a low-fiber, high-calorie, processed food diet. Incorporate ground flax seed in smoothies, soups, and favorite cereals to increase your fiber intake.
* Skip the low-fat food products. Most of the low-fat, processed foods in grocery stores are typically high-carb foods that are loaded with sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners, and synthetic fat substitutes. Many of these ingredients cause weight gain, rather than reduce it. Read more about food ingredients.
* Add virgin coconut oil to your diet. The natural saturated fat in virgin coconut oil can help stabilize blood sugar levels, facilitate proper thyroid function, and aid in weight loss.
* Eat more vegetables and fruits. Not only are they a good source of fiber, but they contain many naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary for maintaining optimal health and weight. Watch out for fruit juices, they often contain added sugars that can increase your calorie intake dramatically. Opt for water, or diluted fruit juice (three quarters water and one quarter juice).
* Don鈥檛 skip breakfast. Fasting activates the starvation response, slowing your metabolism and increasing the chances that excess fat will be stored to fuel your nutrient-depleted body. Studies now show that women who eat cereal for breakfast maintained their weight better than those who skipped breakfast. The plus of whole grain cereal is that it is a low-calorie, fiber-rich food.3 Obese people tend to lack necessary fiber in their diets.
* Eat frequent meals. Eating five to six small meals throughout the day helps to speed up your metabolism. On the other hand, eating large meals only once or twice a day will actually slow down your metabolism.Exercise tips -- Start off slow and light, if you go to hard to begin you will get sore and be prone to take days off. Mix it up, jog some days, walk others, play tennis, play racquetball, lift weights occassionally, do pilates, yoga, stretch. Keep your body guessing and you will never become bored with your routine.
Quite simply burned more calories then i consumed, it's the only way, how you go about doing that is up to you and the more choices you have the more chance you will fail. 93% of dieters not only fail weight loss they gain it all back and more, they try to complicate weight loss with fancy tips
and soups and supplements when in reality it comes down to a few things.1) A calorie deficit diet using clean foods.
2) An effective form of cardiovascular excercise performed daily.
3) PersistancePart 3 is where they fail, you have to want to change and want to keep it off, its a lifestyle change and no easy feat, fat loss is one of the hardest tasks you can do, mentally, physichally and emotionaly taxing. People who lose too fast ruin theyre metabolism and end up gaining weight back very easily. You can safely lose up to 2lbs a week. Keep it simple. GL.
eat 15 days protin diet and eat 15 days crbohidrate diet,eat more and more vegetables, drink 3 litres of water everyday. walk atleast 2 hours a day.have your meal in will loose 05 kg of your weight in a month.i also did the same and my weight is also reduced.

How did Tom Hanks lose all that weight for Castaway movie?

Obvious (i.e. he stopped eating) and ridiculous responses, don't waste my time.
Why would you ask not to get dumb responses you know your going to get themUHHHHHHHHHHH He stopped eating so much and worked out He for damn sure didn't do it sitting on the computer on ByeDr.coms
It doesn't matter HOW. What matters in losing weight is MOTIVATION.. and he had MILLIONS of reasons to lose weight. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
I heard he had his brother fill in for a lot of scenes. He also did this for a lot of the running scenes in Forest Gump. It was hard to tell because both characters were bearded and/or wearing a baseball cap.Somewhat related: It's rumored that Christian Bale lost 1/3 of his body weight for The Machinist by eating a can of tuna a day with an apple.
They didn't film the entire movie all at the same time. They gave him time off to lose the weight and then finished filming
I actually heard on this little HBO movie preview thingy that they heard he got several lipsuctions done during the filming of the movie.
probably starvation diets "not agood way toloose weight"have you seen him sinse he has put it back on .
He was that small to begin with... they began at the end and ended at the beginning... he actually gained weight during its filming.
Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little "help" so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at , they give you a free trial of Hoodia, a free diet guide, and a free recipe booklet. You only pay $7.99 shipping and handling.

How did Ricki Lake recently lose weight?

I saw somewhere that she is a size four now.
Gastric Bypass Surgery.
strict diet and exercise? Maybe...
She used weight watcher. She was on The View last week and that is what she said she used. She DID NOT have surgery.
Yes she has lost weight off her ear lobes who gives a **** about her.
she had her stomach stapled
Yea, she looks GREAT! Her method is in this week's Us Weekly (in newstands today, I believe). Check out the link.

How did Ricki Lake lose all that weight?

I'd love to know that answer . I use to watch her talk show but one day it was replaced .
If u want to lose weight faster.
You should learn more information.
Uncorrect method can make
you tire and waste lots of time but do not lose weight.There is a Calorie calculate programe Daily Calorie Calculate
%26lt;-- Loss CalculatorIn
%26lt;-- Loss CalculatorKg
%26lt;-- Calorie Calculate
%26lt;-- Needs Calculator
%26lt;-- CalculatorKg
%26lt;-- CalculatorIn
%26lt;-- want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)There are some ideas for losing weight
It lists a great many information such as1. How to Drop Pound-Packing Habits ;
2. Diet-Busting Foods That May Surprise You ;
3. How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds ;
4. Rev Up Your Metabolism ;
5. Lighten Up Your Favorite Recipes ;
6. Healthy Snacks for Your Diet ;
7. Portion Distortion ;
8. Starting a Successful Diet ;
9. Related Guide: How to Eat Out on a Diet ;
10. Watch Out for these Diet Danger Zones ;
11. The Art of Healthy Snacking ;
12. Managing Your Hunger ;
13. Test Your Portion Size IQ ;
14. Can a High-Protein Diet Help You Lose Weight? ;
15. The Skinny on Diet Scams -
16. Can Fad Diets Work? ;
17. The 3-Hour Diet 2
18. Choosing a Weight Loss Plan ;
19. 5 Weight Loss Myths ;
20. Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals ;
21. Ready to Lose Weight? ;
22. How Many Calories Should You Eat? ;
23. Do You Really Need to Lose Weight? ;
24. Calculate your daily calorie needs ;
and so on
It give you more information.
she did it the old fastion way diet and exercises and watching her portions.

How did junk food become known as a ''treat''?

when all it does is clog up your arteries,make you addicted,leaves you with no energy.....
Early childhood ! Mom " Here honey, have a cookie" Child smiles and stops crying and it then begins, food becomes a comfort food in bad or emotional situations.Please remember the following about food as comfort food: When anxiety, fear, loneliness, anger, guilt or any uncomfortable emotion becomes too difficult to control, food provides a powerful distraction.Food changes the chemical balance in the body. some foods increase endorphin levels, which in turn creates a sense of happiness or contentment. We associate being full with comfort. Fullness increases comfort, which counteracts negative emotions. And if a person eats past fullness to discomfort, the physical sensation distracts the mind from other problems. Eating also takes time, time that might otherwise be spent thinking negative thoughts.Of course, afterwards, we feel guilty and then go on a new diet or fast or get involved in a heavy exercise routine to try and fix the heavy load of calories consumed. But what most of us find out is that this is a continual cycle that will appear again in hours,days,weeks or maybe even months from now.Have a great day.P.S. To some, the comfort food, no longer becomes just a treat but a medication used to handle life difficult moments.
Exactly why it should be a treat - something you shouldn't eat so often
I think when we were kids we were offered these (treats) to be good at the dentist or Drs. office
a chippy tea was only had on a Friday cos people were a lot poorer before now so that's why it became known as a treat also i spose the wife who was cooking washing and drying the dishes thought of it a a day of rest too so therefore it would certainly be a treat for her to have nothing to do that day.the fact we eat junk and takeaways everyday has made it a far more unhealthy option and definately not a treat these days but more a luxury
v true - like saying treat yourself to a heart attack! lol! xx
ever since it started tasting so good!
because it tastes good, or at least it used to. Also there are no huge corporations that make big profits on getting people to eat oranges.
dunno. i think people started eating it because the could get it quick and easy and one thing lead to another. now people like it cause it tastes good (i dont think its that nice). its gross the way you see people stuffin their faces with the stuff. rubbish everwhere. it taste good but its soo bad 4 u. i think its just stoopid
Answer #1 has it right. You learn that it isn't okay to eat junk food all the time. It is okay within reason but shouldn't be consumed daily. There isn't a Md in the world that would say that you can't have junk food every once in a while. It is only damaging when it is the primary food intake.
It used to be a treat. It became Junk food when people started to abuse it and consume mass quantities of it.
its become known as a treat because it was marketed that way by tv probably and families and friends.
It contains lots of fats and salt which add flavor to food.

How could i lose weight? im 16, 5'7", and weigh 220.?

I do at least 110 sit-ups a day and i jog for about an hour on weekdays, I'm 16 / 5'11" / 220lb drink nothing but water, drink a shake containing fruits and oatmeal for breakfast, i only eat salads from fast food restaurants, when i can i eat a cup of low fat yogurt. nothing happens to my weight..please tell me what i should or should not be doing, What should i do to help me lose weight?!? ,
Switch up your cardio as your body is probably now used to what you have been doing
Try Susan Powter's exercise videos, they worked great for my sister. It is very controlled exercising and works well. And as long as you keep eating right you should have success. Good luck.
1- go to the doctor to see if there is something wrong .
3-eat (small amount)of every thing you eat it usually.
4-no (cola,fast food)
5- eat 4 mails at day (small amount) .
6- keep this program as your life program (important)
How fast do you jog? you might need to bump it up a notch. What else is in that shake? when you get the salads at the fast food rest do you cover it with high fat dressing?
This is what needs to happen. You need tostart a diary. Write down everything that goes into your mouth for a week. And I mean EVERYTHING. Don't lie to yourself, it won't help you lose weight. You are probably consuming calories you don't even realize. The situps won't help you lose weight they will only help you tone your stomach muscles. In order to burn fat you need cardio. Get a heart rate monitor and make sure you're jogging fast enough to elevate your heart rate.

How could i lose the most weight between now and June 9th?

I'm 5'9 female large frame and about 175. I would like to lose 20 but whatever i could lose in a month would be good.What foods should i eat, exercise (I have a treadmill). Anything to help me get the best results.Thanks!!
You know. I think the biggest barrier to weight loss it inability to continue the weight loss regimen.My wife and I started taking walks every day. nothing else... no dietary changes, nothing. only taking 30-40 minute walks around the neighbourhood. My wife has lost 13-ish pounds over the last month... I've lost about the same. and I don't dread doing it... it's actually rather pleasant.So if you want to do other things, I'm sure it would help... but if you just get in a habit of walking, you'll be amazed at how well it works after a few weeks.
Go out and exercise instead of sitting in front of your computer all the time ! Also, try eating wafers for breakfast %26 dinner, then water cress for lunch. Cut out all that junk food. You go girl !!!

How could I lose a few inches on my hips and waist?

I need to lose 6 inches to enlist in the Army. I run almost every day, but there isn't any results. I've actually gained weight. How can this be? Now I'm just getting frustrated. A few years ago I could lost weight fast, but now I have two kids.
I use and recommend the Cinch Inch Loss Plan. It's powered by leucine, an essential amino acid that travels directly to muscle to signal protein synthesis. It helps your body preserve muscle mass while you lose weight and inches from fat. On most diets, you lose muscle as well as fat. When you lose muscle, you lose some of your body's ability to burn fat and your metabolism drops.I was on the plan for three weeks and lost 10 lbs., 4 1/2 inches from my waistline, and 2 1/4 inches from my hips.It's very healthy and easy to follow.Hope this is helpful and feel free to contact me with questions.
well one reason can be is if you eat fast foods than that might be the reason, or if you don't eat lots if salads than ya...
Muscle weighs more than it could be that ur gaining muscle rather than getting fatter!
You have to change you eating habits do not add salt to foods cut back on those which contain large amounts of salt. Stick with veggies and fruits low fat meat (no red meat). Drink plenty of water. Eat at least 5 times per day small meals. Don't workout too hard take it slow stay in your HR zone. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat and you will gain before you lose due to muscle mass. Whatever you do, do not quit.
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