
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do I cut down on carbs?

I looked at my daily analysis and I have an awful lot of carbs.Date:2007-05-03
Calories: 756
Grams: 1246 (100%)
Fat: 3 grams (3.7%)
Carbs: 149 grams (79.1%)
Protein:19 grams (10%)Right. And I'll probably post my menu too.BreakfastPears 139 grams 81 calories
wheatcakes 10 grams 34 calories LunchSpaghetti - Cooked, plain 250 grams 353 calories
Ketchup 20 grams 19 calories
Diet Coke 500 ml 2 calories

DinnerSpaghetti - Cooked, plain 70 grams 99 calories
Sugar 3 grams 12calories
Tang (a drink) 50 ml 13caloriesSnacksApples 212 grams 110 calories
wheatcakes 10 grams 34 calories

Total Calories Consumed: 756I know the calorie total is a tad low, and I'm working on that. But what concerns me is that I have about 80% carbs.
Any idea how to cut down on that?
Cut out the spaghetti, first of all, have green veggies and chicken. Use Splenda in your Tang instead of sugar.
well this diet works . . but ive been told that once you go on a low carb diet, you can never go back to eating carbs becaus eyour body looses some of the ability to convert them, so if you ever go back to eating carbs you get real big real fast, but if you want to still lower carb intake, pasta, potatoes, startchy foods, all bad, ive heard carrots are bad and tomatoes . . .but if i was you i woudl still eat fresh fruits and vegtables
Check out the zone diet. You can get a book. It's awesome! I've lost 35lbs!
Well, cut out the pasta and any flavored beverages. Anything that contains flour is something you should cut out. Try and drink only water (coming from me that is a huge task - I have a hard time doing that, but when I cut soda out entirely, I lost several pounds in only a couple of weeks). If you must have bread for sandwiches, try using low-carb mulitgrain wraps instead. The best thing, however, it start to diligenty read food labels and you'll start learning what is low carb and what isn't.
Switch one of your speghetti meals to some vegetables and fish or chicken. If you only eat spaghetti every meal You may turn into speghetti (advice from my grandmother)
Try sushi for lunch. Do you have it nearby ?Salmon, tuna and eel sushi contain approximately 200 calories per four ounce serving. The number is cut by half if the sushi uses Shrimp and octopus. That鈥檚 not including the nutrition that the fish holds, such as: B Vitamins, selenium and Omega 3 acids. Studies has proven that those omega 3 acids actually good for your health.Sushi is also a good lunch for those who are on weight loss diet due to the small servings size they are served.

How do I CrossTrain for Cross Country(3miles)?

I want to Cross Train this year but i dont know what to swim or bike,(i.e. how far do i swim?swim fast? bike for a long distance or bike in short circuts at high speeds) please help me out! if there's a website that might contain this info, please let me know! Thanks
Hi,I have been running for 15 years and have completed several marathons.As far as getting the same aerobic workout without the pounding,the ONLY machine or exercise that gave me the same heart rate and training as running was using a Precor elliptical trainer.You can do interval training on it as well.Go to and they have training regimes for people that are advanced in fitness level like you or I.Go to loved this machine so much at the gym I bought one for home!The man who invented this machine noticed that his daughter while running,ran in an ellipse.There are several studies that runner's that were injured and trained for months on a elliptical trainer showed no drop off in fitness and actually improved in some cases.

How do I continue running when I'm breathing hard?

Tomorrow I have to do the mile run in gym, and I want to get a good score. My endurance isn't that good.
Just pace yourself, don't go too fast. I run track and I have terrible endurance. To get your endurance up you really have to start training early.Goodluck!
If you're breathing hard you should perhaps slow down a little bit and catch your breath. It's better that you prepare for the race by getting good sleep, eating a good breakfast, and stretching before running. Try to run at a consistent speed the whole time instead of starting off very fast and then tiring yourself out.
Take the mile steadily and try to maintain your speed at a very mildly challenging, comfortable pace. If you concentrate on that, you'll finish before you know it, with a decent time. Its okay to breathe hard- its good for you, as long as you don't do it for TOO long... Good luck tomorrow
I have friend who told me that breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth helps, because your lungs expand more when you breathe through your nose. I've tried it, and it seems to help.
Remember that running for endurance has a lot to do with your mental strength. You could set little goals, like say, I just have to run to that post, and then when you get to the post, say, I just have to run around the corner... it's so easy to stop when you start to feel the pain and the burn... but if you can get past the mental block, you can do it.

How do I concentrate in school while dieting?

I am a college student who is trying to eat healthy and lose weight while restricting calories. I study EE which has lots of math and physics in it, so i eventually need some sugar and caffiene to concentrate for longer hours. How can I manage to quit eating sugards and caffiene. I do very well but I always fail when the first round of exams comes up.
next time you feel like having sugar or caffiene drink a bottle or glass of water instead.i did it for about 3 months. i had no soda, (but had one cup of coffee each morning) and just ate healthy the rest of the day and counted my calories and i lost about 20lbs in 3 months. i also worked out a lot (weights and running) while going to school and work.just tell yourself to have water instead of sweets. or have a decaf tea or coffee, etc.
Slowly ween yourself. Don't do it all in one day.
I'm assuming that by sugar, you mean sugar like in candy, etc. Try eating more fruit; it's a good source of fiber and has its own natural sugars.Coffee is actually good for you, though I think you're not supposed to have more than three cups a day. Like the previous answer, try to slowly wean yourself off the coffee. And maybe start taking it black to also cut back on sugar.
Simple sugar is aweful. Stick to low glycemic carbs, they will give you sustained energy. Have some oatmeal (not the instant kind) with some protein source.
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!

How do i care for a yorkie poodle?

i might be getting one and i dono wat to do so can sumone please help me prepare
Pretty much the same as for any puppy. Alot of patience, attention, paper towels and 409.Get a book about the specific breed too.
You need to go on the dog section here for better responses.

How do I calculate my biological age?

Please give simple, concise, clear bullet-point instructions.Thanks.
go to . You will anser a survey, which can be pretty lengthy. Based on your answers they will give you the age that you bosy is at.
what is biological age?

How do I burn fat in my face?

My face looks fat. It's kinda chubby, but I'm not fat or overweight or anything like that. Is there some way I can burn fat from my face? Thanks.
too bad that you are not fat or else its easier to expllain what yo should do. anyway, no offence and just kidding.
some of my beauticians fellow told me this, so hopefully it helps you..
take chewing gums everyday. you know lots available in the market so just pick the healthy one. chew and chew, its a natural exercise for your face.
secondly , spend some money to saloon whereby ask the beautician to do face massage for you. it may helps to tone up and face lift your face whereby your face would actually look tighter . that one can only do at least one or two times a week but still depend on your face features.
learn to do that by yourself, then its will be cheaper cos you can do it anytime as you like.
if you are fat, slim down can do cos your face will also slim down by itself.
LAStly, if you face is chubby by natural or its genetic in this way, just stay as it is. no need to change at all cos its very hard.
so, good luck and give it a try then . hope it helps
unfortunately you cannot target specific fat areas. Fat burns all over. Some people like myself have chubbier faces.
you can try up your head when jogging
Wear a light bronzer on your jawline and lower cheeks to make yourself look slimmer in the face. good luck
You just exercise and hope it comes off or you can get a liposuction,etc. (If your really desperate.) Anyway i would just exercise if i were you. Same with me.
chew alot of gum
you can't lose weight in a particular area. If you really want to lose the weight, than you have to diet and exercise. It might not come off the face though.
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